Archive for 7 May, 2008

Wednesday’s Flight 93 Memorial Blogburst

7 May, 2008

No more do-overs for terrorist memorializing architects

Defenders of the crescent design keep accusing Tom Burnett Sr. of trying to get an improper “do over” after failing back in 2005 to sway the design-competition jury. But who is really seeking the do-over? The American people rose up in protest in 2005 when they saw that the Memorial Project wanted to plant a bare naked Islamic crescent and star flag on the flight 93 crash site:


That uproar forced the Memorial Project to agree to redesign the memorial so that it would no longer include Islamic symbol shapes (whether they are intentional or not). But nothing significant was changed. Every particle of the original crescent design remains completely intact in the so-called redesign, which only disguised the original crescent with a few irrelevant trees, placed to the rear of a person facing into the giant crescent.

The American people caught a hijacker trying to re-hijack Flight 93, and the Memorial Project told him to go back outside and try again, which is exactly what he did. Now they accuse Tom Burnett of wanting an improper do-over?

There were dozens of articles and television segments about the crescent controversy this week, mostly in Pennsylvania, with some national news coverage by Fox News television and AP. This post is an attempt to capture the general thrust of the new wave of position statements.

The Memorial Project is inverting every moral imperative at this point, and it all comes from their fervent desire to reverse the results of September 2005. Their embrace of the crescent was rejected by America and they are determined to undo that defeat, to the point of being willfully blind to massive evidence of al Qaeda sympathizing intent.


Front Page Magazine Interviews Bill Warner

7 May, 2008

Here’s an engaging interview sent in to us by Matamoros:

Kafir Dreams

By Jamie Glazov | 5/7/2008

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Bill Warner, the director of the Center for the Study of Political (CSPI) and spokesman for

FP: Bill Warner, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

Warner: Thank you Jamie.

FP: I’d like to talk to you today about how many of the names, words and phrases we use about Islam are muddled and incorrect. Many non-Muslims create certain terms about Islam to try to make the world seem safer and to feel good about themselves. But many of these terms have no actual basis in Islamic theology or culture and have no real meaning in an Islamic context.

I think the best way to start this discussion is to begin with the term “moderate Muslim.”

Warner: “Moderate Muslim” is a perfect example of the muddle and incorrect terminology that kafirs (unbelievers) use.

This term is intended to describe a Muslim who doesn’t seem dangerous or advocate violence. But “moderate Muslim” is a non-Muslim name, one that kafirs made up.

The doctrine of Islam does talk about the different kinds of Muslims. The measure of a Muslim is the Koran and the Sunna. Anyone who follows these teachings is a moderate Muslim, by definition.

Islamic doctrine defines what is moderate and not moderate. Since we are dealing with Islam, we need to know that the doctrine is dualistic. Islam can have two doctrines about any issue. This follows from the Koran. The early Koran, which was written in Mecca is generally religious. The Koran written in Medina is very political and includes jihad. The two Korans are not only very different, but they also contradict each other in major ways.

So we have the possibility of two kinds of moderate Muslims, since we have two doctrines. Osama bin Laden is a moderate Muslim, who follows the Koran of Medina, the Koran of jihad. Kafirs call him an extremist or radical Muslim. Actually, Osama obeys the Koran of Medina and the Sunna of Mohammed, so he is a moderate, pious Medinan Muslim.

The jihadists on September 11, 2001 were all moderate Medinan Muslims. They were not extremists or radicals.

The other kind of moderate Muslim follows the Koran of Mecca and he is more generally what kafirs mean when they say “moderate Muslim”. But how moderate is a Meccan Muslim? A moderate Muslim thinks that you are a kafir, but he isn’t violent, just antagonistic.


U.S. Military Confirms Former Guantanamo Detainee Carried Out Suicide Attack in Iraq

7 May, 2008

Anyone surprised by this?

Ex-Guantanamo prisoner carried out Iraq suicide attack
By Associated Press
May 07, 2008

San Juan, Puerto Rico (AP) – The U.S. military is confirming that a former Guantanamo detainee from Kuwait carried out a recent suicide attack in northern Iraq.

A spokesman for U.S. military’s Central Command told The Associated Press on Wednesday that Abdallah Salih al-Ajmi took part in an attack in Mosul.

U.S. Navy Cmdr. Scott Rye says authorities don’t know the motive for the attack, which was reported last week by Dubai-based Al-Arabiya television. Iraqi security forces were apparently targeted.

The U.S. transferred al-Ajmi to Kuwaiti custody from Guantanamo in 2005. A Kuwaiti court later acquitted him of terrorism charges.

Turkey: Three Armed Men Threaten to ‘Get Rid’ of Christian Pastor

7 May, 2008

Just more proselytizing from the religion of peace… Nothing to see here… Move along…

Incident in Ankara marks seventh threat of violence in past four months.

ISTANBUL, May 7 (Compass Direct News) – Three men, one of them armed with a gun and wearing gloves, threatened a Protestant church and its pastor in the Turkish capital city of Ankara yesterday. The culprits fled in a car before police could be summoned. The men drove up to Kurtulus Church in Ankara’s Cebeci district, and a heavy-set man about 45 years old went up to the locked church building and began to ring the doorbell repeatedly. He threatened to “get rid” of the pastor, and moments later one of the men in his car began walking toward a nearby church member, shouting and waving a pistol at him. The attempted attack marked the seventh incident in the past four months of threatened violence against Turkey’s tiny Protestant community, most of whom are former Muslims who converted to Christianity.

Preferential Treatment of Muslim Students at an Illinois School Sparks Complaints From Parents

7 May, 2008

Ah, yes…  The joys of multiculturalism…

School accused of favoring Muslim students
May 7, 2008

TINLEY PARK, Ill., May 7 (UPI) — A suburban Chicago school district has put cultural diversity on its meeting agenda after a complaint that Muslim students received preferential treatment.

The principal at Prairie View Middle School allowed a group of Muslim students to have a separate lunch table to accommodate religious observances during the month of Ramadan, but rejected a similar request by Catholic students for Lent, The Chicago Daily Southtown reported Wednesday.

“It’s not just about the table,” said Jennifer Cimaglia, a Tinley Park mother of three. “It appears that there is preferential treatment for Muslim students.”

Principal Joe Martin said he never intended to set a double standard for students, particularly along religious lines. Rather, Martin said he rejected the request of Catholic students because they failed to make it before the Lenten season began.

“Do I want to accommodate those students? Yes,” he Martin. “We’re going to look at accommodations for kids at Lent next year.”

The school board will discuss cultural diversity in the district at Thursday night’s committee meeting.

Maryland Court Rejects Islamic divorce

7 May, 2008

A small gesture of anti-dhimmitude from the courts…

Man’s attempt to circumvent state law is rejected

By Nick Madigan | Sun reporter
May 7, 2008

Saying “I divorce thee” three times, as men in Muslim countries have been able to do for centuries when leaving their wives, is not enough if you’re a resident of Maryland, the state’s highest court ruled yesterday.

Yesterday, the Court of Appeals rejected a Pakistani man’s argument that his invocation of the Islamic talaq, under which a marriage is dissolved simply by the husband’s say-so, allowed him to part with his wife of more than 20 years and deny her a share of his $2 million estate.

The justices affirmed a lower court’s decision overturning a divorce decree obtained in Pakistan by Irfan Aleem, a World Bank economist who moved from London to Maryland with his wife, Farah Aleem, in 1985.

Both of their children were born in the United States.

In 2003, Aleem’s wife filed for divorce in Montgomery County Circuit Court.


German Court Rules Against Muslim Girl Who Tried Skipping Co-ed Swim Class

7 May, 2008

Archaic Islam meets the modern West…

German Muslim girl can’t skip swim lessons: court
7 May 2008 – The

A Muslim girl in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia cannot skip co-ed swimming lessons because of religious prohibitions against wearing formfitting clothing, a German court ruled on Wednesday.

The administrative court in Düsseldorf ruled that the state’s responsibility to educate the girl outweighed the potential infringement on her religious freedom.

The 12-year-old girl’s parents sued her school in the northern German city of Remscheid after the school refused to allow the girl to skip swimming class. Citing religious reasons, the parents said they did not want their daughter to participate because her body would not be covered.

The ruling means the girl must participate in swimming lessons starting next week, Sabine Ernst of the Alexander von Humboldt School told German news agency DDP. Ernst declined to state what the consequences could be if the girl declines to attend.


Another Book Fair Honoring Israel Faces Protests

7 May, 2008

Book fair faces protests for honouring Israel
(AFP) – Khaleej Times

7 May 2008
ROME – The Turin book fair opening on Thursday, like its Parisian counterpart in March, honours Israel on the 60th anniversary of the Jewish state’s creation, sparking fresh Muslim anger and boycott calls.

Writer and professor Tariq Ramadan on Monday criticised the planned presence of Italian President Giorgio Napolitano at the fair, saying his attendance would make it ‘a political and not a cultural event.’

Ahead of the five-day expo, several Muslim writers, intellectuals and artists as well as the Free Palestine association staged a two-day protest seminar at the University of Turin titled ‘Western Democracies and Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine.’

[Oh, I’m pretty sure that if Israel was really engaged in ‘ethnic cleansing,’ there wouldn’t be any of those irritating, whiny Islamic squatters left to complain about it…]

Free Palestine is also planning a protest on Saturday.

Security has been tightened for this year’s event in Turin, coming two months after the Paris book fair which was inaugurated by Israeli President Shimon Peres and marred by a bomb threat that forced an hour-long evacuation of the venue.

Ramadan, who is backing the boycott calls, is the grandson of Hassan El-Banna, the Egyptian founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, an international Sunni Islamist movement.

He said last week that he would not ‘offer his support to 60 years of a policy of oppression of the Palestinian people.’

[Of course, being Egyptian, he conveniently omits Egypt’s role in seizing land allocated to the Islamic Squatters and then forgets to mention that pesky little border wall between Egypt and Gaza  that keeps the Islamic Squatters out of Egypt…  No love there, buddy!]

Several Arab and Muslim countries and writers’ groups boycotted the Paris book fair.

The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation had called on its 50 member states to stay away, arguing that Israel’s ‘crimes against humanity’ in the Palestinian territories make it ‘unworthy’ of such an honour.

[Sounds like professional jealousy to me….]

Muslim critics say Israel should not be rewarded in this manner while it faces international outrage over its actions in the Palestinian territories.

[And, of course, NO balanced reporting going on here by the AFP!  No mention of the almost daily attacks on Israeli citizens by the Islamic Squatters.  No mention of Israel’s RIGHT to the land.  No mention of Israel’s endless concessions to the Islamic Squatters in an effort to resolve this manufactured conflict…  Etc. etc…  I could go on and on…  Obviously, the AFP reporter who wrote this article isn’t even attempting to hide his/her bias…]