Business-“Man” Beat his Ex-Girlfriend to Death with Baseball Bat

Yup,  yet another “man” kills his girlfriend and the British newspapers bend over backwards to avoid associating him with the religion of peace…

Check out how they immediately throw out the name of the victim, Kerry Winter.  Such a nice, white Anglo-Saxon sounding name…

Then, pay attention to the obvious cover-up of the killer’s name.  I’ll lay odds he doesn’t have a nice, white Anglo-Saxon sounding name…

And, check out the lengths her family goes to make sure the Muzzies know that their FaceBook entry is in no way an attack on Arabs in Dubai…  I find that VERY interesting

Police searching for missing Briton’s ex-girlfriend find body
Police holding a British man over the disappearance of his ex-girlfriend in Dubai have found a body in the desert, it has been reported.
By Aislinn Simpson
03 Sep 2008 –

Kerry Winter, 35, an events organiser from Johannesburg who had lived in the Arab emirate for seven years, was last seen outside her villa on August 20.

Witnesses reported seeing her being beaten by a man with a baseball bat who dragged her injured and bleeding into the back of a car before driving away.

A 42-year-old British expatriate businessman who recently ended a five-year relationship with Miss Winter has reportedly admitted to police that he attacked her and drove her to the desert to dump her by the side of the road. But local newspapers claim he told police she was “fine” when he left her.

The Khaleej Times has quoted police as saying that a body was discovered by someone in a 4×4 in the desert between Dubai and Al Ain, a city two hours’ drive away. Forensic tests are being carried out to establish the identity of the body.

Miss Winter’s family have received a series of text messages saying she is alive, and asking what the police are saying about her case, but they now believe that someone else may have sent them.

The suspect being held by police returned to England two days after the incident and was arrested when he flew back into the Muslim country on August 25.

Miss Winter’s brother Kurt Winter has travelled from South Africa to launch a search for her, and a Facebook site, Help Us Find Kerry, has attracted more than 2,000 members.

Explore posts in the same categories: Arrests, Bad Journalism, British Muslims, criminal activity, Dubai, Media Bias

6 Comments on “Business-“Man” Beat his Ex-Girlfriend to Death with Baseball Bat”

  1. "Islamophobia"=BS Says:

    On the bright side the term “Asian” wasn’t used at all in the article. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing though-the term helps me in identifying the usual suspects.

  2. Hisham Wyne Says:

    Mate, Kerry is/was a colleague. Stop blowing wind – the culprit in question is also nice, white and Anglo Saxon – a certain Brit called Mark Arnold. Pictures in today’s Sun.

    Under other circumstances, i’d perhaps see where you were coming from, but in this instance, you’re just being ignorant. And uselessly provocative. Apparently, nice Anglo Saxon Mr. Arnold couldn’t handle the fact that Ms Winter wanted breathing space. He’d been stalking her for a while. On Aug 20, he followed her home from a bar in hotel Mina Seyahi, and assaulted her with a bat. He still claims to have left her alive – but the police think otherwise due to the massive amount of blood on the stairs where Kerry was assaulted.

  3. Suzanne Bagley Says:

    Firstly, Kerry is a member of my family. She is a South African and is not a white Anglo-Saxon, even though her name may sound like it! The culprit is a white Anglo-Saxon though – He’s British!

    Secondly, the family felt that we needed to affirm that this was in no way meant to insult or attack Arabs, or any other culture for that matter. This incident did not involve any Arabs…..its just unfortunate that it happened in an Arab country. This was the ONLY reason for stating this on facebook, as we knew who the suspect was all along! We actually have muslim family members, so the comment shouldn’t be ‘VERY interesting….’ We have nothing against Arabs. We do however, have something against people who are quick to comment, but don’t have all the facts!!

    All your comments show is your own discrimination of others!

  4. Suzanne,

    First of all, let me say that I am sorry about your loss.

    Secondly, Thank you for clarifying.

    Had the media done its JOB, you wouldn’t be explaining this and I wouldn’t have to read into the article.

    Re-read my comments.

    The attack was on the way the media reported the incident.

    And, forced to dig for clues into the the who’s and why’s of the article, your Facebook statement only leads one astray.

    Also, if you had just put Mark Arnold’s name on Facebook, we wouldn’t be having this conversation and I wouldn’t have lost my bet, now would I? Nor, would you have needed to put your multicultural peace and love statement on Facebook which leads others astray

    Now, please answer me this:

    What were they doing in a Muslim country and why did Mark Arnold return to “the Muslim” country? Are they Muslim?

    Those questions should have been explained by the article.

    But, be that as it may, I am sorry if I have caused you any angst. That was not my intent. My intent was to highlight the media’s propensity to give insufficient details in its coverage of incidences like these.


  5. Suzanne Bagley Says:

    Thanks for your comments.

    We did not mention Mark’s name anywhere – I’m not sure how the press got hold of his name…. We did not want to interfere with any police investigations, etc, therefore never mentioned his name on the facebook page.

    Neither of them are Muslim. Kerry is a Christian – as for Mark… I don’t know.

    As for being in a Muslim country….They both worked there and lived there for a number of years. I’m not sure why Mark went there (apparently to get away from running up his debts per the press), but Kerry went there because she loved Dubai, she felt safe there and was happy in her job. They met in Dubai.

    I apologise if I came across a bit strong… I now understand that your intent was to highlight flaws in media reporting. Please understand that our emotions are running high at this point in time and under other circumstances, your comments probably wouldn’t have caused such a response.

    Also, just to clarify – Based on the fact that we have not found a body, and based on Mark’s statement (whether its true or not is a different story altogether!), we still believe that she could be alive somewhere.

  6. Suzanne,

    Thank you for the update. I am relieved to hear that the body was not Kerry’s.

    I will keep her in my prayers.


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