Archive for 17 April, 2007

Rosie Gives Up!!!

17 April, 2007

This morning, I just couldn’t wait to listen to what Rosie O’Donnell was going to say about the Virginia Tech shootings on her political platform, “The View.” I was expecting her to go off on a wild tangent, ranting and raving, drooling, and what-not, while the only sane one there, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, gets shut down by Rosie’s loud mouth antics…

Well, folks, I think she has finally given up on fighting the anti-gun control crowd. During her opening diatribe, she actually admitted that it is impossible to change the gun control laws in the United States, because of the NRA lobbyists in Washington and that, “…they [the NRA] have guns.”

She has also announced that she is no longer registering as a Democrat! She is now registering as an Independent, saying that she is sick of all of them, and that all of her shirts say, “Impeach Cheney first.” Also, she seems to be quietly stewing about the recent attacks on her hypocritical, brain dead, First Amendment protected mouth when she spewed out the following crap:

vewodonnell.jpgRosie Defends Anti-Asian Remarks, Attacks DeLay and O’Reilly
Posted by Justin McCarthy on April 16, 2007 – 15:19.
News Busters
On the April 16 edition of “The View,” Rosie O’Donnell responded to Tom DeLay’s call for her firing by asserting we’re “entering dangerous territory” against free speech. Apparently, free speech does not extend to Mr. DeLay’s right to call for her firing. Rosie also tried to clarify her anti-Asian remarks noting she made a joke, and Don Imus did not.

ROSIE O’DONNELL: I don’t feel concerned, but I will tell you this. I think we’re in dangerous territory when people like Tom DeLay a man of high moral standards, [laughter] when people like Tom DeLay want me to be fired for my political opinions. That’s a dangerous state of affairs here in democracy. If you have a dissenting opinion, you know, that you are somehow a threat to the country or the world, if you want to bring up a subject or question something in our government or that our government is doing you’re somehow not patriotic and therefore should be off the air. That’s when we’re–

BARBARA WALTERS: Is that the reasoning that he’s giving?

O’DONNELL: Well, first he said that she was so very offensive to the Chinese people because he’s been really so supportive and encouraging of the plight of the Chinese in America his who life and career, Mr. DeLay. [laughter and applause] When I made that joke, the point of the joke being the absurdity of a Danny DeVito being drunk story being international news. So there’s a joke that the point of the joke was the absurdity of a drunk actor making the international news in other countries. Calling someone descriptions — Imus didn’t make a joke. That wasn’t a joke. That was name calling.

Judge Throws the Book at Bookseller

17 April, 2007

With all of the press coverage of the Virginia Tech shootings, the sentencing of the Bookseller accused of aiding terrorists, Abdulrahman Farhane, may have been missed by most media outlets. Lest ye be ignorant, here is the story:

Moroccan-born bookseller sentenced to 13 years in terror case by federal judge in New York
International Herald Tribune

NEW YORK: A Moroccan-born bookstore owner was sentenced to 13 years in prison Monday by a federal judge in New York for his role in a conspiracy to fund terrorist groups abroad after he was caught on tape by government informants.

Abdulrahman Farhane, 52, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Loretta A. Preska in Manhattan after he pleaded guilty in November to money laundering and lying to federal agents.

The sentencing was the first in a case that also ensnared a New York jazz musician and martial arts expert, a Florida doctor, and a Washington cab driver.

The musician, Tarik Shah, and the cab driver, Mahmud Faruq Brent Al Mutazzim, have pleaded guilty to agreeing to provide material support to terrorist organizations and are awaiting sentencing. The doctor, Rafiq Abdus Sabir, is scheduled to go to trial next week on charges of agreeing to treat holy warriors in Saudi Arabia.

Preska did not reduce the sentence from what the government and Farhane had agreed upon when he pleaded guilty. She said Farhane had shown “perhaps less remorse” than she had seen in other cases, and he had admitted crimes that Congress has designated for severe punishment.

Outside court, several of Farhane’s six children complained that the sentence was harsh, saying the government had taken advantage of their father’s depression and difficulty focusing on conversations to capture him on audio tapes speaking with an informant as he conducted business with other customers at his bookstore in the borough of Brooklyn.

“The message sent is a message of hate,” his daughter, Asmaa Farhane, 25, said of the sentence. “My father was a person who really cared about this country.” (more…)

South Korean Identified As Virginia Tech Shooter

17 April, 2007

Okay, Ronin, you’re right, he wasn’t a United States citizen! I bow to your superior powers of ESP… But, that Muslim angle is looking slim… However, terrorism is terrorism. BTW, the article doesn’t state his name, but other sources say that his name is Cho Seung-Hui.


South Korean ID’d as killer
23-year-old resident alien, English major at university
Posted: April 17, 2007
9:49 a.m. Eastern


Authorities have identified a 23-year-old South Korean as the killer of up to 32 people at Virginia Tech, the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history.

The man was a resident alien enrolled as an undergrad student with an English major at Virginia Tech. His U.S. residence was established in Centreville, Va.

The gunman found dead yesterday by authorities from apparently self-inflicted wounds had been described by an injured student to MSNBC as a college-aged Asian with a maroon hat and black leather jacket.

There were two separate shooting incidents on the Virginia campus, hours apart, but it is still unclear whether the same shooter was involved in all instances, officials said today. The first 9-1-1 call came at 7:15 a.m. from a residence hall where two people reportedly had been shot.

It took authorities more than two hours to notify the campus, by e-mail, of the first incident.

Asked yesterday by reporters to explain, Virginia Tech Police Chief Wendell Flinchum said initial information led officials to believe it was an isolated event and that the shooter had fled the campus. Only the residence hall, West Ambler Johnston, was locked down, he said.

University President Charles Steger defended his handling of the tragedy, saying he and other officials “had no reason to suspect any other incident was going to occur.”

“We can only make decisions based on the information you had on the time,” he said. “You don’t have hours to reflect on it.” (more…)

“They say that they are fighting for God and Islam, but they are not”

17 April, 2007

Well, here’s an Afghanistan report that the Liberal Media will try to sweep under the rug.  Nope, they can’t have us discovering such things as:

“…most anger over civilian deaths was focused on the militants rather than Western forces. ”

Yup, that sure would throw a monkey wrench into their anti-United States and anti-Coalition rhetoric…


Taliban’s new tactics target civilians
The militant group has turned to Iraq-style tactics in Afghanistan, a report says.

Associated Press
Published April 17, 2007

KABUL, Afghanistan – The Taliban and other militant groups are committing war crimes by targeting Afghan civilians, killing nearly 700 last year, according to a report issued Monday by Human Rights Watch that also pointed to dramatically escalating violence since 2005.

In the latest suicide attack against the Western-backed government, a bomber in the relatively stable north struck a crowd of police on Monday, killing 10 and wounding 32.

The New York-based rights group said the number of suicide attacks spiked to 136 last year from 21 the previous year as the Taliban turned to increasingly indiscriminate, Iraq-style tactics. The surge in violence made 2006 “the deadliest year for civilians in Afghanistan since 2001,” the report said.

Even when targeting government or Western security forces, “they generally kill many, many more civilians than they do military personnel,” said Joanne Mariner, the group’s director on terrorism and counterterrorism. (more…)

Another Christian Beheaded in Kashmir

17 April, 2007

There are increasingly more reports of Islamonazi activity in Southern Kashmir as of late.  The local authorities have stepped up their presence there, and are meeting strong resistance.  This following story is just one of the many reports coming out of Shopian, Kashmir   

Underground Church Member Beheaded in J and K
Journal Chretien

Le 17 avril 2007, par Aloys Evina,

Shopian (Jammu Kashmir), April 16, 2007 : One of the active members of the SVM (underground) House Church in Kashmir was brutally murdered on Saturday, the 14th of April in India.

Manzoor Ahmad Chat, 33, beheaded by Hizbul militants on Friday night and police recovered the head and the remaining part of the body from Gundi Pora and Pinglana villages in Pulawama District.

Manzoor and family were believing Jesus Christ from Islam and attending prayers of the Salem Voice Ministries (Underground) House Church. He was the one leading the prayer section. (more…)