CPUSA ♥ Obama!

Hilarious “Comrade Report” from today’s Glenn Beck Program starts at about the 2:05 mark.   The interview with CPUSA’s National Chair,  Sam Webb,  follows immediately after that.  Glenn puts him on the spot and reveals just how pathetic Communism really is.

Part I:


Part II:

BTW – Glenn’s viewers crashed the CPUSA website today!  Time for the Commies to redistribute that wealth and buy some more bandwidth!

Explore posts in the same categories: Communism, politics, video

9 Comments on “CPUSA ♥ Obama!”

  1. irishoaks Says:

    Keep it up, Glen. All anyone has to do is read about socialism or communism. obamallah is railroading us right down that path as hard and fast as he can go.

  2. Akira Says:

    Alright. Can we now all agree that it’s essential that at least one other nation on Earth (i.e. Russia) maintains it’s ability to destroy the Communist-NWO-US-EU-NATO Axis in a nuclear armageddon in order to prevent Soros Obama’s objective of world domination?


    Oh yeah, sure, I’m the crazy one…

  3. az_conservative Says:

    Right on, Glenn!

    Akira, I never thought of it that way. But don’t worry; America is waking up fast.

  4. Gramfan Says:

    It was great. I enjoyed watching it. And the CP guy couldn’t name one successful communist country!

    Beck says his ratings are up – fantastic!

  5. tgusa Says:

    They won’t tell you about the bread lines in the former USSR. Actually as the shelves were empty they were even lying about the bread. They want to improve the lives of workers, gosh I thought that’s one of the reasons we work in the first place. Ever notice how commies never emigrate to commie countries? It’s not like there aren’t places to go for these commies but it is always greener on the other side of the barbed wire. They have already raped those countries and like locusts they must always move on, to those greener pastures. You see in order for them to live the life of Reilly they have to have you as a worker bee from which they take and take and take. That’s another reason why we don’t see commies set up their own small countries in and around other people they can’t do it without stealing from someone. Deep down inside every commie is nothing more than a stick up man.

  6. ciccio Says:

    Glen missed a good one there. The Nazis were officially the National socialist German workers party. Nazional Sozialichtige Deutsche Arbeiter Partei. He could have rubbed in that worker part with great effect.

  7. The difference between Hitlers socialism and other countries socialism was that it was a national and not an international movement. That and the fact that they relied on race warfare rather than class warfare in their politics. That said the class warfare was still a very big thing but the racial aspect of it was just larger.

    Read this and you will understand:

  8. It’s all a totalitarian ideology anyway however you want to split hairs and it is the opposite of any concept of freedom economic or social.

  9. Akira Says:

    At a gas station on the Braunschweig to Berlin highway through East Germany, there were separate doors for residents and for those in transit, and there was a fence down the centre of the shop.

    On one side they had everything you’d find in a West German store, and on the other they had like one kind of German chocolate, a polish candy, a Russian soft drink, Mongolian cigarettes.

    A family pulled up squeezed into a Trabbi and a little girl cried watching me buy some munchies that she was forbidden. Then me and my girlfriend got into her gigantic VW Rabbit and headed for Checkpoint Charlie.

    “It can’t happen here!”

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