Archive for 5 February, 2009

Obama Gives Military Judge the Bird – Will Ask Military to Withdraw Charges Against Terrorist Responsible for U.S.S. Cole Bombing

5 February, 2009

Grrrrrrrrrr…..  Too pissed off to comment!!!

This is an update to our story HERE.

H/T – PianoBuff


President Obama Likely to Order Military Commission Charges Dropped Against Terrorist Suspect Al-Nashiri Friday

February 05, 2009 – Jake Tapper –

ABC News has learned that on Friday, President Obama will likely order the Department of Defense’s Military Commission to withdraw charges against terrorist suspect Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri. The charges may later be reinstated in a military commission or pursued in a civilian court. Al-Nashiri will remain in custody.

The announcement will not be made until after President Obama meets with the families of victims of terrorist attacks on 9/11 and on the U.S.S. Cole, where he will assure them that this step is not being done to be lenient towards al-Nashiri. The move is being done to stop the continued prosecution of al-Nashiri in a court system that his administration may ultimately find illegitimate, not for any other reason, sources told ABC News.

President Obama has expressed concern about whether the military commissions set up by the Bush administration are the proper way to go forward in pursuing charges against the U.S. detainees, and on January 22 he asked all the judges supervising the trials of detainees for a continuance of 120 days, so a team of administration officials could review the best way forward.

In almost the cases, that continuance request was granted. But last week the judge supervising the al-Nashiri trial — Army Col. James L. Pohl, the chief judge at the Guantanamo Bay war crimes court — said he would not heed President Obama’s request for a 120-day continuance, or delay, in prosecutions of terrorism suspects. Pohl called the president’s request “not reasonable” and not “in the interests of justice.”

The arraignment of al-Nashiri is scheduled for Monday, February 9.

Al-Nashiri has been identified as the former Persian Gulf Operations Chief for al Qaeda and the mastermind of the attack on the U.S.S. Cole. In March 2007 he testified in military court  that he only confessed to certain crimes because he has been tortured for the previous five years.

Asked for reaction to the news, Commander Kirk Lippold (Ret.), former Commander aboard the U.S.S. Cole when it was bombed on October 12, 2000, told ABC News that “I am concerned about the President considering dropping the charges because it may be indicative that the president does not intend to follow the military commissions process which has undergone extensive legal and legislative review.”

“For some reason the administration says what’s been expressed through the legislature is not sufficient,” Lippold said of the military commissions. “They need to allow the process to go forward.”


Barack Obama’s attack on religion continues

5 February, 2009

Personally I have no problem with religion, worship as you will as far as I am concerned. It is President Obama that wishes you censored. This generations prophet has all the answers, line up and obey him.

This entire scam is mindboggling. The same people who cannot tell the difference between stimulus and pork are going to explain faith to us all.

5 February 2009, AFP
PRESIDENT Barack Obama warned that religion must not be hijacked by hate and intolerance, as he announced an overhaul of the former Bush administration’s faith-based initiatives.
-It is obvious to everyone we have massive economic issues, infrastructure problems, two wars and a broken immigration policy. Instead of working on those issues the messiah wants to control your faith. If that pompous ass really thinks all religions are equal he needs to first prove it. To make changes without any supporting data is a clear sign of pushing an agenda. I want to know what metric he is going to judge all these competing faiths. If it is the number of pedophiles, murderers, rapists and suicide bombers a bunch of faiths are going to have to work together to catch up to islam.

The new Office of Faith-Based and Neighbourhood Partnerships is expected to advise the new president on domestic and foreign policy issues and to forge links with faith-based organisations overseas.
-No word on what penalties faiths that fail to meet the messiahs policies will face. This is not about tolerance it is about control. Tow the party line, do not question, obey, obey, obey. You need our governments experts to explain your faith to you. Tow the party line, do not question, obey, obey, obey.

“The goal of this office will not be to favour one religious group over another – or even religious groups over secular groups,” the president said in a speech at the annual National Prayer Breakfast.
-Bullshit, all you white people have been oppressing the brother and he is striking back, he learned a few things listening to his pastor of twenty years.

“It will simply be to work on behalf of those organisations that want to work on behalf of our communities, and to do so without blurring the line that our founders wisely drew between church and state.”
-Not only is this not the time for this, it is not his place to decide your faith.

Mr Obama traces his own religious awakening to his days working as a community worker in Chicago and said that both secular and faith groups working to improve people’s lives were vital in the deep economic recession.
-Is Chicago now better off? Did he dictate which groups will work with each other and lay down rules for them to follow? (more…)

Local Telephone Numbers for Your Senators

5 February, 2009

JMB emailed us with a link to a website that has a list of  in-state Contact Numbers for all the U.S. Senators.

Check it out by CLICKING HERE.

Senator Demint Notices Dems Slip in Gag on Religious Free Speech in Stimulus Bill

5 February, 2009

Can anyone tell me what limiting religious Free Speech has to do with stimulating the economy?

Nothing.  It’s all about the Commies and Dhimmicrats using the stimulus package as a Trojan Horse to further their Libtard agenda:

H/T – MeMaw

Yet Another Nominee has Tax Problems…

5 February, 2009

Yeah, I like the way USA Today tries to spin this as the husband’s tax problem…  Sorry, but if you’re married, the IRS considers the problem to be BOTH of yours…

Hey, Obama, way to vet those nominees, buddy!  Of course, we all know that the vetting process is only used when there’s an “R” next to their names (or, “Clinton,” perhaps)…


Husband of Rep. Solis, Labor nominee, settles tax liens
By Matt Kelley, USA TODAY

WASHINGTON — The husband of President Obama’s Labor secretary nominee paid about $6,400 Wednesday to settle tax liens that had been outstanding for as long as 16 years against his business, the Obama administration told USA TODAY this afternoon.

The disclosure came shortly before a scheduled 2 p.m. meeting of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, which will vote on Rep. Hilda Solis’ nomination as labor secretary. The hearing was postponed; no reason was immediately revealed.

Los Angeles County records showed 15 outstanding state and county tax liens against Sam Sayyad and his auto repair business, totaling $7,630. Two other liens worth $981 were released in 1999 after Sayyad repaid the taxes owed, according to county records.

Solis’ financial disclosures list Sayyad’s business, Sam’s Foreign and Domestic Auto Center, as one of the couple’s main assets, worth between $50,000 and $100,000. The disclosure form Solis filed after her nomination also lists bank accounts containing between $250,000 and $500,000.

Solis and Sayyad were unaware of the liens until USA TODAY asked about them Tuesday, White House spokesman Tommy Vietor said. He said Sayyad paid about $6,400 to Los Angeles County on Wednesday to settle the liens, but he plans to appeal.

Bangladesh: Muslims Beat Bible Student for Handing out Tracts

5 February, 2009

Feel the love:


Throng from annual event threatens to kill 20-year-old as he distributes Christian literature.

DHAKA, Bangladesh, February 5 (Compass Direct News) – Pilgrims to a massive Islamic conference near this capital city on Sunday (Feb. 1) beat and threatened to kill a Bible school student as he distributed Christian literature.

Rajen Murmo, 20, a student at Believers’ Church Bible College, was distributing the 32-page books among Muslims near the school along with 25 other students in Uttara town in northern Dhaka, just a few kilometers from the banks of a river in Tongi, where the government claimed 4 million Muslim pilgrims had gathered.

They had massed for the annual, three-day World Muslim Congregation (Bishwa Ijtema). Murmo told Compass that a man with a ragged beard in a loose white garment and white trousers approached the students and told them Muslims did not abide by the Bible because the Quran had superseded it, rendering it outdated.

“Suddenly some of his outrageous entourage grasped me and asked where I got the books and who gave me the books. They wanted to know the address of my religious leaders and mission, but I did not give them the address,” said Murmo.

“If I had given them the address of the Bible college, they would have destroyed it. My blank denial to give information to them made them enraged, and they started beating me. They told me if I do not give the address of the religious leaders and mission, they would kill me.”

A throng of more than 50 raucous Muslims kicked, slapped and punched him, he said, leaving him with a split lip. Clutching his collar and tearing his shirt, they insisted that he give them the school’s address and that of his mission and Christian leaders; as he continued to refuse, their anger further flared, he said. A patrolling vehicle from the elite force Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) consisting of army, navy, air force and police appeared and rescued him, Murmo said.

Later the mob persuaded the elite force to send him to a nearby police station, he said, and principal Amos Deory of the Bible college went to release him. Deory told Murmo that police officers expressed concern that if the RAB agents had not arrived in time, the angry pilgrims would have killed him.

Read the rest of this article at Compass Direct by CLICKING HERE

Obama’s Justice Nominee, David Ogden, Loves Porn HATES Children!!!

5 February, 2009

Consider this:  David Ogden is extremely pro-abortion and, at the same time,  pro-child-porn.

Hmmm…  If you kill all the innocent children, where are you going to get your child-porn “models” from?  See?  Typical Libtard logic leading to Cognitive Dissonance disease!

H/T – MeMaw

Obama Justice Nominee Used to Represent Playboy


David Ogden, President Obama’s pick for deputy attorney general, used to represent Playboy — in one case paving the way for the blind to enjoy the magazine at the Library of Congress.

Senators might want to hold David Ogden’s confirmation hearing after the kids go to bed.

That’s because the man in line to become No. 2 at the nation’s top law enforcement agency was once a strident defender of Playboy and other purveyors of nudity.

And some critics are drawing attention to his risque legal work ahead of his Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Thursday. In one case, Ogden paved the way for the blind to enjoy Playboy at the Library of Congress.

“There’s essentially a question of propriety,” said Brian Burch, president of the religious conservative group, Fidelis — which released a critical report on Ogden’s past representation. Burch co-signed a letter this week to committee members raising flags about Ogden, up for deputy attorney general, and other nominees.

At a time when Congress is engrossed in a debate over stimulus, Fidelis argues Ogden was engaged in the wrong kind.

One of Ogden’s triumphs came in 1986, when he argued against the Library of Congress’ decision to stop publishing Braille editions of Playboy magazine.

He won, on behalf of the the American Council for the Blind, Playboy and other plaintiffs.

Afterward he was quoted as saying he hopes the decision doesn’t create a burden but “that’s the price of violating people’s First Amendment rights.”

Ogden also represented Playboy two decades ago in pushing for the federal court to stop then-Attorney General Edwin Meese from releasing a “black list” of distributors of allegedly pornographic content. He won that as well.

Ogden frequently represented clients, not all of them nudie-magazines, who challenged what they saw as censorship and unconstitutional restrictions.

For instance, he once filed a brief on behalf of a group of library directors arguing against the Children’s Internet Protection Act. The act ordered libraries and schools receiving funding for the Internet to restrict access to obscene sites. But Ogden’s brief argued that the act impaired the ability of librarians to do their jobs. He called it “unconstitutional,” though the Supreme Court later disagreed with him and upheld the act.

And he argued, on behalf of several media groups, against a child pornography law that required publishers of all kinds to verify and document the age of their models (which would ensure the models are at least 18). The provisions were struck down.

Ogden was quoted at the time saying the potential reach of the law was “mind-boggling” and even “terrifying.”

Burch said Ogden’s legal work does not disqualify him for the job of deputy attorney general. But he still said the Senate should vote against him.

The opposition might not gain much traction. The Senate Judiciary Committee has so far received a slew of letters voicing support for Ogden, who has held several positions in the Justice Department already.

The National District Attorneys Association wrote that Ogden has an “institutional perspective” of the agency and is an impressive candidate.

Former Sen. John Warner is expected to introduce Ogden on Thursday.

“Mr. Ogden’s impressive career as a litigator, leader of the legal community and great public servant will serve the Justice Department, law enforcement and America’s families well,” wrote the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

That, despite his past arguments against child protection laws.

Islamic Stinkers at it Again

5 February, 2009

Gramfan alerted us to the following image over at the Islamic Thinkers’ website:


So, I guess they “think” Obama is a Jew, now…  Notice the lower right photograph naming a Rabbi as “Vermin.”  Also of note (besides the obvious “Obama the slave” cartoon) is Surah 5:82  from the Qur’an.  Interesting that they chose to use the arabic word “Al-Mushrikun” instead of its translation, “the Pagans.”  Obviously, they don’t want to disenfranchise the Wiccans…