Incarcerated UK Muslims Offended by “Allah” the Dog

Geez, these UK prison officials sure are dhimmi-whipped… Perhaps we could send Sheriff Joe Arpaio over there to straighten them out!


Row Errupts as Prison Officer’s Sniffer Dog Causes Muslim Offence

A row has broken out at one of the UK’s toughest high-security jails over a complaint that a prison officer called his sniffer dog Allah.

The prison officer in question insists he named his dog Ali, not Allah, but has been moved to another jail after the complaint from a Muslim inmate at Belmarsh prison, south-east London.

Belmarsh contains the highest number of Muslim inmates of any UK prison.

A source at the jail told the Sun newspaper: “Muslims don’t like dogs and it would have been an insult to their religion if the dog had been called Allah, which is sacred to them. It is disgraceful the way the management kow-towed to them despite Chris’s denial.”

[You took the words right out of my mouth!]

A Prison Service source is quoted: “There is no suggestion that he did call the dog Allah but, on balance, it was thought better to transfer him.”

Explore posts in the same categories: British Muslims, Creeping Sharia, dhimmitude, Muslim whining, Religion

One Comment on “Incarcerated UK Muslims Offended by “Allah” the Dog”

  1. Mullah Lodabullah Says:

    One of the local police dogs was named “Satan”, & while I’m not particularly fond of the devil, I didn’t object to the dog. From memory, The Phantom’s dog was “Devil”; maybe
    rename it “Mohammed” & let it lift its leg on a copy of …

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