Bat Ye’or, “if Obama is elected, America will become dhimmified even faster than Europe.”

H/t to Gramfan for sending this in, it first appeared on the American Congress for truth blog.

Like Obama or not this article does make you think. Sometimes even Americans forget the President of the United States will lead one of the worlds most powerful militaries and a massive economic power. The entire world will suffer if we choose poorly.

None of the comments below are mine but I agree with many of them

Comment by Jerry Gordon
Earlier this week, I had a video call from a colleague, Ted Belman, editor of where I periodically post articles and comments. Belman was concerned about comments about a recent post he has done on” “Obama’s Muslim connections”. It had a graphic of Osama bin Laden with a mask of Obama. He had received comments from Canadian and US journalists of note that perhaps he might be a ‘bit over the top’. I told him to soldier on. In it was this bon mot:

On Feb 15/08 Usama K. Dakdok, President of The Straight Way of Grace Ministry called Obama’s Church I then asked her what I needed to do to join. She told me that I needed to attend two Sunday School classes in a row and then I would walk the aisle. I replied, “That sounds easy. One last question please. IF I AM MUSLIM AND I BELIEVE IN PROPHET MOHAMMED, PEACE BE UPON HIM AND I ALSO BELIEVE IN JESUS, PEACE BE UPON HIM, DO I HAVE TO GIVE UP MY ISLAMIC FAITH TO BE A MEMBER IN YOUR CHURCH?”

SHE ANSWERED, “NO. WE HAVE MANY MUSLIM MEMBERS IN OUR CHURCH.” It is important to note that Muslims would not attend church.


He then apprised me that he was going to post something after an exchange of email with someone we both knew, Dr. Phyllis Chesler. This article resulted with a Cassandra-like comment of another friend, the Dhimmitude scholar, Bat Ye’or. Bat Ye’or and I have had several email exchanges about her views of Obama.

This one courtesy of Belman’s article with Chesler’s response is downright scary:

Bat Ye’or…if Obama is elected, America will become dhimmified even faster than Europe.
Chesler’s own comments from the perspective of a renowned feminist scholar and psycholigist about Obama on Islamist treatment of Muslim women are disconcerting as well. She writes:

Look: Where does Obama stand on Islamic gender and religious apartheid? Is he aware that it has been penetrating the West, including America, the country he wishes to govern? Does he have a plan as to how he will deal with it? Does he stand with the Islamists or with their victims, beginning with Muslim women and Muslim intellectuals? Where does he stand on the proliferation of Muslim arranged marriages. polygamy, face-veiling, wife- and daughter-beating, and honor murders in America? And on the Islamist use of American civil rights law to safeguard Islamic gender and religious apartheid and Islamic separatism in America?

Is Obama aware of the persecution of “infidels,” beginning with Christians, in Muslim lands? Does he have a foreign policy vision that would demand reciprocity for all religions in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and Iran before we allow American law to be used to construct mini-Saudi Arabias or Irans in America?

So is Belman being a bit inflammatory when he chronicles facts, comment, observations by third parties, whether former school chums, the blogs of ex-pat Americans in living in Indonesia about how Muslims there view Obama, or the columns of New York Timesman, Nick Christof about Obama’s seamless delivery of the shahada the profession of faith, first pillar in Islam. We think not. Bravo to Belman is what we say. Brava to Bat Ye’or and Phyllis Chesler who have it exactly right when it comes to questioning who and what is Obama and his agenda for America, should he be elected to the highest office in the land.

by Ted Belman, Israpundit, March 26, 2008
Phyllis Chesler is someone I keep in touch with. She is an American writer, psychotherapist, and professor emerita of psychology and women’s studies at the College of Staten Island (CUNY). She is known as a feminist psychologist, and is the author of thirteen books, including the best-seller Women and Madness, and the recent publications The Death of Feminism and The New Anti-Semitism. She because an ardent feminist after escaping, literally, from her marriage to a Muslim Afghan who took her to Afghanistan to live.

I wrote to her to ask her if she could generalize about Barak Obama’s psychological make-up due to the fact that he is part white, part black and part Muslim, part Christian and part African, part American. I was curious. She said she might write something on the issue but in the meantime referred me to Obama Is Our First Muslim Presidential Contender In The Same Way That Clinton Was Our First Black President which she had just written.
She explains her odd title,

I am talking about his ties to Trinity United Church of Christ Pastor Jeremiah Wright (Obama has been a member for twenty years), and Pastor Wright’s ties to Farrakhan—who just last night bent over backward in his praise of Obama as our new Savior. Farrakhan addressed only the “black, brown, red, and yellow” people of America and of the world , not the “white” people, and compared Obama to the founder of the Nation of Islam, Fard Mohammed, whose mother was white and whose father was black—just like Obama’s parents. Farrakhan claimed that both men were “Saviours” and that Obama might be the only man who can save America.

Will Obama try to minimize this? Will he disavow it? Or will he ignore these words of praise completely? Let me remind us that Farrakhan is a black separatist and black nationalist Muslim and the man who referred to Judaism as a “gutter religion.” And Pastor Wright shares his vision of the importance of black nationalism (packaged as black liberation theology) and has publicly honored Farrakhan. When questioned about this, Obama said that families have disagreements. Yes, Michelle Obama once wrote a thesis at Princeton which allegedly recognizes the importance of black separatism given white racist America. Do the Obamas also have family disagreements about this?

I once wrote that if people like Farrakhan, Khalidi, Said, Powers, McPeak, Ayers and Wright think he is their man, he is not my man or Middle America’s man. Wright thundered, “Barak doesn’t fit the mold. Barack knows what it means to be a black man living in a country and a culture that is controlled by rich, white people!”. Evidently, he fits their mold. I am referring to the colour of his politics, not the colour of his skin.
She rightly asks,

Look: Where does Obama stand on Islamic gender and religious apartheid? Is he aware that it has been penetrating the West, including America, the country he wishes to govern? Does he have a plan as to how he will deal with it? Does he stand with the Islamists or with their victims, beginning with Muslim women and Muslim intellectuals? Where does he stand on the proliferation of Muslim arranged marriages. polygamy, face-veiling, wife- and daughter-beating, and honor murders in America? And on the Islamist use of American civil rights law to safeguard Islamic gender and religious apartheid and Islamic separatism in America?

Is Obama aware of the persecution of “infidels,” beginning with Christians, in Muslim lands? Does he have a foreign policy vision that would demand reciprocity for all religions in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and Iran before we allow American law to be used to construct mini-Saudi Arabias or Irans in America?

Why has no one been asking all the candidates, beginning with Our Savior Obama these questions?

She had many other questions regarding Obama’s views on Arab policies toward Israel and ends with this comment, My friend and colleague, the scholar Bat Ye’or told me that if Obama is elected, America will become dhimmified even faster than Europe.

Bat Ye’or, who is also my friend, is an expert on Dhimmitude and wrote the book on it.

Explore posts in the same categories: dhimmitude, Phyllis Chesler, politics, United States

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