Archive for 20 April, 2007

Islamist Websites Mysteriously Crash

20 April, 2007

Has an Organized Campaign to Shut Down Islamist Websites Begun?

Islamist Forums Claim It Has

MEMRI – Special Dispatch 1552

In the past weeks, several rumors have been spread over Islamist websites about Western intelligence agencies’ intention to shut down Islamist forums. As one Islamist put it, “We are all aware of the Zionist-Crusader campaign that has been launched against the Islamist websites… The most recent [manifestation of this campaign] is… the effort of American intelligence to completely eliminate websites that distribute communiqués [by the mujahideen] and films [documenting] attacks of the Iraqi resistance, or which encourage so-called terrorism…. As part of this campaign, [the Americans are also] threatening TV networks that broadcast videos [documenting] attacks… or that report on [Coalition] casualties not reported by the U.S. military.” [1] Islamist forums reacting to the recent disabling of one Islamist website and one Islamist forum claim that these are two manifestations of a single united U.S. campaign against Islamists.

Serbian Police Fend off Attack Dogs to Kill Islamonazis

20 April, 2007

Gee, and I thought Islamonazis hated dogs…

(Just ask the Muslim taxi cab drivers who refuse to carry passengers with dogs… )


Suspected Islamist Terrorist Leader Killed in Clash with Serbian Police
By VOA News
20 April 2007

Authorities in Serbia say police have shot and killed the suspected leader of an Islamist terrorist group in a predawn gunbattle in a predominantly Muslim region.

A statement Friday says Islamic militants released attack dogs and threw a grenade at police as they approached a house to arrest the leader of a Wahhabi Muslim terrorist group suspected of operating in the area.

Officials say police returned fire, killing 28-year-old Ismail Prenetic. Another terrorist suspect and a policeman were wounded in the attack, which occurred near the town of Novi Pazar, in the southern Sandzak region.

Wahhabi extremists follow a strict form of Sunni Islam.

More Heads Roll in the Philippines

20 April, 2007

 Yup, the Islamonazis blamed the United States Military for all the problems with the Marcos’ dynasty in the Philippines, and now that the U.S. Military has left, they seem to have free reign…


Militants behead 7 workers in Philippines
20 Apr, 2007

PHILIPPINES: Al-Qaida-linked Islamist Abu Sayyaf rebels beheaded seven workers they abducted earlier this week on a southern Philippine island, the military said on Friday.

The decapitated heads of the seven workers were delivered to two military outposts in Parang town on Jolo island, 1,000 km south of Manila, on Thursday.

Brigadier General Ruben Rafael, head of an anti-terrorism task force, said the Abu Sayyaf rebels blocked two vehicles and forced the drivers to deliver the heads, which were placed in sacks.

“This is in retaliation for the recent killing of their commanders,” Rafael said. “This is a terrorist act that should be condemned by all.”

Top Abu Sayyaf leaders have been killed in a months-long military offensive in Jolo, including Abu Sayyaf chieftain Khadaffi Janjalani who died in a firefight in September 2006.

Janjalani’s body was found in December 2006 and his death confirmed in January.

The seven victims were abducted on Tuesday by rebels led by commander Albader Parad. They were working on a government road project in Parang.

Police said the guerrillas had demanded five million pesos ($105,000) in ransom.

The Abu Sayyaf is the smallest but most violent Muslim rebel group in the southern Philippines. It has been blamed for some of the worst terrorist attacks in the country.

Gun Control Is Bullshit

20 April, 2007

penn_teller_150×225.jpg10Men, over at Fortress Australia has a video of Penn & Teller’s Bullshit show talking about gun control laws and their ineffectiveness. It has an interview with a gang banger who loves gun control laws, and an interview with a woman who lost both parents in a shooting incident and was unable to access her gun to save them, all because of a recent gun control law… Watch it for yourself HERE at Fortress Australia

Know Your Fifth Column

20 April, 2007

Just about everything you need to know about the Flying Nuns, err, Imams and their links to Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups is in the following article. Very informative and well worth reading.


Fifth Column Imam Flyers
By Joe Kaufman and Gary Gross | April 20, 2007

“[I]f they don’t trust the security, this is their problem, not our problem.

– Omar Shahin, teleconference about imam lawsuit

On November 20, 2006, when six imams were removed from a plane headed for
Phoenix, Arizona, little was known about them. All that could be determined was that they were Muslim and that they were acting in a way that was deemed suspicious – the two things at an airport that sound the loudest alarms in our post-9/11 world. Who they were and why they were in Minnesota were things yet to be determined. However, knowing what we know today, given the venue that they were coming from, given at least some of their extremist pasts, given whom they ally themselves with, and given the fiasco that took place at the airport and its carefully produced aftermath with a known terror front, it’s safe to say that it was probably a mistake to allow them to board the plane to begin with.

Omar Shahin and NAIF

The North American Imams Federation (NAIF) held its 2006 annual conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Attending the three-day event were one newly elected Congressman – Keith Ellison – and a surplus of Islamist radicals masquerading as holy men. They included Siraj Wahhaj, an individual whose name is found on the U.S. Attorney’s list of “unindicted co-conspirators” of the 1993 World Trade Center attack, and Mazen Mokhtar, an Al-Qaeda web designer that has used the internet to proclaim his support for Hamas and suicide bombings. In fact, all three of the aforementioned are pictured on the same page of the NAIF conference program, side-by-side one another. (more…)