Alfonzo: CPACkin’

Alfonzo gives us his report on the CPAC convention:

H/T – Catherine

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4 Comments on “Alfonzo: CPACkin’”

  1. Akira Says:

    Hard-hitting newsman D.L. Hughley:

  2. Akira Says:

    Captured Negro News entertainer: “The Republican Convention literally looked like Nazi Germany”

    The RNC’s Michael Steele appeared on CNN’s The DL Hughley Minstrel Show on February 28, 2009, along with the brooding presence of a Mr Chuck D, in an attempt to ingratiate himself with these Plantation Democrats.

    Steele be all conversatin’ ’bout he dun cum outta da projex n all dat shi’.

    Accordingly, Steele had no response when his brutha Dill Hughley, the racist host, in the midst of all his a-shuckin’ an’ a-jivin’ about Official Public Enemy Number One, Rush Limbaugh, and in an attempt to scare his fellow Negroes from expanding their political horizons, said:

    “The Republican Convention literally looked like Nazi Germany.”

    Note that in Dill’s fevered “thinking”, White = National Socialist Workers Party of Germany. If he wants to see real National Socialists, he should attend a Nation of Islam rally.

    Perhaps brutha Dill is auditioning to be the new Flava Flav, but here his objective is to make sure the Republican Party has less black members, so that then he can keep saying they must be racist.

    This is a typical terror strategy. For example, the IRA would kill Roman Catholic Ulstermen who joined the RUC or the UDR, and then they’d complain that Roman Catholics were insufficiently represented in those organizations. In the same way, the Ku Klux Klan was formed by Democrats to attack black and white Republicans.

    The KKK was created after the end of the American Civil War on December 24, 1865, by six educated, middle-class Confederate veterans from Pulaski, Tennessee, as a military force to serve the interests of the Democratic Party, the planter class, and those who desired the restoration of white supremacy. The KKK launched a reign of terror against Republican leaders, both black and white.

    Their violence intimidated both black and white people against voting Republican. For example, in the April 1868 Georgia gubernatorial election, Columbia County voters cast 1,222 votes for Republican Rufus Bullock. By the November presidential election, voting declined drastically. Only one voter in the county dared to vote for the Republican candidate Ulysses S. Grant.

  3. Akira,

    Word is that DL Hughley’s show on CNN is getting scrapped and he’s getting “reassigned.”

    Sheesh! He must have REALLY stunk!


  4. Akira Says:

    More bizarre than Hughley is the fact that Steele just let his comment slide.

    And the fact that the “conservative” media made a fuss about Steele’s comment’s about Linbaugh but almost ignored the “Nazi” comment and the non-response.


    CNN actually calls that “D.L. Hughley’s comedy show”

    I wasn’t sure if it was supposed to be funny but is just pathetic, or if it’s supposed to be serious but is just funny.

    Since I’m not a regular CNN watcher, is he the first black guy with his own show? And it’s a minstrely show with craaaazy hair and goofy suits and the rape music an’ all dat shi’ fo’sho’… ?

    He be intatainin’ the white folks, sho’ nuff!

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