The Truth About Arms Trafficking in Mexico

This was just released today by the NRA:

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One Comment on “The Truth About Arms Trafficking in Mexico”

  1. PB-in-AL Says:

    This is a good video, but it still doesn’t fully state how misleading that 90% stat is. When this first hit, earlier this year, I saw a flurry of articles decrying us ‘bad ole’ Americans for giving the Mexican baddies all those guns.

    However, the true stat is that 90% of IDENTIFIED guns come from the US. That amounts to about 17% of all the seized guns. Just over 5100 guns were identified to have been from the US, out of over 29,000 seized in 2007-2008. (see FoxNews link below)

    It’s all manipulated to support the regressive point of view. I’m glad to see something that contradicts the BS.

    Thanks to the real Americans who spoke out about our rights in this video, especially the various law enforcement folks.

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