Tyson Plant Drops Labor Day for muslim Holiday

Hat tip to Dukem, for this one.

Dropping an American holiday just because you have thousands of immigrants was a piss
poor decision.

I just tossed the last of my Tyson products in the trash and will no longer buy their products. I briefly thought about letting the dogs have them but decided the money lost was worth the principals defended. I just listed Tyson on a growing list of companies I will not do business with; lucky for me Tyson has competitors.

More Than Half Of Tyson Plant’s Workforce Muslim
2 Aug, 2008, WSMV News, SHELBYVILLE, Tenn. — Some workers at a local plant will no longer to be able to take their Labor Day holiday because of religious reasons.

Workers at the Tyson Foods poultry processing plant in Shelbyville will no longer have a paid day off on Labor Day but will instead be granted the Muslim holiday Eid al-Fitr.
-I celebrate eid al fir with a pork BBq and beer bash.

According to a news release from the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, a new five-year contract at the plant included the change to accommodate Muslim workers at the plant.
-With absolutely no regard for the wishes of any other religion.

Tyson’s director of media relations Gary Mickelson said the contract includes eight paid holidays — the same number as the old contract.

Eid al-Fitr — which falls on Oct. 1 this year — marks the end of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month of fasting.

Union leaders said implementing the holiday was important for the nearly 700 Muslims, many of them Somalis, who work at the plant that employs a total of 1,200 people.
-Our state department must be proud.

Nineteen-year plant veteran William Pentecost doesn’t agree with the decision.
“I don’t think it’s right. I really don’t think it’s right,” he said.
-William you are right, appeasement of one group over others violates your right to decide your own religion. Tyson could have allowed muslims to take a day off and not forced you to celebrate their holiday. This will give the minions another argument to attempt to force muslim holidays on the entire country. They will be quick to point out how many businesses already allow them off.

Tyson company spokeswoman Libby Lawson said by phone that, “This isn’t a religious accommodation, this is a contractual agreement. The majority asked for it.”

The change didn’t bother some workers.
-It bothered me enough to toss about $50 worth of Tyson products and as soon as I post this I am headed to the store to stock up on your competitors products.

“I think it’s fine. I don’t have any problem with it. There’s a whole bunch of them here, so they’ve got to do something for them,” said worker John Smith.
-Spoken like a first class idiot. What Tyson has done is simple, the workers have learned the muslim majority can dictate policy for the entire plant. More demands will follow and the only recourse non-muslims will have is submit or quit.

“It shouldn’t happen. I mean, I think, we’re in America, you’re in America, I think that they should go with our holidays,” Pentecost said.

Channel 4’s Cynthia Williams could not reach any of the plant’s Muslim workers, because Channel 4 News’ crew was not permitted on the property.
-Tyson really didn’t want this issue to get publicity.
Former employee and Shelbyville resident Anthony Proctor said he thinks what’s happening is wrong.

He said he helped build a special Muslim prayer room that’s located inside the plant and that no other Tyson facility has been that accommodating for any other religion.
-Nor will it, no other religion makes demands on employers.

“If we want to go pray, we don’t have one for Christians,” he said.
Tyson is headquartered in Arkansas.
-Sue for one and settle for cash

Lawson said they consider religious accommodations on a case-by-case basis. She said that so far, no one has asked for any other type of religious prayer room.

No one at the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union’s regional office answered phone calls placed by Williams on Friday.

A representative in New York said that no one there knew specifics about the new contract with the workers, but a person in research told Williams that holidays aren’t usually replaced and are more likely to be added on.

The decision will only apply to workers at the plant who are union members. All other employees at the plant will still have their normal Labor Day holiday.
-Meaningless, the damage is done. I am headed out to buy groceries. There will not be a single Tyson product.

Explore posts in the same categories: Christians under attack, Creeping Sharia, dhimmitude, Muslims in The USA

5 Comments on “Tyson Plant Drops Labor Day for muslim Holiday”

  1. ER Says:

    Very strange that one has to get out of the union in order *not* to participate in honoring the Muslims’ Allah. And how will those who leave the unioin for conscience’s sake be treated then? Will they be treated as “scabs,” harassed and threatened once they cut off dues to the union? Seems something like coercion.

    A lot of zakat is given on Eid ul-Fitr to “charities,” and I just don’t feel comfortable supporting a company that legitimizes by contract w/elements of coercion giving aid to the ideological enemy of our country, particularly knowing that holiday is when funds are raised for suspect “charities.”

  2. Ronin Says:

    $246 bucks and not one cent on a tyson product. This really ticked me off (can ya tell).

  3. Yup, $246 sounds about right for groceries… THAT really ticks me off!!!

  4. bob Says:

    Gary Mickelson is the person to contact Re. customer service/public affairs for Tyson Foods.


    Let them know how you intend to voice your displeasure about their “business model”, and VOTE WITH YOUR WALLET!

  5. BTW – The Union that the Tyson workers belong to, RWDSU, is a BIG supporter of Barack Obama:

    RWDSU Website



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