Palin Talks About LA Times Hiding Video of Obama and Rashid Khalidi

Based on the fact that Sarah Palin has put this subject front and center in her campaign speech and FOX News’ recent activity on the subject, our allies over at HillBuzz are speculating that someone is about to release the video of Obama hangin’ out with his Palestinian friends and trash talking Israel:

Palin Questions Obama’s Support Of Israel
From CBS News‘ Scott Conroy:

(BOWLING GREEN, OHIO) Over the course of her two months on the campaign trail, Sarah Palin has accused Barack Obama of “palling around with a terrorist,” wanting to “wave the white flag of surrender to the terrorists” and has suggested that he doesn’t want to win the wars the United States is fighting. At a rally here this afternoon, she upped the ante even further by wondering aloud whether the Democratic nominee really supports Israel in the way he has repeatedly affirmed he does.

Palin’s impetus was a story published in the Los Angeles Times in April about a 2003 banquet, in which the then Illinois state senator spoke about his friendship with Rashid Khalidi, a former PLO spokesman and current Columbia University professor, who has a history of espousing views on Israel that many consider incendiary.

“And the twist here is that there’s a videotape of a party for this person, back in 2003, a celebration of him, and Barack was there, and we know some very derogatory things were said there about Israel and America’s support for that great nation,” Palin said. “And among other things, Israel was described there as the perpetrator of terrorism instead of the victim.”

Palin then insinuated that Obama might not support Israel in the way he says he does.

“What we don’t know is how Barack Obama responded to these slurs on a country that he now professes to support,” Palin said.

Over the chorus of loud boos from the crowd, Palin pointed out that the Los Angeles Times has refused to release the videotape of the banquet, which was explained in detail in the story that the newspaper published over six months ago.

“Maybe some politicians would love to have a pet newspaper of their very own,” she said. “In this case, we have a newspaper willing to throw aside even the public’s right to know in order to protect a candidate that its own editorial board has endorsed.”

Palin, who majored in journalism in college, went on to mock the LA Times and question its integrity.

“And if there’s a Pulitzer Prize category for excelling in kowtowing, then the LA Times, you’re winning,” she said.

After the controversy first started brewing on Tuesday, the newspaper issued a statement about its decision not to release the tape to the public.

“The Los Angeles Times did not publish the videotape because it was provided to us by a confidential source who did so on the condition that we not release it,” Russ Stanton, the paper’s editor, said. “The Times keeps its promises to sources.”

Clearly, Palin was not satisfied with the newspaper’s explanation that it is ethically required not to release the tape.

“It’s not too late, and if there is an ounce of credibility there, if the newspaper wants to keep that shred of credibility, let alone its dignity, than I say the public has a right to know,” Palin said. “Let’s go to the videotape, LA Times.”

Explore posts in the same categories: politics, Radical Islam

6 Comments on “Palin Talks About LA Times Hiding Video of Obama and Rashid Khalidi”

  1. Jamie Holts Says:

    Where did you get your blog layout from? I’d like to get one like it for my blog.

  2. notalldum Says:

    Think the same could work here as it did with Don Cooper on the backing of Obama?
    Actually, this is serious in that it affects our one ally in tthe middle east, and could be a threat to our own country.

    I’ll send an e-mail tonight, then phone tomorrow. Anyone with me?

  3. Ronin Says:

    Jamie you posted too many posts and the spam filter caught them all. We will release them when we get time, slow down and do not post more than a single link at a time.

    We have to be careful for some reason we get a few nuts around here.


  4. Gramfan Says:

    Gateway Pundit has the clip.

    Win,lose or draw Palin has a lot of intestinal fortitude. I hope enough people get to hear this before voting day.

    I hope they also realise the ‘code words’ for socialism we keep hearing from Obama like “community organiser” and “wealth redistribution” and what he really means by that.
    And now he wants a ‘civilian army’.
    Smart,snake-oil saleman.
    Heaven help us all.

  5. az_conservative Says:

    Could it be someone, maybe one of the people they’ve laid off recently, may have the tape and be holding it for another day or two? Maybe until after his infomercial so he can’t rebut it there? That woudl be good strategy…

    We’ll see. I’m with you notalldum. Sent email to the LA Times demanding they release the tape. I’ll try calling in the morning. Good luck to you!

  6. yonason Says:

    Have you heard that the Huffenpuff Pest, one of the rat holes of Leftist delusions, has published a hit piece saying McCain gave money to Khalidi?

    Well, if you do, you can debunk it by referencing the following…

    If you are prepared, and can hit them back immediately, which is much more effective than after a few hours or days.

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