Archive for 14 April, 2007

Fatwa Against Vampires?

14 April, 2007


And, this one is for Ronin’s Vampirella fetish:


Read all about an interesting Fatwa that Ali Eteraz has discovered HERE

Missouri Baptist Convention Fires its Top Executive

14 April, 2007

And now for a story from my neck of the woods.

The Missouri Baptist Convention has fired Rev. David Clippard for apparently telling the truth about radical Islam and because of some sexual harrassment charges that have been reported as being without merit.

While I’m not sure about the sexual harrassment accusations being with or without merit, I am sure that Rev. Clippard was on the right track when he said, “Your freedom is on the floor with their [Islamonazis] foot on it, with their sword raised, and if you don’t convert, your head comes off.”

If the anti-Islamonazi statements were the straw that broke the camel’s back, it certainly makes me wonder what the message was that those loons on the executive board were trying to relay to its own congregation when they axed Rev. Clippard. If they felt the sexual harrassment charges were warranted, then they should have axed him long ago. But, to dismiss him over telling the truth about radical Islam? It just boggles the mind. Maybe there is more to this story than what we are being told. Just a hunch…

Missouri Baptists ax leader
Firing follows internal inquiry.

rev-david-clippard.jpgST. LOUIS (AP) – The Missouri Baptist Convention has fired its top executive after a four-month investigation into rumors about his character.

The Rev. David Clippard was fired Tuesday in Jefferson City after a 44-7 vote of the convention’s executive board. The Rev. David Tolliver, a fourth-generation Baptist pastor and an associate executive director of the convention, was voted interim director.

Clippard has been under fire for several months because of accusations of sexual harassment and religious intolerance.

A former Missouri Baptist Convention employee, Carol Kaylor, accused him of sexual harassment in a case that ultimately was settled out of court.

A federal judge found no legal claim for sexual harassment. But the insurance company defending the convention agreed to resolve other claims in the case and pay Kaylor’s attorneys, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported yesterday.

Then in October, at the convention’s annual meeting, Clippard told 1,200 delegates that “Islam has a strategic plan to defeat and occupy America.”

In an interview the next day, Clippard said he believed the Islamic “strategy for taking over America” was to wait until there was a Muslim majority here and then “eradicate those that don’t conform to their religion.” (more…)

Muslims Acting Badly

14 April, 2007

Another one of those, “when good Muslims go bad,” stories that the press is trying to sneak in under our radar:


(Perhaps they are praying for a burqa to hide their identity…)

4 face trial for robbery-shooting

45-month probe brings men to justice system — arrest last June leads to others linked to incident
By Sean Delaney
Press & Guide Newspapers


Four men charged in connection with the July 2004 shooting of a Dearborn Heights man will stand trial later this month, 20th District Court Judge Mark Plawecki ruled Wednesday.

Brandon Samir Bazzi, Atef Ragheb Hamad, Jihad Naser Jaber and Khalid Omar Jaber are each charged with multiple felony counts — including assault with intent to murder — after allegedly conspiring to rob Dearborn Heights resident Yasser Kalkas at his home in the city’s north end.

Kalkas, 36, testified in court Wednesday that he was shot twice by a masked man after returning to his home on Cabri Lane on July 12, 2004. The bullets struck Kalkas in his upper right arm and his left buttock; the second bullet passing through his stomach before exiting out his right leg.

The alleged shooter, 28-year-old Khalid Omar Jaber, was one of four men in court Wednesday facing multiple felony charges, including assault with intent to murder, assault with intent to rob while armed, first-degree home invasion, assault with a dangerous weapon and weapons felony firearm. (more…)

Throw Them Out!

14 April, 2007

Yup, them folks Down Under sure know how to make radical Islamists feel welcome…

Senente candidate says sheiks must go
By Peter Veness
April 14, 2007 05:25pm  A ONE-TIME National Party rising star who is running for the Senate as an independent says Islamic clerics who exhort militants should be thrown out of the country.

But former army officer James Baker denied any comparison to fellow Queensland Senate candidate Pauline Hanson, who launched her political career on the back of a fierce anti-immigration platform.

Mr Baker’s comments follow yet more reports that a Canberra cleric has called for Muslims to fight Aussie diggers in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Canberra imam Mohammed Swaiti, who is under investigation by the Australian Tax Office over allegations he failed to declare income from the Saudi Arabian government, yesterday called on Allah to give “victory to Mujahideen” in battles from Chechnya to Iraq.

“When people are encouraging others in acts of violence we should throw them out,” Mr Baker said. (more…)

Iraq Getting Tough on Al-Qaeda and Insurgents?

14 April, 2007

Here’s some good news for you to read whilst I go make some coffee this morning:

Source: two Iraqi insurgent leaders killed
Published: April 14, 2007 at 6:37 AM

BAGHDAD, April 14, 2007 (UPI) — An Iraqi government source says the country’s security forces killed two key insurgent leaders with the help of Iraqi tribes leaders in Al-Anbar province.

The Interior Ministry source said the operation, which also resulted in the arrest of 37 al-Qaida linked terrorists, brought about the deaths of Ahmad Hadid, leader of the so-called “Islamic State in Fallujah,” and Al-Anbar Ibrahim Keitan, al-Qaida’s military coordinator in the province, KUNA, the Kuwait News Agency, reported Saturday.

Iraqi police working with Bu Eisa tribesmen also arrested six other terrorists in south Amiriyah and arrested 11 al-Qaida suspects in the Euphrates area. Documents and weapons were confiscated from the suspects, the source said.

Identity Thieves in the United Kingdom

14 April, 2007

Notice how the following article skirts around the obviously Islamic nature of these criminals:


09:10 – 14 April 2007

Hull: Five men have appeared at Hull Magistrates’ Court as part of a crackdown on identity fraud.

All five were remanded in custody yesterday.

Karam Sayyed Rajab, 29, is charged with two counts of possessing false identity documents, two counts of forgery and possessing or having under his control an article for use in connection with a fraud.

Usama Rajab Ahmed, 20, is charged with two counts of forgery, one count of fraud, and one count of possessing a false identity document.

Jihad Mohammed Alghazaili, 23, is charged with possessing a false identity document.

They are due to appear at Hull Crown Court on Thursday.

Basim Ali Mohammed Amin, 29, is charged with possessing a false identity document.

Muhammed Fawzi, 27, is charged with forgery. (more…)