Archive for 4 October, 2009

World Bank President: WB Could Run Out of Money Within 12 Months

4 October, 2009

The WB could run out of money, soon?!  Well, given their last few movie releases this year (Whiteout; Coco Before Chanel; Orphan) I can certainly see how they would be in such danger of running out of money, even if they did super hype The Invention of Lying.

Oh, wait…  My bad.

That was “World Bank,” not “Warner Brothers.”

Gee, I sure am glad the New World Oligarchs have told us that the economic crisis is almost at an end, else I might be forced to conclude that they have re-invented lying…

I wouldn’t worry too much about the World Bank, however.  Our Glorious Dark Overlord  can always write them another one of those many rubber checks he has left over in his Stimulus checkbook:
World Bank could ‘run out of money’ within 12 months
The World Bank is close to running out of money, its president, Robert Zoellick, has disclosed.
By Edmund Conway, Economics Editor in

The Bank, whose job it is to support low-income countries, has had to hand out so much cash in the wake of the financial crisis that its resources could run dry within 12 months.

“By the middle of next year we will face serious constraints,” said its president Robert Zoellick, as he launched a major campaign to persuade rich nations to pour more money into the Washington-based institution.

He conceded that such a task was likely to be extremely difficult, given the difficulties facing countries in the wake of the developed world’s biggest recession since the Second World War. However, Mr Zoellick, speaking at the opening of the IMF and World Bank annual meetings in Istanbul, said the Bank needed a capital increase of as much as $11.1bn (£6.9bn) to keep functioning. He said he hoped that its shareholders, including the UK and other leading nations, would decide on resources before its spring meeting next April.

The money would be shared between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development – the key part of the bank, which lends to poor nations – and the International Financial Corporation (IFC), which lends to companies.

Mr Zoellick said: “We recognise that all countries are under budgetary strain and it is not an easy time to be asking for these things”.

He said that a shortfall of cash for the IFC was a cause for particular concern, Mr Zoellick added, “because one of the issues in this recovery is the hand-off from government stimulus programs to private-sector development.”

The Bank has had to lend significantly more cash than the three-year $100bn programme it committed to last year because of the virulence of the financial and economic crisis. The majority of the money has been spent ensuring the survival of the most vulnerable nations.