Archive for 18 May, 2008

Creeping Sharia Alive and Well in Louisiana

18 May, 2008

ChangeForever discovered the following article in a local newspaper. Now, if it were just an overview of Islamic terms, that would be one thing; but, read the article and notice how the author says that, “…people are concerned about the misuse of Islamic terms…” Hmmm… Just WHO are these “people?” Certainly not the average American… It’s pretty obvious to all of us that she is talking about the “PC Police” and Muslims.

Also, take note of how she has cut&pasted from the University of Southern California’s introduction to the Qur’an and Hadiths. Now, I often use the USC’s database to show reference to a particular passage from the Qur’an or Hadith for those who doubt the validity of my quotes. As USC is a Multiculturalist’s fantasy land (I should know, I’ve been there, done that), it should be mentioned that those introductions are far from being un-biased in their description – note the prodigious use of “(s.a.w.)” after Muhammad’s name and the false claim that implies the authenticity of the Qur’an has been well documented and recognized; along with the usual ridiculousness of saying that the Qur’an can only be fully understood by those who read Arabic (can you say, “Cultural Imperialism?” )- truth be told, not even Arabic scholars can make much sense out of the Qur’an because many of the words are missing, and others are nonsensical. – hence all the conflicting translations of the Qur’an that are out there …

No serious scholar of theology would make such foolish and unfounded claims, such as the USC has done, unless they had an agenda…

Perhaps her readers would have been better served if she would have removed the obvious Islamic propaganda bullshit and just concentrated on actually defining Islamic terms for her readers. But, then she would have actually had to address the hidden agenda behind those “people” who are “concerned” about what Islamic terms Americans are using when talking about Islam and the false prophet (Pigs Be Unto Him) instead of falling into the trappings of a stealth Jihad designed to elevate Islam above ALL other religions.

But, then again, I suspect she already knew all that…

Facets of Faith for May 17, 2008

Coming to terms with Islamic terminology
Advocate staff writer
Published: May 17, 2008 –

In today’s section, the Religion News Service writes about how people are concerned about the misuse of Islamic terms and concepts.

If you are seeking an introduction to Islam, the University of Southern California’s Web site may help.

Its Compendium of Muslim Texts, found at, has articles on Islamic fundamentals including Allah, Muhammad and Quran.

Other topics include economics, history and misconceptions about Islam.

Perhaps its most useful sections though are its three tools: a Quran search, a Hadith search and a glossary.

The glossary contains more than 200 terms with meaty definitions.

The Quran and Hadith are writings important to Muslims. Having a searchable version makes it easy to find specific passages, much like a concordance or a computer program is used for the Bible. From the USC site, here are defintions of the two writings.


“Reports on the sayings and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.)* or what he witnessed and approved are called Hadith. These are the real explanation, interpretation, and the living example of the Prophet (s.a.w.) for teachings of the Qur’an. His sayings are found in books called the Hadith books.

“Some famous collectors of Hadith are Imam Al-Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam An-Nasa’i, Imam Abu Dawood, Imam At-Tirmizi, and Imam Majah. There are many others.”

* This Arabic abbreviation means “may the blessing and the peace of Allah be upon him.”


U.S. soldier uses Quran for target practice; military apologizes

18 May, 2008

Ok, first lets set the record straight, while I shoot every chance I get I have never shot a koran. Not because it is holy or I think it is an act that can only offend muslims. I do not shoot them because they make piss poor targets. Most recreational shooters attempt to make as small of a shot grouping as possible. The koran to be an effective target should first be marked with small circles so proper shot grouping can be recorded and the aim point or weapon sights adjusted if needed. The koran is simply too big and I find using preprinted targets quicker and easier to use. If a koran is the only target available, then knock yourself out but I think you can do much better. Now that that has been cleared up, let me explain why the soldier was wrong but his chain of commands actions (meant to stabilize and pacify the locals) were worse.

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) — A soldier used the Quran — Islam’s holy book — for target practice, forcing the chief U.S. commander in Baghdad to issue a formal apology on Saturday.
-I doubt this was the only silly thing a soldier did that day but it did make international news, so congratulations soldier, your ten minutes of fame has started.

Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Hammond, commander of U.S. forces in Baghdad, flanked by leaders from Radhwaniya in the western outskirts of Baghdad, apologized for the staff sergeant who was a sniper section leader assigned to the headquarters of the 64th Armored Regiment. He also read a letter of apology by the shooter.
-A letter the soldier was no doubt ordered to write.

It was the first time the incident — which tested the relationship between U.S.-backed Sunni militiamen and the military — was made public since it was discovered May 11.
-Meaning the locals are using it as an excuse and demanding favors to help them get over it.

“I come before you here seeking your forgiveness,” Hammond said to tribal leaders and others at the apology ceremony. “In the most humble manner I look in your eyes today and I say please forgive me and my soldiers.”
-A Major General cowering should sicken every American. An “apology ceremony”???? WTF, is that about? The kid should have been punished according to the UCMJ. NO special treatment was warranted because a bunch of tribesmen were insulted. The purpose of our military is to project power not to kiss ass and grovel.

Another military official kissed a Quran and presented it as “a humble gift” to the tribal leaders.
-A well meaning but stupid gesture. All the two have done is shown a bunch of third world rejects they can bend the US military to their own will. This act of submission will come back to haunt those soldiers and weaken not strengthen US efforts.

The soldier, whose name was not released, shot at a Quran on May 9, villagers said. The Quran used in the incident was discovered two days later, according to the military.

Hammond also read from the shooter’s letter: “I sincerely hope that my actions have not diminished the partnership that our two nations have developed together. … My actions were shortsighted, very reckless and irresponsible, but in my heart [the actions] were not malicious.”
-He would have received cultural awareness training and I think he knew exactly what he was doing and his actions were malicious. He wanted to get caught and leaving a bullet ridden koran were iraqis could find it was intentional.

A tribal leader said “the criminal act by U.S. forces” took place at a shooting range at the Radhwaniya police station. After the shooters left, an Iraqi policeman found a target marked in the middle of the bullet-riddled Quran.
-Lol, I bet ackmed went into a roaring rage.

Copies of the pictures of the Quran obtained by CNN show multiple bullet holes and an expletive scrawled on one of its pages.
-Hidden deep in the article you find proof this kid knew exactly what he was doing.

A military investigation found the shooter guilty and relieved him of duty; he will be redeployed to the United States for reassignment away from the 1st Brigade of the 4th Infantry Division, a U.S. official said.
-F up and move up, some things never change (more…)