Archive for 10 May, 2008

ATC Report Singles Out Islamic Indoctrination of Youth in Public Schools

10 May, 2008

Not that this is a surprise to anyone who has a child in public school and has been paying attention, but it is commendable that the American Textbook Council is focusing so sharply on the problem.

Click HERE for a PDF version of the report from the American Textbook Council.

History textbooks promoting Islam
New report says Muslim activists ‘succeeding’ in expunging criticism

Posted: May 10, 2008
By Bob Unruh

History textbooks being used by hundreds of thousands of public school students across the U.S. are blatantly promoting Islam, according to a new report by an independent organization that researches and reviews textbooks.

WND has reported several times on issues involving the promotion of Islam in public school texts, including a recent situation in which California parents complained their children were being taught that “jihad” to Muslims means “doing good works.”

The new report is from the American Textbook Council, which was established in 1989 as an independent national research organization to review social studies textbooks and advance the quality of instructional materials in history.

In the two-year project, whose report was authored by Gilbert T. Sewall, the ATC reviewed five junior and five high school world and American history texts, concluding:

“Many political and religious groups try to use the textbook process to their advantage, but the deficiencies in Islam-related lessons are uniquely disturbing. History textbooks present an incomplete and confected view of Islam that misrepresents its foundations and challenges to international security.”

The report finds that the texts present “disputed definitions and claims [regarding Islam] … as established facts.”

“Islamic activists use multiculturalism and ready-made American-made political movements, especially those on campus, to advance and justify the makeover of Islam-related textbook content,” the report continued.

“Particular fault rests with the publishing corporations, boards of directors, and executives who decide what editorial policies their companies will pursue,” the report said.

Reviewed were:

* Medieval and Early Modern Times by Jackson J. Spielvogal

* Medieval to Early Modern Times by Stanley M. Bernstein and Richard Shek

* World History: Medieval and Early Modern Times by Douglas Carnine, Carlos Cortes, Kenneth R. Curtis and Anita T. Robinson

* Medieval and Early Modern Times by Dianne Hart

* History Alive! The Medieval World and Beyond by Bert Bower and Jim Lobdell

* World History: The Modern World by Elizabeth Gaynor Ellis and Anthony Esler

* World History: Modern Times by Jackson J. Spielvogel

* America: Pathways to the Present by Andrew Cayton and others

* The American Vision: Moder Times by Joyce Appelby and others and

* The Americans: Reconstruction to the Twenty-first Century by Gerald A. Danzer

The report noted that several of the textbooks have found harsh critics among parents and others, and “History Alive! The Medieval World and Beyond” published by the privately held Teachers Curriculum Institute has been criticized repeatedly.

In Lodi, Calif., parents “were not objecting to a word or two that they took out of context but to a textbook long on chapters filled with adulatory lessons on Islam.”


Saudi Arabia and Vatican in Negotiations over Building Church in the Kingdom…

10 May, 2008

This will be interesting to watch… I foresee BIG trouble….

First Catholic Church for Saudi Arabia
Saturday, 10 May 2008 – Daily PK

Negotiations are underway to build the first Catholic church in Saudi Arabia with King Abdullah lending his support for its construction.

Vatican Radio reports the Vatican and the Saudi government are currently in talks to allow the church despite the kingdoms ban on allowing the construction of any non-Muslim place of worship.

Saudi Arabia is the only country on the Arabian Peninsula without a Catholic church despite the 800,000 Catholics – virtually all of who are foreign workers.

While Saudi Arabia does not have formal diplomatic relations with the Holy See, King Abdullah became the first reigning Saudi monarch ever to visit the Vatican last November.

Commenting after his meeting with the Pope Vatican officials confirmed the Pontiff pressed for permission to open a Catholic church in the kingdom.

Holy See spokesman Fr Federico Lombardi said that opening a Catholic parish in the Islamic land would be “a historic achievement” for religious freedom and a major step forward for inter-religious dialogue.

The apostolic nuncio to Kuwait, Qatar, Yemen, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain, Archbishop Paul-Mounged El-Hachem, is reportedly the lead Vatican negotiator in talks with Saudi officials. Pakistan Daily (

Bill Ayers, Obama’s Buddy, Stomps on American Flag!

10 May, 2008

You are made known by the friends you keep…

H/T – Matamoros

Obama’s Buddy, Bill Ayers Stomping the American Flag

By John Stephenson –

There is a huge blogswarm going on about this photo, from Chicago Magazine, of Obama’s unrepentant terrorist associate, Bill Ayers stomping on the American flag. The photo was taken in 2001, the same time Barack Obama served on the Woods Fund Board with Ayers. This was also the same time that Ayers donated to Obama’s campaign.

Marathon Pundit has similar photo, and many political bloggers are saying it long past due for Obama to disown his association with this controversial radical.

The question that remains is, will the media pick this up or will they write it off as old news? Its worthy of recycling this to further probe into Obama’s judgement, the one thing he says he should be measured by.

Photo credit: Jeff Sciortino for Chicago Magazine.

Jordanian ‘Honor’ Kills His Pregnant Sister

10 May, 2008

There is no honor in killing…

Jordan police question family for ‘honour killing’
Khaleej Times Online

AMMAN – The Jordanian authorities are questioning a 22-year- old man, who allegedly killed his pregnant married sister for reasons related to family honour, the Jordan Times reported Friday, quoting official sources.

The 20-year-old victim, who was not identified by officials, received three fatal bullets to the side of her head, reportedly by her brother, at her in-law’s house in western Amman Wednesday night.

The suspect immediately headed to the nearest police station and turned himself in, handing over the gun he used to shoot his sibling to officers on duty.

“The suspect told police he had just killed his sister to cleanse his family’s honour,” the sources said.

The victim became the fifth person reportedly murdered in a so- called honour crime since the beginning of the year, the paper said.

Last year, a total of 18 people were killed for reasons of “honour” in Jordan, according to official sources.

[Uhm… That figure is suspiciously low… Perhaps they are only counting the females who are ‘honor’ killed…  Does anyone have the figures on that?]