13-Year-Old Conservative Speaks at CPAC

While the MSM has been busy with full-on damage control today—CNN made the mistake of broadcasting his speech on live television, Saturday—by mercilessly trashing Rush Limbaugh’s appearance at CPAC (mustn’t confuse any Libtards that may have found themselves in agreement with Rush – better keep reminding them that Rush was hooked on Oxycontin, has autism, etc. ), many seem to have missed this 13-year-old kid with more common sense and moxie than most 47-year-olds in office…  You know who you are, Barack:

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5 Comments on “13-Year-Old Conservative Speaks at CPAC”

  1. teach5 Says:

    13? Seriously? He’s so adept and articulate! If an immigrant can be president, I move that a 17-year old can be, too. That’s if we can get Jonathan to run in 4 years… here’s hoping!Brilliant young man. (As well as great parenting, I assume.)

  2. irishoaks Says:

    One excellent young man!

  3. az_conservative Says:

    What an incredible young man. A far better speaker than Obama will ever be.

  4. Akira Says:

    Check out this junior high teacher’s class website:


    Scroll down with barf bag handy.

    *** Resources:

    Obama, Assassination and the White Supremacist Threat

    *** 7th Grade: World Geography:

    Africa and Social Justice
    Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth (Global Warming)
    Amazon Land Conflict
    Andes: Machu Picchu (Inca Capital)
    Baghdad Hospital
    Bahia Street: Breaking The Cycle of Poverty and Violence Through Education
    Bosnian War Crimes [Rape of Muslims video from IslamicVideos.com]
    Che Guevara: Cuba, Bolivia and the United States
    Chernobyl (Made by Green Peace)
    Chernobyl Pictures: 20 Years Later
    Film: Empire in the Andes-War Against the Poor (Colombia)
    Giza Pyramids: Tourist Video
    HBO Film: White Light Black Rain: The Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    HBO Film: Yesterday (South Africa and AIDS)
    HBO Films: Too Hot not to Handle (Global Warming)

    *** Typical assignment:

    “The rock band White Stripes has a song that has the lyrics:

    “Well, Americans, what?
    Nothing better to do?
    Why don’t you kick yourself out?
    You’re an immigrant too?”

    a. What do you think the band is trying to say (hint: it is a message to people who are against illegal immigrants)?
    b. Do you agree or disagree with the message? Why? “

  5. az_conservative Says:

    Our education system is nothing more than a social indoctrination gulag, focused on psychobabble and “correcting” behaviors. Check out http://www.beverlye.com/position.html

    The stuff going on in schools is outrageous and scary.

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