Archive for 10 March, 2008

Muslim Brotherhood Invades Toledo, Ohio

10 March, 2008


The Muslim Brotherhoods Grand Jihad in Toledo
By Patrick Poole
March 10, 2008 – Right Side News

It might only be the shores of Lake Erie, but the Muslim Brotherhood has established an invasion beachhead in Toledo. The most recent landing by the international Islamic extremist organization as last weekend when the Muslim American Society (MAS) —  – the ideological arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the US, identified as such by the Department of Justice in a court filing back in December – held a conference at the University of Toledo. Perhaps it’s no coincidence that the Department of Homeland Security recently added Toledo to the list of high-risk terrorism areas.

Among the speakers were national MAS leaders Esam Omeish and Mahdi Bray, respectively the MAS president and head of their Virginia Commission on Immigration just weeks after his appointment. According to a September 28, 2007 article in the Washington Post, Omeish was forced out when a video surfaced of Omeish preaching holy war against Israel at a December 22, 2000, Jerusalem Day rally in Washington D.C., where he said:

…you have learned the way, that you have known that the jihad way is the way to liberate your land…and we shall do everything we can to help your cause.

Here’s the video with Omeish’s remarks. (The full speech video is here; all videos courtesy of the Investigative Project.) And yet another video of Omeish shows him congratulating Palestinian terrorists for “giving up their lives for the sake of Allah.”

Upon learning of Omeish’s recorded call for jihad and his endorsement of suicide bombings, Virginia legislators quickly lined up calling for his resignation from the state commission.

Mahdi Bray, on the other hand, had to jet to Toledo from Egypt, where he had appeared earlier in the week at a rally defending jailed members of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood. An article on the Muslim Brotherhood website hails Mahdi Bray as “A Strong Voice for Human Rights.”

On May 15, 2004, Bray also bestowed terrorist leader Abdurahman Alamoudi with a MAS Freedom Foundation award in abstentia as he was awaiting trial on terrorism charges (which he would later be convicted of and sentenced to 20 years in prison). Bray called him an “outstanding American Muslim who has courageously stood in defense of freedom and justice,” and vowed, “I don’t care what they say, we’re gonna continue to work with him, and the other detainees, Abdelrahim, and we are gonna continue to fight back. Let our people go! Let our people go!”

Bray’s enthusiasm for Abdurahman Alamoudi goes back many years, in fact. At an October 2000 rally in Lafayette Park across from the White House, Bray can be seen standing beside Alamoudi enthusiastically cheering his friend and compatriot (who again is currently serving 20 years in prison on terrorism charges), as he cheers the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist organizations.


Most Recent Cogitation from Phyllis Chesler

10 March, 2008

saidgirls.jpgJihad Comes to Dallas. The Female Relatives of the Honor Murderered Teenagers Speak Out

“I have been warned to shut up. But when Yasser Abdul Said killed those girls he did not just spill Muslim blood on American soil. He shed my blood. I am not going to be quiet. I made a promise at their funerals that I would speak out.”

I am talking to Gail Gartrell, the great-aunt of Amina and Sarah Said who were honor murdered by their father, Yasser Said, on New Year’s Day, 2008. (I have written about this tragic case before for Pajamas Media.) HERE
As of this writing, Yasser Said has not yet been captured.

The girls were murdered in Irving, Texas, an area with a large Muslim population that is also known to some experts as a place where Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood may be active. Gail and the other female relatives with whom I have spoken believe that Yasser Said is “possibly some kind of terrorist. I was only recently told that Yasser always seemed to have a lot of guns, machineguns—they’re illegal here—but handguns too.” Gail tells me:

“It’s another face of jihad. These men come here from Egypt, they marry American women in order to become American citizens. The American wives convert to Islam. Then, they have Muslim children who are natural-born American citizens—but who are raised to hate America and to want to live under shari’a law. Then, these men expect their teen-age American daughters to marry much older Muslim men from Egypt in arranged marriages. I know that Yasser wanted Amina to marry someone from Egypt.”

Read the rest of this article HERE at The Chesler Chronicles

Jordanian Man Kills his Sister in “Honor” Killing Only to Find that She was Still a Virgin

10 March, 2008

So nice to hear that “honor” killings in Jordan are on the rise from previous years…  I’m sure it’s all cultural and not Islamic at all… </sarcasm> 

H/T to Warner

Woman shot in honour killing a virgin

The Australian
By correspondents in Amman | March 10, 2008

POLICE said they had charged a Jordanian with premeditated murder after his 23-year-old sister and her boyfriend were shot dead in an apparent “honour killing”.

“The suspect shot his sister four times and her Syrian shepherd boyfriend six times when he caught them (together) red-handed early on Sunday” in the eastern Shumari natural reserve near the desert city of Azraq, a spokesman said.

“He turned himself in shortly after the crime, and forensic tests proved that his sister was still a virgin when she was murdered.”

The spokesman said two of the suspect’s cousins had been charged as accessories to the crime, the third such killing this year.

Jordanian authorities recorded a total of 17 so-called “honour” killings in 2007, slightly up on previous years.

The killers often receive light sentences if convicted, as parliament has twice refused to reform the penal code despite pressure from human rights groups to end the near impunity of the perpetrators.

Danish Cartoonist Says Geert Wilders Must Show His Film

10 March, 2008

Dutch ‘must show’ anti-Islam film
BBC News
The Danish cartoonist behind drawings satirising the Prophet Muhammad has urged a Dutch lawmaker to air an anti-Islam film despite Muslim outrage.

westergaard.jpgKurt Westergaard said MP Geert Wilders should show his film, despite government warnings that this would damage Dutch interests.

He said that no Danish politician would dare to block the film.

Mr Westergaard’s cartoons in a Danish paper triggered riots by Muslims in many countries in 2006.

‘Cartoonist’s job’

“Wilders must show his film,” Mr Westergaard told the Dutch Volkskrant newspaper on Monday.

“In Denmark, we have criticism of everything: the Queen, politicians, religion… provoking debate is the job of the newspaper and so also of the cartoonist. Muslims have to accept that.

“A Danish politician knows that you should not limit freedom of expression,” he said.


Afghan President Karzai Calls for End to Forced, Under-Aged Marriage

10 March, 2008

Still think Muhammad wasn’t a pedophile?  Considering that Islamic countries are extremely strict in punishing something that violates Sharia law (which is derived from the actions and sayings of Muhammad) the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of a pedophile prophet…

H/T to Cavmom:

karzai-at-int-womens-day-ceremony.jpgAfghan president calls for end to forced marriage

KABUL (AFP) – via Turkish Press

Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai called Saturday on his countrymen to stop forcing their under-aged daughters to marry, especially to men several decades older, and to allow them to be educated.

Speaking at a ceremony attended by about 300 women to mark International Women’s Day, Karzai also said threats from a Taliban-led insurgency were keeping girls out of school.

“I call on religious leaders, tribal elders and particularly men: stop forcing your under-aged girls to marry, stop marrying them to old men,” he said, adding later he was referring in particular to men aged above 50.

Up to 80 percent of Afghan women face forced marriage, and nearly two-thirds are married before the legal age of 16, according to the United Nations.

Karzai also stressed the importance of educating Afghan girls, who were denied schooling under the 1996-2001 Taliban government.

“In parts of Afghanistan, Afghan girls can’t go to schools because of the terrorism problem,” he said. “In other places, like places without terrorism problems, girls are not allowed to go to schools.”
