Archive for 16 April, 2007

Gunman kills 32 in Virginia Tech rampage

16 April, 2007

By now you have heard the news, yet another terror attack. Why terror and not a “shooting” simple the gunman preplanned this. He carried chains, lots of ammo, multiple firearms and did not expect to survive. Some of the details are below and more information will no doubt come soon. My call this was another crazed Muslim. I could be wrong but the odds are on my side. Let’s take a look.

BLACKSBURG, Va. – Thirty-three people, including the gunman, were killed at a Virginia university Monday in the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history. At least 15 other people were injured, some of them as they leaped to safety from the fourth floor of a classroom building.

– Ok, no doubt at least a few rounds missed hitting their intended target. I will give the students credit for attempting to move out of the way. Some of the initial reports I saw indicated the problem was semi automatic weapons with large magazine capacity. No mention that this was preplanned, well executed and not a random act. The anti gun crowd has already targeted the weapon and not the shooter.

The shootings, which took place in two locations on campus, came just four days before the eighth anniversary of the Columbine High School bloodbath near Littleton, Colo. They created panic and confusion at the college, where students and employees angrily asked why the first e-mail warning did not go out to them until the gunman had struck a second time.

– Two locations-an indicator that the shooter had either a partner or an escape plan. The reference to the Columbine massacre is probably an overzealous reporters attempt to make sense of the senseless. There is no reason to think these events are related. As much as I hate to say it I am not surprised by the way the Police handled this and the slow warning process. They are trained to help the victims, protect the crime scene and gather evidence. Two hours sounds like a long time but with that much carnage there is little reason to think the Police failed in anyway. I’d bet they will become more of a scapegoat than the shooter. Watch for politicians who condemn them with little or no evidence and vote them out next election.

Nearly 50 victims
Federal law enforcement officials said the gunman killed himself after he shot dozens of people at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, in southwest Virginia. Thirty-two people plus the shooter were confirmed dead.

– He shot himself in a manner which makes it difficult to identify his identity. If this was a lover spurned attack he would have had no reason to hide his identity and no note, comments or any other evidence indicated a motive.

In addition to the 33 dead, hospitals reported that 15 people were injured, some of whom had jumped from the fourth floor of the classroom building where the second wave of shootings took place. Five were in stable condition; the conditions of the others were not immediately reported.

– More proof this was not random he could have saved himself trouble by attack the lower floors and working up.

Investigators told NBC News that they had been unable to positively identify the gunman, who died after he shot himself in the face. He carried no ID or cell phone, and an initial check on his fingerprints came up empty.

– Hiding something was he? No fingerprints on file, makes it almost certain he was an immigrant.

Witnesses described him as a man in his 20s, wearing a maroon cap and a black leather jacket. A spokesman for the FBI in Washington said there was no immediate evidence to suggest that the incident was a terrorist attack, “but all avenues will be explored.”

– I don’t work for the FBI, I say anytime some murderous lunatic attacks innocent civilians there is no doubt it was terrorism. Other reports describe this killer as Asian, which has been used to describe Pakistani immigrants in other media. Additional details could change my assessment. Was this a real lover spurned or a crazed jihadi? The impact is the same. Americans are dead. Our condolences to the victim’s families and a promise to our daily readers if this was terrorism Doc and I will report it.

PBS Axes Anti-Islamist Documentary

16 April, 2007

Well, what can I say…  It seems that PBS doesn’t want you to see any Muslims speaking out against Islamonazism…


PBS Drops Film on Radical Islam
April 16, 2007 01:00 PM EST
by Warner Todd Huston
The Conservative Voice

An American tax-funded documentary, titled Islam vs. Islamists, a film on how moderate Muslims feel about the corruption of their religion by Wahhabi extremists and their experiences in facing those extremists, was axed by PBS for the very reason that it puts some Muslims in a bad light, says the film’s producer in Tuesday’s edition of the Arizona Republic. Rampant PCism is the charge, and it is hard to deny the claim once the whole story is put out there.

The producer of a tax-financed documentary on Islamic extremism claims his film has been dropped for political reasons from a television series that airs next week on more than 300 PBS stations nationwide.

Producer Martyn Burke claims that PBS, in order to be allowed to continue with the project, tried to make him fire some of his associates on the film because they belong to a Conservative Think Tank and that they still axed his film anyway when all was said and done.

So, what is all the fuss over with this film?

Burke wrote that his documentary depicts the plight of moderate Muslims who are silenced by Islamic extremists, adding, “Now it appears to be PBS and CPB who are silencing them.” (more…)

Woman Raped as Punishment for Reading Bible

16 April, 2007

Those Islamonazis always have to blame their bad behavior on something other than themselves. Nope, they just don’t seem to be able to own up to their own culpability. I guess they don’t consider rape to be a crime… Perhaps they can start calling it, “Surprise Sex”:


Raped for reading the Bible
The Daily Telegraph –

Exclusive by Evelyn Yamine

April 17, 2007 12:00

AN Iraqi man allegedly raped a Muslim woman as “punishment” for reading the Bible, saying, “let your Jesus help you”, a court heard yesterday.
(Is anyone else having a flashback to, “The Ten Commandments?” Sounds a lot like Yul Brenner – “Where’s your God now, Moses!”)

Campbelltown District Court was told Abdul Reda Al Shawany twice sexually assaulted the woman, a practising Muslim who wears a hijab, after they met at a railway station.

Al Shawany, 52, has plead not guilty to two counts of having sexual intercourse without consent between September 1 and 27, 2002, at a unit in Warwick Farm.

At the first day of the week-long trial yesterday, Crown prosecutor Michael O’Brien outlined the case and told how the woman allegedly kept the clothes and underwear she was wearing on the day of the alleged rape in a plastic bag for about three years.

The woman initially reported the matter to police but did not want to take it further because she felt “ashamed”, Mr O’Brien said. She later changed her mind and Al Shawany, of Hillsdale, was arrested in July 2005 and the woman provided police with the clothing. (more…)

Jose Padilla Trial Gets Underway

16 April, 2007

Closely-watched terror trial to begin in Miami
POSTED: 1252 GMT (2052 HKT), April 16, 2007
MIAMI, Florida (AP) — Five years after his arrest at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport, Jose Padilla heads to court — but with no mention of the “dirty bomb” allegations that first made headlines.

Padilla and two co-defendants are accused of being part of a support cell that funneled fighters, money and supplies to Islamic extremists in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Bosnia, Tajikistan and elsewhere around the world. Jury selection was to begin Monday.

Padilla, held for 3½ years as an enemy combatant, and co-defendants Adham Amin Hassoun and Kifah Wael Jayyousi face charges of conspiracy to “murder, kidnap and maim” people overseas and of providing support to terror groups. All three pleaded not guilty. They could face life in prison if convicted. (more…)