One Rocket to many.

The Israeli airforce backed up by ground troops has decided to pay the not so friendly thugs in Gaza a visit. Casualties are already over 80 followers of old mo and the minions are already crying alligator tears in the press. The cost to Israel has been high (two dead). I’m sure the numbers on both sides will climb.

Expect the normal minion propaganda rant that this is all genocide as they attempt to portray the muslim minions as the victims. They will claim each Israeli bomb and soldier murdered a child, old man, pregnant woman (pick one or all) all the while ignoring the cowards in Gaza using human shields. They will also ignore all the threats from so called islamic clerics, the rockets fired at Israeli civilians, the attempted infiltration’s and suicide attacks. A few million Jews will once again threaten 1.5 billion Muslims. With those kind of odds the muslims really should consider surrender, they have little or no chance.

No mention of the long history of violence directed toward Israel or hundreds of recent rockets fired from Gaza will appear in the press and every attempt will be made to portray the Israelis as the aggressors. In truth the Israelis did warn them to stop the rockets but as always the warning went, unheeded.

I hope in the Internet age my comments find a brave (?) muslim warrior hiding in his basement with his wife a child covering him. I hope as he searches the net for news he reads this with tear filled eyes and just as he hears the drone of an aircraft overhead he will wonder did we shoot one rocket to many?

Explore posts in the same categories: Analysis, Gaza, Israel, Muslim whining, Radical Islam

13 Comments on “One Rocket to many.”

  1. The whole world now knows who the THUGS really are: The Israelis. Care to view the videos all over WordPress of the Civilians – children and young adults massacred by these PIGS? Oh I forgot, Israelis – at least some – don’t eat pork. Let’s just stick with THUGS then.


  2. Yup, looks like your horse is losing…

  3. Ronin Says:

    Now ATW you have seen the babies in the suicide bomber suits, the palestinians breed those children for death. Their own parents raise them to die; the Israelis did them a favor. Better to die young than be your daddy’s sex toy and then a throw away suicide bomber.

    At least the Israelis killed them by accident, their own people make sure the children die slowly and broken.

    The Israelis are merciful most tolerant.

  4. I think SOMEONE missed the Quote of the Day:

    “We would not be killing. We would merely supply the opportunity for people to die…”

    — Isaac Asimov, “The Winnowing”


  5. Matamoros Says:

    Rejoice ATW; They are all in paradise. Isn’t that the supreme goal, inshallah ?

    Or have you all been bullshitting to us all these years that a muslim loves and welcomes death like we infidels love life. Please make up your mind and get back to me.
    I await your speedy reply.

  6. TRM Says:

    Sigh, these sissy bitch slaps going back and forth are numbing. I look forward to the day that someone finally tires of it and uses the only thing that will ever solve the problem with Islam. Violent, overwhelming force. Go Israel!

  7. Good one Matamoros… if you would like to label yourself “infidel” be my guest! 🙂


  8. Leatherneck Says:

    Hey moon god worshiper, your girls in Hamas fired all those rockets. Now, your kind get some pay back. Why do you have a problem with that.

    The only pigs, and POS that I see, or muslimes like you boy. Now, get a job!

  9. Matamoros Says:


    Changed the subject eh?

  10. cavmom Says:

    Dang it! Every time I stop in here to read, I have crazy cravings for bacon. Y’all are killing my diet.

  11. Good! Bacon makes me hungry… as long as it’s Organic.

    As for you Leatherass, get a life! 🙂


  12. Leatherneck Says:

    attending the Mohamed, How does it feel to have a prophet that enjoyed murder, and rape? Have you thought about worshiping a G-d of love? A G-d that can fight for himself.

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