Archive for 17 October, 2009

Lord Christopher Monckton Says The Treaty In Copenhagen Will Create A Communist One World Government.

17 October, 2009

It should be noted that any treaty signed by ODO needs 2/3 of the Senate majority to make it valid.  Given ODO’s propensity for fatuously giving away America’s sovereignty to just about anyone, be prepared to fire up the phone lines to your Senators…

The World Kicks ODO Around Like a Soccer Ball

17 October, 2009

ODO = Our Dark Overlord—(just in case you haven’t been keeping up with us).



[Note:  DS9 Kids by Des.]

The peacenik gets a lesson

By Wesley Pruden

A soft answer can sometimes turn away wrath, but not always, and presidents have to be wary of showing timidity and weakness in the face of a bully. This is the expensive lesson the tinhorns of the world are teaching Barack Obama. So far he is not an honors student.

Throwing Poland and the Czech Republic under that celebrated bus, a cramped space already brimming with old friends, pastors, mentors, tutors and even members of his own family who are no longer useful, was costly. It’s never easy to be a friend of America, and Mr. Obama is making it impossible to be one.

He got a humiliating reminder of reality this week when the Russians, to whom he had paid such humble obeisance, gave him a hard slap across the face, just to remind him who he is and who is meant to be in charge of the world. Mr. Obama expected to get something when he blew off Poland and the Czech Republic, which had agreed to host NATO missile sites at considerable cost and risk, being close neighbors of the Russians.

What he thought he got was an implicit understanding that Russia recognizes the danger of the Iranian nuclear bomb, that it would change the power equation in the Middle East. Russia would join the West in imposing sanctions tough enough to get the attention of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

But not so fast. It’s not as if the Russians really meant it. Vladimir Putin, the Russian prime minister and an old KGB operative who is obviously still in charge of everything important in Moscow, warned “major powers” – diplomatic softspeak for “the United States” – against trying to intimidate Iran into behaving itself. He said talk of new sanctions against the Islamic republic are “premature.” This is diplomatic realspeak for “not now and not ever.”
