Islamo-awareness ‘on the rise in Holland

H/t to Warner for sending this in.

February 12, 2008, The AGE
Islamophobia has increased dramatically in the Netherlands following recent terrorist attacks in Europe, a human rights watchdog warned, with Muslims the subject of stereotyping, stigmatisation and frequent racist violence.
-You are not really paranoid if they really are out to get you. This article is PC lies, masquerading as analysis. Islam is not a race and Muslims always toss the victim card. A simple search of the police blotters would show more Muslims commit crimes than are victimized by them.

In a harshly worded report, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance said even Dutch politicians have resorted to derogatory remarks about Muslims in recent years, and that racist discourse has remained “as a rule” unchallenged by mainstream political parties.
-Notice no mention of the routine threats and calls for jihad from Muslim imams-I guess the EU considers that “tolerant” outlaw Muslim hate speech and watch them go tolerant on everything in sight.

The report comes as the Netherlands is embroiled in a debate on what some Dutch politicians call an “Islamisation” of the country, which has traditionally welcomed immigrants but put little pressure on them to embrace Western values.
-Normal immigrants looked forward to a new life and worked diligently to assimilate, Muslims do not, have not and will not.

Some in the Netherlands say the country’s multiculturalism and tolerance have provided a breeding ground for Islamic radicalism. Fears of such radicalism crystallised after the 2004 murder of filmmaker Theo van Gogh for his movie Submission, a fictional study of abused Muslim women with scenes of near-naked women with Koranic texts engraved on their flesh.
-Fictional but based in reality. Just as real as the calls for his death, his murder and Muslims celebrating his murder.

The right-wing Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders has generated widespread concern with plans to make an anti-Koran film portraying the religion as fascist and prone to inciting violence against women and homosexuals.
-OK, so he tells the truth-what’s the problem?

“Islam has been repeatedly presented as a ‘subculture’ and Muslims have been presented as the carriers of backward values, generally incompatible with democracy and the values of Western societies,” the report said.
-I already knew that

“In the period after the events of Sept 11, 2001, and especially in the months following the murder of Theo Van Gogh, the Netherlands has witnessed a sharp rise in racist violence and other racist crimes, essentially targeted at its Muslim population,” the report said.
-Islam is not a race and again more Muslims committed crimes than were victimized by them.

It said Muslims have also been disproportionately targeted by state security policies.
-Another common excuse, similar to the apples and oranges argument used in the US that claims there are a disproportionate number of blacks in prison. The real issue is why they commit a disproportionate numbers of crimes and why that is not addressed. Identifying the problem is the first step to solving it.

The report said sweeping associations between Muslims and terrorism made in virtually all types of Dutch media – newspapers, radio and television – have aggravated Islamophobic views, which are increasingly becoming part of mainstream thinking.
-Actually, Muslims are to blame. People like myself warned folks for years and no one listened until they noticed a rise in Islamic sponsored violence and a complete lack of condemnation by the majority of Muslims. Passive support is still support. Don’t listen to what Muslims say-watch what they do.

The Netherlands is home to approximately one million Muslims, around 6 per cent of the country’s population of 16 million. Most are of Moroccan and Turkish origin.
-And as the population grows does anyone think they will finally decide to assimilate? Is anyone really that stupid. Read the history books. Islamo-awarness can still save Europe.

The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance, an independent monitoring body, assesses racially motivated violence, intolerance and xenophobia in 47 European countries. The commission is based in Strasbourg, France.
-Someone count the number of Muslims on this commission for me.

Along with concerns about Islamophobia, the commission’s report on the Netherlands said anti-Semitic insults and Holocaust denial are growing more widespread.
-Strangely both are spreading at the same rate as the increase in the Muslim population.

“As an illustration, the word “Jew” is reported to be increasingly used as an insult and different aspects of the Holocaust are reportedly questioned in everyday situations, such as in schools,” the commission said.
-No S%^$, I am freakin amazed. Try outlawing imams from trash talking Israel and see if that helps.

Explore posts in the same categories: Bad Journalism, Creeping Sharia, European Union, immigration, Islamo-Nazis, Muslim whining, Radical Islam

2 Comments on “Islamo-awareness ‘on the rise in Holland”


    Once again I ask the $64question-how many people have died from islamophobia as opposed to infidelophobia? A few at the hands of individual nuts as opposed to millions over a 1400 year span thanks to a totalitarian system whose goal is to kill or enslave the entire world. Case closed for anyone with even a partially functioning brain.

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