Beslan Memorial barred by conflict

We have seen this scam before-memorials with a political agenda. Remember the crescent shaped 9/11 monstrosity? This is low even for muslims-rubbing the relatives of the victim’s faces in it. Christians did not murder these children, allah’s proud warriors did. If they wanted to show remorse they could have done it years ago. Look hard at allah’s work and be proud of your people shiekh.

By Christian Lowe
Reuters, April 6, 2007
MOSCOW — Plans to build a memorial to the 333 hostages killed three years ago in the Beslan school attack have sparked a conflict between Christians and Muslims in the region.
The local Russian Orthodox diocese says it will build a church in the grounds of Beslan’s school No. 1 to commemorate the victims killed in a clash between insurgents and government troops.
But a leading Muslim cleric has accused the Orthodox church of trying to hijack a tragedy by building a memorial that he said would exclude the more than 20 million Muslims in the country.
“It is not acceptable to present this tragedy as the tragedy of followers of only one religion,” Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin, chairman of the Council of Russian Muftis, said in a statement.

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8 Comments on “Beslan Memorial barred by conflict”


    These Islamaniacs are something else-they just HAVE to horn in on everybody else’s tragedies, whether it’s Beslan or the Holocaust. They want to out-victim the true victims, especially the ones they create. Disgusting.

  2. Ronin Says:

    They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I think that one says it all and I held back the really bad ones. Show me another culture, which routinely does these things and still attempts to excuse it.

  3. Adnan Says:

    There are number of similar kind of photos of Muslims of Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan…….and many more where these kind of act has happened. Is it because of Christianity or Jewish? Think …….and you’ll get the answer that none of the religion teaches such kind of act.

    • Gonzo Says:

      Yes, there is a religion that teaches this kind of an act, and that is islam.
      Read… and you will find many islamic texts that preach hate and violence.
      Open your mind…and you will know its true meaning.
      Observe…and you will see atrocities committed globally and daily because of it.
      Acknowledge the truth…you will have begun your journey of being set free from the false religion of islam.

    • Leatherneck Says:

      Mohammad love him some murder, and rape. Read a history book. Don’t listen to some old Imam that plays with boys.

  4. Gonzo Says:

    So Sheikh Ravil does not believe that it is appropriate to put a mosque at the location of such an atrocity. Yet, islam has been placing victory mosques at the location of jihadi attacks for centuries – infrastructures that are less open to others than churches are.

    Once again, muslims demonstrate themselves as being intolerant, fascist, deceitful, violent, and militant. And still much of the rest of the world sleeps.

  5. “It is not acceptable to present this tragedy as the tragedy of followers of only one religion,” Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin, chairman of the Council of Russian Muftis, said in a statement.”

    Suddenly its NOT ok for Christians or others to place a memorial of one religion over the bloodied area of a muslim terrorist mass murder of non muslims. This idotic imam wants to place a islamic place over a murder scene to ‘mark’ its own terror-tory…

    As for you adnan…

    Who kills more muslims? Non muslims or your own?

    After all you silly moslems have been killing each other long before Iraq, Afganistan, ‘palestine’ and other places where you moslems migrated to.

    Christianity and Judaism donot teach murdering moslems. But moslems teach its ok to kill everyone non muslim. Read the fatwas on islamonline someday. Read up on your moslems jihadis online who insist its ok to kill people for the sake of allah.

    Then you will see the truth of islam. It is not a religion from God but from satan.

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