Archive for 16 February, 2007

Malaysian: Chastity belts ‘help’ women

16 February, 2007

I hate to admit this but the guy has a point-no not the belt that is a stupid idea. His point that something should be done to protect Muslim women from Muslim men is valid. I am starting to believe a Muslim woman who has not been victimized by a relative or another Muslim is slightly rarer than a sasquatch.

Bangkok Post
Kuala Lumpur (dpa) – A leading Malaysian Muslim cleric has suggested that all women should be fitted with chastity belts as a deterrent to rape and incest, a news report said Friday.

Abu Hassan Al-Hafiz, an influential cleric from the northeastern Terengganu state, said that women were most safe from sexual predators if they donned some form of barrier to their sexual organs.

“We have even come across a number of unusual sex cases, where even senior citizens and children are not spared. The best way to avert sex perpetrators is to wear protection,” Abu Hassan said in a sermon late Thursday, quoted by the Star daily.

“My intention is not to offend women but to safeguard them from sex maniacs. Besides, husbands could also feel more secure, if you know what I mean.”

Abu Hassan said that the practice of women wearing chastity belts in Malaysia could be traced to as recent as the mid-1960s.

Muslim clerics push for flags to be flown on mosques

16 February, 2007

As far as propaganda goes this was well thought out and might even have its desired effect-to portray Muslims as proud Australians. The PC types love the-we are just like you – only different themes. Many will simply except this as proof they can successful integrate. This is doomed to falure not because the pc types will not fall for it, they eat this stuff up. Muslims are the problem. They will climb up and rip these flags down, burn Mosques and raise T total-until the flags are removed. No good can come of this.

Richard Kerbaj
The Australian
February 17, 2007
SENIOR Muslim leaders have called for the Australian flag to be flown outside the nation’s mosques as an expression of the Islamic community’s “loyalty” and commitment to this country.
Muslim clerics yesterday urged Australia’s 300,000 Muslims to back the idea as a symbol of “integration” and pride.
The former chairman of the Prime Minister’s Muslim reference group, Ameer Ali, pushed the Australian Muslim community yesterday to adopt the flag.
“Even in Muslim countries in the mosque they fly the national flag … (such as) in Pakistan. If that can be done in a Muslim country why not in Australia?” Dr Ali said.
He said Muslims opposed to the flag being displayed outside mosques were religiously narrow-minded. “I think they are looking at it from a very narrow, religious angle,” he said.
Dr Ali said he spearheaded the initiative of displaying the flag outside Muslim schools owned by the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils when he ran that organisation in 2002.
He also ensured that students sang the national anthem during special functions.
“We are Australian Muslims,” he said. “And it (the flag) is a symbol of our national identity.”
One of Australia’s most respected female Muslim leaders, Aziza Abdel-Halim, said displaying a national flag outside mosques would not conflict with Islamic teachings.
“Putting the Australian flag (outside mosques is) a good sign of integration, of being at one with everyone else in this country and our pride in being Australian,” said Sister Abdel-Halim, also a former senior member of John Howard’s Muslim advisory body. (more…)

10,000 Saudi Terrorists on US Campuses

16 February, 2007

Ok, ok all 10,000 are not terrorists but you don’t know how many are. You don’t know how many will be and you don’t know what they will do with their advanced education. I look at it like there are two problems-you can’t trust them and 10,000 American students just lost a seat in someone’s class.

10,000 Saudi Students on US Campuses
By Fred Lucas Staff Writer
February 16, 2007
Two years ago President Bush and Saudi Arabia’s then Crown Prince Abdullah jointly called for a greater exchange of students, but recent revelations of a terror plot and a history of lax screening have raised concerns about the nearly 10,000 Saudis in the United States on student visas.
The visa figures from the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement were revealed less than a month after the Defense Intelligence Agency issued an unclassified statement that said al Qaeda’s Iraq faction considered using student visas to get more than a dozen operatives into the United States.
U.S. officials told media organizations the plan was in its early stages and that none of the operatives had entered the United States.
Considering that 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were Saudis and some had been issued student visas, the new information on Saudi student visa numbers is highly relevant, said Chris Farrell, director of investigations and research for Judicial Watch. (more…)

Island’s cargo cult celebrates 50 years worshipping the US

16 February, 2007

I really need a “you can’t make this stuff up” tag. Anyway, it is refreshing to see someone somewhere appreciates the USA. Despite all the aid, technological advances and the generosity of the American people some people hate us. Until someone creates a cult to worship me I encourage all of you to join this one. America is a great place and should be recognized as such.
By Nick Squires in Lamakara
As global public opinion sours towards the United States, Americans weary of the relentless negativity can take heart from an exotic corner of the South Pacific.

The US’s standing in the world may have plummeted under President George W Bush, but a bizarre cargo cult in the Vanuatu island nation holds America in god-like esteem.
The Jon Frum movement celebrated the 50th anniversary of its founding yesterday with a lavish feast in which village men dressed up as US soldiers and marched in front of a giant Stars and Stripes flag on a bamboo pole.

Miniature American flags festooned trees lining the black sand parade ground, which forms the focus of Lamakara village, the headquarters of the cult, on the Jungle Island of Tanna.
Older men dressed as officers marshalled the crowd of several thousand-cult devotees, while 50 young men shouldered their bamboo rifles and came to attention in a perfectly orchestrated drill.

The letters USA were daubed across their chests and backs in red paint as they paraded beneath a relentless tropical sun, a drill sergeant barking orders in Bislama, Vanuatu pidgin English.
A tin band and small boys with bamboo flutes played The Star Spangled Banner against a background of roars from nearby Mount Yasur, a live volcano in which the spirit of Jon Frum is said to live. “For us, America is very good,” said village chief Isaac Wan, 67, the leader of the cargo cult, barefoot but dressed in a smart American naval officer’s uniform and sitting under a large US flag.

“There’s a friendship between Tanna people and America from the war. When they came here looking for people to help them build airstrips and carry their supplies, we gave them 1,000 men.”
The origins of the cult date back to the 1930s, when Britain and France jointly ran what was then the colony of New Hebrides.
Tanna’s inhabitants bridled at colonial rule and the missionaries who badgered them to embrace Christianity, stop drinking the mildly narcotic drink kava and abandon other customary ways, known in pidgin English as kastom.

Village elders tell of how a mysterious outsider came to their forbears in a series of apparitions, telling them to go back to their traditional ways. The idea of a messiah-like outsider was given a huge boost during the Second World War, when hundreds of Tannese men were recruited by the Americans to build roads, airstrips and bases. They were impressed by the large amounts of cargo – tanks, weapons, medicine and food – brought by the US military. The shadowy spirit figure they already believed in gradually assumed a name and a nationality – Jon Frum is believed to be a contraction of John From America, a reference perhaps to a soldier who showed particular generosity.

The movement was officially founded on Feb 15, 1957, to celebrate the release of cult leaders who had been imprisoned by the ruling Anglo-French authorities. For the last 50 years cultists have clung to the belief that by dressing up as GIs and venerating US symbols they can somehow tempt back the wartime cargo.
In a thatched hut in the centre of the village a cult shrine says: Jon Promise America – One Day He’ll Be Returning.
Around a fifth of the 30,000 people who live on Tanna are cult believers, with the rest either traditional animists or Christian church-goers.