A sensible debate about radical Islam?

I am not betting on an actual debate, many powerful people are backing the rise of radical islam. With this administration taking part, this will only serve to cloud the issue and convince people that a peaceful form of islam is real and that they should ignore 1400 years of islamic history.

Just in case you missed it the first thousand times I said it-there are two types of muslims, believers and backsliders.

Every professed muslim worships a pedophile, a thief, a lair, slave owner, rapist and murderous thug. It is really hard to find a moderate in that crowd.

By David H. Schanzer, 10 Feb, 11, AJCThe polarized debate taking place over U.S. Rep. Peter King’s plans to conduct hearings on radicalization among Muslim-Americans is disturbing.
-King seems to be a stand up guy, he will do his part to expose islam, you can quarantine there are many people in DC that will attempt to stop him.

A coalition of Muslim, human rights and other religious organizations claims this is an illegitimate and discriminatory inquiry. I disagree.

Muslim-Americans comprise about 1 percent of the U.S population, but account for a far greater percentage of the violent extremism perpetrated inside our borders. Since 9/11, 161 Muslim-Americans have committed terrorist acts or been accused of terrorism crimes, according to a recent study by University of North Carolina sociologist Charles Kurzman.
-That number does not include the ones that provide support, training, and recruitment or practice their crafts overseas.

This is hardly a radical insurgency, but it is cause for concern for all Americans, including Muslims.

However, Muslim-Americans who have faced increasing prejudice over recent years are right to be angry about many of King’s prior statements and the direction he has charted for these hearings.
-Wah, crybabies. Had a single one of them stepped up before 9/11 to stop an attack, turn in a radical imam or pointed at the trash hidden inside of their communities we might trust them more, now it is to little to late.

King’s claims that American mosques are hotbeds of radicalism and that Muslim-Americans don’t cooperate with law enforcement are just plain wrong. A research project I led found just the opposite — Muslim-Americans uniformly reject violent extremism. And, since 9/11, Muslim-Americans have provided information leading to the arrest of 48 Muslim-Americans for terrorism crimes.
-Sounds impressive until you subtract the number that did the right thing from 2.5 million and you get what percentage? Do not get me wrong, I do believe a few backsliding non-believers are on our side but not enough to count.

The proposed hearings, planned for March, can serve a useful purpose if King resets the tone, educates the public about the true nature of the domestic threat, and closely scrutinizes the government’s strategy for countering violent extremism.

To establish the proper framework for this inquiry and his own credibility to lead it, King must acknowledge the difference between radical Islam that produces terrorism and the tolerant, peaceful Islam practiced by the vast majority of Muslim-Americans. This distinction is being lost in our public discourse. Wild accusations that Muslims are trying impose Shariah law in America have been stoking public animosity and leading to episodes like the Florida preacher who threatened to burn Qurans on the 9/11 anniversary.

As the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, King needs to set the record straight. Most Muslim-Americans abhor violence in the name of Islam, they detest Muslim terrorists who have brought shame to their religion, and they want to solve this problem just as much, if not more, than other Americans.
-That is the problem, violent or not, muslims are taught that they have a good system, so good in fact they want to force it on the world. They believe that a seventh century lunatic was perfect and his murderous path should be continued until all non-believers are dead, converted or slaves. Peaceful or not, any professed muslim is an enemy of a free society.

Once the air is cleared, the hearings can get on to the key point: How do we stop the small number of Muslim-Americans who radicalize to the point of violence?

First, Muslim-American leaders and organizations must explain to both Congress and the American public what they are doing to prevent the spread of radical ideology within their communities. Our study found that Muslim-Americans are both preventing radicals from preaching and pointing out suspicious behavior to law enforcement.

These are important steps, but not enough.

Muslim-Americans must actively confront the concept of “jihadi cool” being shopped to young people over the Internet. Imams trained abroad and out of touch with American culture are ill-equipped to lead this effort. Muslim-American community leaders must take responsibility for crafting the message to their youth.

Muslim-American leaders must do more than condemn terrorist acts after the fact. We need Muslim-American voices speaking out and aggressively refuting bin Laden and al-Awakli’s lies that Islam condones violence against civilians.

Every Muslim-American community in the country should establish a trusted channel of communication with law enforcement. Claims of government discrimination and civil rights abuses against Muslim-Americans have to be addressed. But Muslim-Americans must also accept that legal law enforcement tactics, used every day against organized crime and drug traffickers, can be used to detect potential radicalized terrorists as well.
-There is a better chance of getting them to agree to tear down their mosque and build a synagogue

The committee should also take this opportunity to ask tough questions about what the government is doing to address the threat of domestic radicalization. The terrorism threat has transformed in recent years from centralized, large-scale plots that leave a lot of clues, to smaller attacks by individuals who live in the shadows.

The best way to prevent these attacks is old-fashioned police work based on tips from the community, informants and surveillance and information-sharing between federal agencies and local authorities. The Bipartisan Policy Center has warned that no one is in charge of this sprawling effort. King’s committee should try to fix this problem.

Striking the right tone for these hearings will be a delicate task. Hearings that educate the American public and improve counterterrorism policy would make an important contribution. Hearings that are accusatory and damage our national unity will surely make us less safe.
-So will hearings that kiss muslim butt while attempting to convince the liberals of America that all is well.

Explore posts in the same categories: congress sucks, cover-up, Indoctrination, know your enemy, muslim Intolerance, Muslims in The USA, Radical Islam

5 Comments on “A sensible debate about radical Islam?”

  1. islams not for me Says:

    My own view is less about ‘muslim’ American. Since the title means moslem theocrat and less American since islam is a entire system and counter to American lifestyle and culture.

    More importantly those so called liberal, or Western islam who are satisfied with thier needs being met without attempting to impose the much hated sharia laws donot mirror the whole of middle eastern islam since the sunni AND shiite make up those types of theocrats.

  2. To be fair there are Moslems out there in America that are good people and are against all of the BS in Islam and the “mainstream” Islamic organizations. The problem is that they do not have enough support from the community and they don’t get support from the media. Why would others that might feel that way join up if it looks like they will only be marginalized? I’m not going to call someone a bad Jew if they have a BLT so don’t call someone a bad Moslem if they have a beer with you and just want to live in peace. Yes Islam is and has a lot of terrible things about it but if we only focus on that we cannot get people who want to change it (the backsliders or whatever you want to call it) for the better and bring it into the 21st Century do come out and really do anything because they will feel they have no support. Most will not be martyrs for the cause because if they wanted to be martyrs they would join the other side. My point is that while we need to call out Islam and the “mainstream” Moslem organizations on their BS we don’t need to be as antagonistic towards Islam as we sometimes are. Mind you this is coming from someone who regularly makes fun of Muhammad on his own blog (I can only assume my lack of readership is why I have very few death threats). I guess what I am saying is that keep talking about the problems but don’t attack or hate the person unless the deserve it and support the people that do. Islam will only change for the better when the people that want the change have the support of others. I’ll get off my soapbox now, sorry about that…

  3. Big Frank Says:

    To debate Radical Islam IMHO is a complete waste of time and effort. As I have stated before it is near impossible to discuss, debate, or even have a conversation with most Muslims. They are always right, we are always the infidel or non-believer. The basis of their ‘scriptures’ instructs them to avoid us, look down on us as almost sub- humans and lie to us, and in many verses enslave us or exterminate us. As far as the ‘hearings’ go I doubt if much if anything will come from them, except a lot of pompous bluster on the committee’s side and wild,false, and bitter accusations of ‘Islamophobia, racism, ant bigotry. One thing for sure the cold hard truth, that we the enlightened few are totally aware of we be absent. In addition to that the so-called hearings must face 2 adversaries The ‘front’ groups for the Islamists and the apologists, bleeding heart liberals, and the Quislings in our own government.

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