Archive for 23 April, 2007

Mullah Hassani Claims His Wife is an Ass…

23 April, 2007

I take a keen interest in Mullah Hojatolislam Hassani, as he is the Iranian Islamonazi that called for the arrest of all dog owners and their dogs!!! Now, he is taking a page from the playbook of his Australian buddy, Sheik “uncovered meat” Al-Hilali, and comparing uncovered Muslim women to buses…

mullah-hassani.jpgStraight from the Mullah’s Mouth: Unveiled Women Are like Buses — “Anyone Can Ride”

By Kimberly West
Published April 23, 2007

Associated Content

As Iran has just begun it’s warm-weather crackdown on women’s dress in the regime with the Iranian Fashion Police out in full force, it might (or it just might not) bring up the age-old theological question-

What do women and mass transit have in common?

Quite a lot, according to Iranian Mullah Hojatolislam Hassani. In last Friday’s sermon (Friday is the Islamic Holy day), Gateway Pundit reports that the Islamic hardliner divided women into three groups–

The first group… he said are the women who are badly veiled who are like buses who everyone and anyone can ride.

The second group… are women who are wearing scarves without the Islamic overcoats; they are like taxis who only pick up certain passengers.

And finally, in the third group… there are women like my wife who are like donkeys who let only one person ride them! (more…)

Pennsylvanian Imam Agrees with Killing of Apostates

23 April, 2007

“It is a widespread understanding that the Muslim who stops praying or doesn’t pray becomes an apostate for his or her actions.”

Okay, what if the Muslim is in a coma or incapacitated in some way, does he get a free pass on that apostate thing, or not?  Sorry, just thinking out loud…

Pittsburgh Imam Justifies Killing Of Apostates, Threatens Violence Against Hirsi Ali

April 23, 2007 – San Francisco, CA – – An imam in Pennsylvania has made terroristic threats and justified the murder of apostates in response to an appearance made by the critic of Islam at the University of Pittsburgh.

Several days before the talk, imam Fouad ElBayly of the Johnstown Islamic Center and its president Mahmoud Qazi met with the university’s Vice President of Student and Academic Affairs, Jerry Samples and asked him to cancel the event because they consider the speaker’s view of Islam to be “poisonous.”

According to an account of the meeting, “They expressed their concerns and I understand their concerns.” Samples also stated the he will allow ElBayly and Qazi a chance to discuss Islam on campus at a later date.

When the university refused to cancel the lecture, imam ElBayly made statements to several newspapers in which he justified the murder of apostates:

“If you come into the faith, you must abide by the laws, and when you decide to defame it deliberately, the sentence is death.”

ElBayly also issued what appears to be a terroristic threat:

“I’m trying to control my people here. I don’t want people to get hot and cause trouble” who added “We have no capacity to execute a sentence, but her sentence would be death for turning on her religion to make a profit and for speaking out against it.”

Imam ElBayly is not the only cleric in Pennsylvania who sanctions the murder of Muslims for apostasy, according to another imam there have been two cases of people who have been murdered as a result of being branded apostates. (more…)

USA trades Kosovo for votes. Khalilzad takes up new U.N. post.

23 April, 2007

Dr. Zalmay KhalilzadIs this him the real live “moderate Muslim”? Or more likely a Sunni Muslim wedge in the heart of the UN. Iran must really love this one. Khalilzad has already stated he will help with Iraq, Kosovo and other areas troubled by that pesky ol Islam.

For political reasons he is a good choice, PC Dems pushing for the independent and Muslim state of Kosovo can’t justify non support and it shows the world our beloved President honors his Sunni friends in Saudi Arabia.

For practical reasons this is a bad idea. It will help push radical Islam, they will see this as a form of surrender. This will encourage Sunni radicals worldwide and be seen as a US to Saudi Arabia bribe. The USA will be seen as having picked Sunni Islam over all others and pushing the Shia further away.  It is a nice bribe too. We have traded Kosovo for help in the UN against Iran.

Once we took a small step for man and a giant leap for mankind. This is more of a downhill all out sprint toward global war. Muslim propagandists will use this to prove Allah works in mysterious ways.  No good will come of this.

By Patrick Worsnip | April 23, 2007

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – The new U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Zalmay Khalilzad, will seek greater U.N. involvement in Iraq and put a priority on addressing other Middle East flash points as well as Sudan and Kosovo, his spokesman said on Monday.
Khalilzad, formerly U.S. ambassador to Iraq, took up his post on Monday in succession to John Bolton, who left last December. Bolton had failed to win Senate approval for his nomination after serving a 16-month tenure in which he aggressively pursued U.S. interests but clashed with fellow ambassadors on his tactics.
Khalilzad will travel immediately, joining a U.N. mission that departs New York late on Tuesday for Serbia’s independence-seeking province of Kosovo. His participation was encouraged by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, U.S. officials said.
“Ambassador Khalilzad was saying today that his priorities … for the first couple of months are obviously Iran, Lebanon, Sudan and U.N. reform,” spokesman Richard Grenell said.
“I think obviously Kosovo is another priority, which is why he’s going on the trip,” Grenell said. “Obviously I should say the number one priority for all of the U.S. is Iraq, and him being one of the experts on Iraq … A very big priority for him is to get the United Nations more involved.” (more…)

IDF Kills Bomb Maker

23 April, 2007

Well, here’s some good news out of Israel:

Leading bomb manufacturer and Islamic Jihad terrorist killed in Nablus
22 Apr 2007
Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs

(Communicated by Israeli security sources)

During an IDF arrest operation overnight in Nablus, Tanzim terrorist Amin Mahmoud Amin Lubadeh and Islamic Jihad terrorist Fahdel Muhammad Mahmoud Nur were killed in exchanges of fire with IDF forces during an attempt to arrest them.

Wanted Tanzim terrorist Amin Lubadeh was the leading manufacturer of bombs and explosive belts in the Samaria region and was involved in numerous attacks and attempted attacks against Israelis inside Israel and in the Nablus area. Lubadeh’s activity was funded by Iran through Hezbollah and by terror operatives in the Gaza Strip. (more…)

Al-Qaeda Planning Dirty Bomb Attack Against British and Western Targets?

23 April, 2007

Al-Qaida toying with radioactive weapons for mass-casualty attack against West

Ian MacLeod, CanWest News Service
Published: Monday, April 23, 2007

Al-Qaida leaders in Iraq are planning a mass-casualty attack against British and other western targets, possibly with radioactive-dispersal weapons, according to a secret British security intelligence assessment.

The warning is one of two reported since Friday from British and European counter-terrorism officials that a reinvigorated al-Qaida is mustering fresh resources for a major strike against the West.

“They have got to do something soon that is radical otherwise they start losing credibility,” a British security source told London’s Sunday Times. The newspaper reported Sunday that al-Qaida leaders in Iraq are planning “large-scale” terrorist attacks on Britain and other western targets with the help of supporters in Iran. The other western nations were not named.

The information, from a leaked report by Britain’s Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre – the country’s premier organization for assessing international and domestic terrorist threats – appears to provide evidence that al-Qaida is active in Iran and has ambitions far beyond the improvised attacks it has been waging against British and American soldiers in Iraq, the newspaper said.

Produced earlier this month, the intelligence assessment quotes one al-Qaida leader in Iraq saying he was planning an attack on “a par with Hiroshima and Nagasaki” in an attempt to “shake the Roman throne,” a reference to the West. (more…)