Obamite Protesters Removed for Blocking Sarah Palin’s Motorcade

According to a recent CNN report, NO ONE was arrested!

Of course, this comes on the heels of unconfirmed reports that someone shot out the window out of McCain’s Straight Talk Express bus with a .22 cal. gun.  Bet you didn’t hear much about that, did you?  Of course, we all know that had this happened to one of Obama’s vehicles, the Main Stream Media would have been all over the story with accusations of racism and decrying “those rednecks” who cling to guns and religion, etc., etc. – even if it was just an “unconfirmed report.”

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11 Comments on “Obamite Protesters Removed for Blocking Sarah Palin’s Motorcade”

  1. tgusa Says:

    Nice take down guys somebody from the NFL ought to contact them boys. However, I have a real problem with calling these people protesters. What are they protesting our fight against islamists? Islamists at this very moment are operating Hitler youth mini islamo ss camps. They are murdering people of all sorts world wide in the most gruesome of manners. So what do you call a person that supports this type of stuff, animal, monster, beast?

  2. Those were not protesters.

    I mean, come on! How dumb to you think our members are?

    What would be the point of slowing Palin down for a couple of minutes? (Especially when we know McCain-Palin could not possibly win an election anyway. Not without massive voter fraud.)

    That would be just so, so stupid. What kind of an idiot would do something like that!? Barack followers are not that stupid.

    I can’t sleep, worrying so much that Barack might be martyred! But whatever happens, it will be the will of Allah.

    – Shelley

  3. From CNN:

    “The protesters were members of a group called “Red Pill,” Smith said.

    A Web site that carried an announcement of the group’s planned protest urged supporters to show Palin “that we as a community say no to war, no to corporate cronyism, and no to four more years of Bush-style leadership.” It encouraged people to bring “drums, noise makers, and your strength.”

    That’s Obama’s central theme in his campaign.

    Give it up, Michelle. Those ARE Obamites!!!

  4. Umahmah Udahdi Says:

    What kind of idiot would put themselves in front of moving vehicles for a presidential candidate??!! I really am starting to believe that these people must have been hypnotized! I wish they would hurry up and wake up before they become a splat on someone’s windshield. Crazy leftards! (Hope you don’t mind me stealing your word, Doc)

  5. You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension — a dimension not of sight and sound but of delusion.

    It is the middle ground between bad and evil, between astrology and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his delusions.

    This is wondrous land of imagination — a land of both shades and shadows. It is an area which we call the Obama Zone.

  6. notalldum Says:

    This shows the type follwers Obama has. Immature radicals following a “Mature Radical”. When will they wake up to what Obama’s goal for our United States of America really is? I believe many watch and listen to only MSM news, and watch Obama’s lying campaign commercials (I want to ram my foot into TV screen when they show 3 during 1/2 hour prime time shows). They don’t search for truth. “Ignorance is bliss”?? Won’t be blissful when they lose freedoms and live under tyranny.


    The sad prt of youth following terrorist training is that they haven’t been raised by parents of good charcter who instilled moral values. It is sad these evil Demons of Satan brainwash them and change them from innocent children to murderous monsters (let’s not insult our animal friends by calling these
    evil doers animals). Those leaders will be accountable for all the havoc and destruction they cause – and the lives they’ve taken.

    My daily prayes to God are for strength to face whatever circumstances we are put in if Obama and his followers win and make their “changes” for America. It took longer than scheduled for commnism to infiltrate our country, but it is here now.

    In hindisght, the Immigration Department failed us. As many “beginnings” are for good purposes, letting any and all sorts of new immigrants into the country brought us many set to overthrow our government and take over. Failure to investigate each and every emigrant has caused groups of terrorists to enter and be free to hold meetings, recruit memberd, etc. Bringing immigrants to America was for good people to enjoy freedoms and have a new life in a Christian nation. Then the bad element started coming in. Not a good thing now. Same with unions – good for workers at first, but now too powerful and destroying businesses by unreasonable demands for higher wages, large benefits, etc. Those going on strike benefit no one but the union leaders. And the unions tell members how they are to vote – in this case they back Obama, so we know their agenda.

    If McCain followers would dare do what Obama followers do, MSM would scream “Foul”, as they’ve been doing anyway with McCain ads which tell the truth about Obama.

    We must stand together through these times of uncertainty. We can expect more persecution as Christians. Let it not be in vain.

  7. tgusa Says:

    This is proof that BDS, PDS, MDS, CDS and RDS are only symptoms of a greater affliction. Odinga’s rules. Obama for reichsfuhrer, err, president, whether you like it or not!

  8. Ronin Says:

    Hmmmm none of those cops looked like Obama supporters.

  9. az_conservative Says:

    Protests like this are NOT covered by the First Amendment.

    In AZ, we have stupid motorist law that says if you do something stupid (drive around flood barriers, mostly) and emergency services have to rescue your dumb ass, you get the bill for it. Why don’t we have a stupidity law in general that approximates that? These morons should get the bill for the resources used to deal with their ignorance.

  10. memaw Says:

    Doc: I tried to play this video and it says it is no longer available… How do I get to see it?

  11. Memaw,

    Thanks for letting us know. I have linked another copy of the video. You should be able to watch this one for a while, until the Obamites censor it, also.


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