Archive for 26 October, 2009

Gainesville Florida Church Sets Up Anti-Islam Display

26 October, 2009

This Church also keeps the “Islam is of the Devil” sign prominently displayed. Now before everyone gets all excited and condemns this as hate speak remember all the articles we have run of muslims all over the globe calling for murder, oppressive sharia and the death of any number of groups-all protected free speech.

by Erica Rodriguez, 26 Oct 09, WCJB-TV
Leaders of a church in Northwest Gainesville posted a new addition to their anti-Islam campaign this week.
-I do so like Florida, for a place infested with old yankees seeking their elephant graveyard before it is to late, we do have our attributes.

The display, depicting a lynching of a Christian man by an Islamic man, is stirring up emotions among residents in the area.
-I think the lynching symbolism was a bad choice. In the American south that would probably hurt the feeling of more Blacks than Muslims, bad message, wrong target audience.

Some call it disturbing and graphic.
-I call it art (j/k, I knew that would make you go- huh?) (more…)

New Gallup Poll: America Continues to be a Conservative Nation

26 October, 2009

The harder the Commies push,  the larger we grow:

Conservatives Maintain Edge as Top Ideological Group
Compared with 2008, more Americans “conservative” in general, and on issues
by Lydia Saad –

PRINCETON, NJ — Conservatives continue to outnumber moderates and liberals in the American populace in 2009, confirming a finding that Gallup first noted in June. Forty percent of Americans describe their political views as conservative, 36% as moderate, and 20% as liberal. This marks a shift from 2005 through 2008, when moderates were tied with conservatives as the most prevalent group.


The 2009 data are based on 16 separate Gallup surveys conducted from January through September, encompassing more than 5,000 national adults per quarter. Conservatives have been the dominant ideological group each quarter, with between 39% and 41% of Americans identifying themselves as either “very conservative” or “conservative.” Between 35% and 37% of Americans call themselves “moderate,” while the percentage calling themselves “very liberal” or “liberal” has consistently registered between 20% and 21% — making liberals the smallest of the three groups.


Americans Also Moving Right on Some Issues

In addition to the increase in conservatism on this general ideology measure, Gallup finds higher percentages of Americans expressing conservative views on several specific issues in 2009 than in 2008.

[Click on image to enlarge]



All of this has potentially important implications at the ballot box, particularly for the 2010 midterm elections. The question is whether increased conservatism, particularly among independents, will translate into heightened support for Republican candidates. Right now, it appears it may. Although Gallup polling continues to show the Democratic Party leading the Republican Party in Americans’ party identification, that lead has been narrowing since the beginning of the year and now stands at six points, the smallest since 2005.

Westboro Lunatics to Protest Schools in Missouri

26 October, 2009

Hey, I have no problem with someone protesting the indoctrination of our youth, however, when someone gets to the point where they think they can read the thoughts of God Almighty Himself and then pronounce sentence with a healthy smattering of “God hates you” and vitriolic verbiage, then we have a BIG problem:


Yup, even the devil can quote scripture…

Public Plan an Exercise in Political Avoidance

26 October, 2009

Remember, it’s not about health, it’s about control:

The ‘Public Plan’ Delusion
By Robert Samuelson – Real Clear Politics

WASHINGTON — In the health care debate, the “public plan” is all things to all people. For supporters, it would discipline greedy private insurers and make health coverage affordable. For detractors, it’s a way station on the path to a single-payer insurance system of government-run health care. In reality, the public plan is mostly an exercise in political avoidance: It pretends to control costs and improve access to quality care when it doesn’t.

As originally conceived by Yale political scientist Jacob Hacker, the public plan would be a government-created, nonprofit insurance company providing Medicare-like coverage to the under-65 population. But unlike Medicare, benefits would be paid for mainly by premiums — not taxes. Americans could buy coverage from the public plan or a private insurer.

Competition and choice would increase, say liberals. Facing the low-cost public plan, private insurers would hold down their own premiums, the argument goes. Health care costs for everyone would moderate. Government subsidies to provide universal coverage would be cheaper. By some estimates, Medicare’s administrative costs are only 3 percent of spending compared with 13 percent or more for private insurers. A new public plan is widely presumed to enjoy an advantage in overhead.

Nonsense, retort critics. The public plan’s low costs would be artificial. Its main advantage would be the congressionally mandated requirement that hospitals and doctors be reimbursed at rates at or near Medicare’s. These are as much as 30 percent lower than rates paid by private insurers, says the health care consulting firm Lewin Group. With such savings, the public plan could charge much lower premiums and attract lots of customers. But health costs wouldn’t subside; hospitals and doctors would offset the public plan’s artificially low reimbursements by raising fees to private insurers, as already occurs with Medicare. Premiums would increase because private insurers must cover costs to survive.


My Family and I WILL NOT Submit to a Dictator!

26 October, 2009

National Emergency—Round One

Drafted By Dr. Bulldog
Medical Research Assistance by Mrs. Bulldog
Dedicated to:  Our Little Princess—May she live a long and fertile life

“Never let a serious crisis go to waste. What I mean by that is it’s an opportunity to do things you couldn’t do before.” – Rahm Emanuel, White House Chief of Staff.


Well, you probably are all wondering why I have been silent about Obama declaring a “National Emergency” Friday evening (he always releases critical news on Friday night in an attempt to bury the story by Monday when most of the editors come back from their weekend break—by then it is old news and many editors will not give the story the front page exposure it deserves).  The reason I’ve been so quiet is that I’m still somewhat in a state of shock…

It’s not like I didn’t see it coming or anything, it’s just that I am amazed at how little the average American realizes the untold dangers they now face.   And, I am even more surprised and upset by the indifference shown by the general public.

Yesterday, I went to the grocery store to pick up a few items.  I couldn’t help but notice everyone walking around, going about their daily lives without any knowledge of the forces conspiring against them to destroy their way of life.  As I studied the blank faces and looks of indifference all around me, I had this overwhelming urge to grab them by the shoulders and scream at the top of my lungs, “Wake up!  You blind fools!  You are under attack!”  Had it not been for my ingrained sense of respecting the established social decorum, I most certainly would have done it—even at the risk of being carted off to the loony bin.

Let me walk you through a few things that are of great concern to me:

First of all, let’s be clear about this;  Obama’s plan to use some sort of excuse for declaring a national emergency in order to implement totalitarian control of America was discussed,  ad nauseam, on the blogosphere well before Obama usurped the Oval Office.  However, it wasn’t until much later that some in our government woke up and started sounding the alarm:

Thursday, August 13, 2009 – Georgia Congressman Paul Broun warned attendees of a town hall event Tuesday that the Obama administration was planning to use a pandemic or a natural disaster to implement martial law in the United States.

Speaking at the North Georgia Technical College auditorium, Broun said that the “socialistic elite,” as well as Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, were planning to exploit a crisis to create a favorable climate for their stalling political agenda.

“They’re trying to develop an environment where they can take over,” he said. “We’ve seen that historically.”

Of course, as is the usual response from Obama’s psycho sycophants—or, as I like to call them, “psychophants”— Congressman Paul Broun was immediately called an idiot, a racist, and hate monger for even entertaining such a “preposterous” notion.

Who’s the idiot now?

Secondly, unless you are like those  in the Military who have signed away their rights, forced vaccinations are unconstitutional, period!  That the government is actually forcing vaccinations should be grounds enough to spur every U.S. citizen into action!  Come Monday morning, EVERYONE needs to get on the phone and call their Congresscritters and Senators—when they go to put you on hold, be sure to say something like, “Hey, I needed a few hours of free time to load up all my ammo clips anyway, so sure, I’d be more than happy to hold.”

Since Obama has declared a National Health Emergency, let me show you what that means:
