Archive for 27 June, 2008

Great News for Mexicans: It’s Okay to Kill Border Agents

27 June, 2008

The above headline was sarcasm, for all of you who just don’t get my sense of humor…

Just be glad I didn’t go with my first headline – “Jesus Kills Border Agent; Judge Forgives his Trespasses…”

Mexican set free after border patrol agent struck, killed
Judge releases drug dealer accused of murdering U.S. officer with vehicle
June 27, 2008

Officials are outraged after a Mexican judge released a Mexican national who allegedly struck and killed a U.S. Border Patrol agent with his vehicle.

Jesus Navarro Montes was accused of intentionally killing Agent Luis Aguilar Jan. 19 near the Imperial Sand Dunes in Imperial County, Calif., the Los Angeles Times reported. Aguilar was attempting to stop two Mexican vehicles from entering the country illegally. As he positioned a strip of tire spikes into the road, Montes allegedly rammed his vehicle into the agent and killed him.

Now a Mexican judge has released Montes without restrictions.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said he was shocked at the Mexican judge’s decision to free Montes.

“We are working with a determined Mexican government and our Department of Justice to seek swift justice for the Aguilar murder,” Chertoff said in a statement. “We have also assured Agent Aguilar’s family that every resource is being called upon in the relentless pursuit of justice.”

Chertoff had previously applauded Mexico’s support in finding Aguilar’s murderer, and he referenced the agent’s slaying as an illustration of increasing violence along the U.S.-Mexico border.

However, Montes was arrested in northern Mexico three days following Aguilar’s murder, where he awaited a trial on charges of immigrant smuggling. He was later set free, and the details of his prison release were unclear, the Los Angeles Times reported.

The president of the National Border Patrol Council, T.J. Bonner, told newspaper he couldn’t understand how Montes could be released after he allegedly killed a border patrol agent in cold blood.

“How can a guy who murdered one of our law enforcement agents just be released like that?” Bonner asked. “He could be anywhere by now.”

Officials at Mexico’s federal attorney general’s office and Public Safety Department said they believe Montes drove from Mexicali in Baja California toward the U.S. border in a Hummer loaded with drugs prior to striking the agent with his vehicle.


CHRC Dismisses “Thought Crime” Charges Against Maclean’s Magazine

27 June, 2008

Excellent News!  Canada’s anti-democratic Section 13 “thought crime” law suffers yet another defeat!  However, the battle is far from over:

Maclean’s responds to recent decision from the Canadian Human Rights Commission

TORONTO, June 26 /CNW/ – Maclean’s magazine is pleased that the Canadian Human Rights Commission has dismissed the complaint brought against it by the Canadian Islamic Congress. The decision is in keeping with our long-standing position that the article in question, “The Future Belongs to Islam,” an excerpt from Mark Steyn’s best-selling book America Alone, was a worthy piece of commentary on important geopolitical issues, entirely within the bounds of normal journalistic practice.

Though gratified by the decision, Maclean’s continues to assert that no human rights commission, whether at the federal or provincial level, has the mandate or the expertise to monitor, inquire into, or assess the editorial decisions of the nation’s media. And we continue to have grave concerns about a system of complaint and adjudication that allows a media outlet to be pursued in multiple jurisdictions on the same complaint, brought by the same complainants, subjecting it to costs of hundreds of thousands of dollars, to say nothing of the inconvenience. We enthusiastically support those parliamentarians who are calling for legislative review of the commissions with regard to speech issues.


Two “Swiss” Parents Convicted of Genital Mutilation

27 June, 2008

Well, it’s nice to hear that the Swiss are not neutral on this issue

Parents convicted of genital mutilation

Two Somali-born parents who had their daughter circumcised in Zurich in 1996 have been handed suspended prison sentences of two years.

The sentences to the parents of the girl, now aged 14, were read out in a Zurich court on Thursday. The judge’s ruling was in line with what prosecutors had requested and was the first time anyone has been convicted for carrying out genital mutilation in Switzerland.

The parents had claimed they were unaware that female genital mutilation – sometimes referred to as female circumcision – was illegal in Switzerland.

They had been charged with grievous bodily harm, a crime punishable by up to ten years in prison.

The court heard that imprisoning the parents would have broken up the family, which the parents say is now better integrated.

The family’s two younger daughters have not been subjected to the practice, something the parents say was part of their Muslim religion.

Earlier in June, a court handed down a six-month suspended prison sentence to a 50-year-old woman who had sent her 13-year-old half-sister to Somalia to be circumcised.

There are around 7,000 girls or women, mainly from Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea, living in Switzerland who have been or are at risk of being submitted to genital mutilation.