Al-Qaida offers to arm and train Nigerian Muslims

As I have pointed out many times, there are only two types of muslims: practicing and name only. Islam is one big cult, you can change the name, the group and the method but they all worship the same twisted, sick pedophile freakaziod and they all have a single goal.

CAIRO — The leader of North Africa’s al-Qaida branch offered training and weapons to Nigeria’s Muslims to fight the Christians there following an outbreak of sectarian violence.
-The Christians in Nigeria give better than they get which is why al qaida has offered help.

Abdelmalek Droukdel, leader of al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, in a statement posted on an Islamic Web site Monday, accused the Nigeria’s Christians of killing hundreds of Muslims in a “Crusader war.”
-Actually it is in revenge for minion attacks but why quibble?

Droukdel promised to train Muslim youths, supply them with weapons and equipment.

“We are ready to train your sons on using weapons, support them with men, weapons, ammunition and equipment to enable them defend themselves,” he said, exhorting Nigerians to “push your sons into the fields of jihad to become the fighting vanguard in defense of the Muslims’ blood and honor.”

Violence between Christians and Muslims in central Nigeria left 326 people dead late last month, but Droukdel, also known as Abu Musab Abdul-Wadud, maintained that over 500 innocent Muslims were killed.
-If the idiot wants to arm children then none of the minions are innocent. All of them, young, old, men and women and children are combatants. Allahack ickbar dude.
He criticized Western and Arab media for portraying the events in Nigeria as sectarian, tribal or economic but “it is a clear massacre against Muslims only.”
-muslims as victims, now where have we seen that before?

Droukdel told Nigerian Muslims that “the only way to get end these continued massacres and to restore your rights … is to prepare yourselves for the holy war and the best example for you is your brothers in Somalia who confront the Ethiopian Crusaders.”
-Someone buy that moron a history book, Ethiopia did not participate in the crusades.

Sectarian violence in this central region of Nigeria has left thousands dead over the past decade. The latest outbreak came despite the Nigerian government’s efforts to quell religious extremism in the West African country.

There are conflicting accounts about what unleashed the recent bloodshed. According to a state police commissioner, skirmishes began after Muslim youths set a Christian church ablaze, but Muslim leaders denied that.

Muslims say it began with an argument over the rebuilding of a Muslim home in a predominantly Christian neighborhood that had been destroyed in November 2008.
-Shhhhhh be real quite and you can hear them crying.

Al-Qaida in North Africa, which holds French hostage Pierre Camatte for more than two months, demanded the release of four of its members arrested by Mali several months ago, in exchange for his release.

The group operates mainly in Algeria, but has ranged widely across the vast Sahara desert to carry out operations in Mali, Mauritania and elsewhere.
-“Operations” is code for murder, rape and pillage

Explore posts in the same categories: Africa, Al-Qaeda, Algeria, Christians under attack, Malaysia, Muslim whining, Radical Islam

3 Comments on “Al-Qaida offers to arm and train Nigerian Muslims”

  1. Leatherneck Says:

    I would be carful sending boys to an AQ camp.

    Off topic: Did you hear the one about Mohammed?

    Well, this moon god worshiper died and showed up at the Pearly Gates. He sees this old dude with a beard. The moon god worshipers asks,”Are you Mohammed?” The old guy said, “No, I’m St. Peter, Mohammed is further up.” Wow! thought the dead moon god worshiper.

    So up a ladder he went. The follower of allah the moon god saw this old dude with a beard and asked him,”Are you Mohammed?” The Old fellea said, “No, I’m Moses. Mohammed was further up.” Further up than Moses thought the moon god worshiper.

    So, up the ladder he went.

    The believer in allah came to a man in white that shone like the Sun. “Are you Mohammed?” “No, I’m Jesus, Mohammed is further up.”

    Now, the follower of allah was so happy. Finding out Mohammed was higher than Jesus was what he had been taught. So, up the ladder her went.

    There in front of the follower of Islam was a spirit sitting on a throne. The Islamist asked the spirit, “Are you Mohammed?” No, said the spirit, I am G-d. Mohammed is not here.”

    With that answer, the moon god worshiper thought Mohammed might be greater than G-d, and thought he better climb another ladder, but G-d stopped him, and told the Islamist to sit a spell and take a load off.

    Then G-d said, “Hey Mohammed! Two coffees.”

  2. islams not for me Says:


    Moo-ham-ed got his just desserts… Or did he just get juice hmmm… The mind boggles…

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