Archive for 13 February, 2007

Islamic Jihad threatens US interests

13 February, 2007

I appreciate the thoughtfulness of this clown. He makes a threat and his buddy corrects it. It seems they fear pissing off American liberals. It could hit them where it hurts-their wallets.

By (AP)
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip
Americans would be in danger if the United States harms Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shallah, a senior official in the group said Tuesday, after Washington offered up to $5 million for the arrest of Shallah.
However, the official, Khaled Batch, did not make a specific threat against US citizens.
“If they (the US government) are going to do this … the American people should be in danger, as the Palestinian people are,” Batch told a news conference in Gaza City.
Another Islamic Jihad official later said the group would target American interests – but not Americans.
“The regular American citizen is not a target for us, because I am sure he is not pleased about American foreign policy,” said the official, Khader Habib.
The militant Muslim group is sworn to Israel’s destruction, and is responsible for several suicide bombings in Israel which have killed scores of civilians. The group’s leader, including head Ramadan Shallah, live in Syria.
The United States made its offer on Monday for two terror suspects. The other is a Lebanese citizen allegedly associated with the Iranian-backed Shi’ite militia, Hizbullah.

Wilders: Muslims Should Tear Up Half The Koran

13 February, 2007

I like this guy. I expect Muslim outrage will follow this guys candy coating of both Islam and the false Prophet Mohammad but at least he is speaking out. I don’t know why he went soft on them but I welcome him to the fight.

14/02/07 – If the Prophet Mohammed were living in the Netherlands today, he would have to be deported from the country. And if Muslims want to stay in the Netherlands, they must tear up and throw away half the Koran, says Party for Freedom (PVV) leader Geert Wilders.
Wilders gave an extensive interview yesterday to De Pers newspaper. In it, he outlined ambivalent feelings about the Middle East. Wilders travelled as a young man through Israel, Egypt, Turkey and Syria. “Oh, it is so beautiful there! The Syrian region of Palmyra for example (…) has a rich history, a rich culture (…) How often I was invited by people into their homes in small villages in the Middle East. And Iran, what friendly, lovely people live there (…) I only have something against the religion, not against the people.”
Wilders discovered “that there is a constant factor” in the Middle East. “That the regime, the religion, the spiritual leadership is no good at all.” There was not a specific moment when he became annoyed with Islam. “It happened gradually.”
According to Wilders, Islam is a violent religion. “If Mohammed lived here today, I would propose tarring and feathering and hunting him out of the country as an extremist. (…) If Muslims want to stay here, they must tear up and throw away half the Koran. They must not listen to their Imam. I have read the Koran. (…) And I know that there are enough terrible things in it. If Muslims do assimilate, they are fully-fledged citizens, not a millimetre less valuable than you or I.”
Wilders believes his new PVV party – it obtained 9 Lower House seats in November – can grow into “one of the biggest parties” in parliament. “Other parties avoid the themes that threaten us in our existence. Everything we are proud of, we sell to the devil. (…) You feel that you are no longer living in your own country.”
Wilders thinks he cannot accomplish much but something with his current nine seats. He points to the ban on all-enveloping clothing that he instigated. “Two years before I put forward my motion for a burqa ban, I was denounced for this. But it has succeeded, the burqa ban was adopted by 76 to 74 votes.”
Wilders concurs that he is “mad about Israel.” The only criticism he has of the country is that “I find Israel sometimes listens to Europe too much. It should have intervened in Lebanon much earlier. I am more inclined to consider that Israel does not go far enough than that it goes too far.”

Al-Qaida’s No. 2 calls Bush an alcoholic

13 February, 2007

The childish response to this idiots rant would be “it takes one to know one”. A speech should maintain a theme and this one bounces around and ends with him attacking fellow Muslims, nice. Its real purpose is to remind us he is still around and to cause us fear, well I am not buying it. You are simply a pedophile lover and slightly less important than a mole cricket. Muslim propaganda doesn’t explain why they always feel the need to warn us poor infidels the same infidels who are mowing down their jihadi armies’ by the thousands. Sorry ackmad but we are just starting to warm up. Save your rants for someone who cares

Al-Qaida’s No. 2 said President Bush was an alcoholic and a lying gambler who wagered on Iraq and lost, according to a new audiotape released Tuesday. Ayman al-Zawahri said in the tape that Bush has been forced to admit his failure in Iraq after he was “stubborn” and repeated the “lie, which he became addicted to, that he is winning” in Iraq and Afghanistan. “Bush suffers from an addictive personality, and was an alcoholic. I don’t know his present condition … but the one who examines his personality finds that he is addicted to two other faults — lying and gambling,” al-Zawahri said in the audiotape. Bush, who is now 60, has acknowledged he had a problem with drinking but gave up alcohol when he was 40 years old. The 41-minute audiotape could not immediately be authenticated but was seen by The Associated Press on a Web site commonly used by insurgent groups and carried the logo of the multimedia arm of al-Qaida, as- Sahab. The audio was accompanied by a video that showed a still picture of al- Zawahri and featured an English translation of the audio at the bottom of the screen. Transcripts of the audiotape were first released by two U.S. groups that track extremist messages, the SITE Institute and the IntelCenter. On the tape, al-Zawahri said Bush has gone down in history as one of the world’s “most notorious liars.” “So pay attention before it’s too late, and beware of Bush’s losing gambler’s lie which claims that he, with the corpses of your killed and limbs of your wounded, is spreading democracy around the world,” said al-Zawahri, (more…)