Archive for 15 May, 2008

Obama a Male Chauvinist Pig?

15 May, 2008

I thought I would post this to get ER’s blood pressure up a little….  You can thank me later.  Hehehehe…

Obama apologizes for ‘sweetie’ comment

From CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney

(CNN) – Barack Obama has personally apologized to a Michigan television reporter for referring to her as “sweetie” as she tried to ask a question.

The comment came earlier Wednesday when WXYZ reporter Peggy Agar asked Obama at a campaign stop, “How are you going to help the American auto workers?”

Obama told Agar to “hold on, sweetie,” and said he would address that issue with her later. Agar said she never got an answer to her question.

According to WXYZ, Obama personally left a voice message for Agar Wednesday afternoon, apologizing for both not answering the question and for calling her “sweetie.”

That’s a bad habit of mine,” Obama said in the message. “I do it sometimes with all kinds of people. I mean no disrespect and so I am duly chastened on that front.

“Feel free to call me back. I expect that my press team will be happy to try to make it up to you whenever we are in Detroit next,” he added.

Obama also took some heat in Pennsylvania last month for referring to a factory worker as “sweetie.”

“Misunderstanders” of Islam Threaten to Attack Euro 2008 Soccer Tournament

15 May, 2008

Euro 2008: al-Qa’eda threatens terrorist attack
By Alexandra Williams in Geneva

Al-Qa’eda sympathisers are threatening to attack the Euro 2008 football tournament next month, according to Swiss police.

The championships, which begin on June 7 and are hosted by Switzerland and Austria, are in a “terrorist danger zone” and police are monitoring closely a number of internet chat forums linked to the terror group.

Juerg Buehler, a security expert with the Swiss federal police, said: “The Euro 2008 tournament is a potential target cited by the Islamist terrorist network.”

Messages have been posted on “sos minbar” and “As-Sahab”, two Islamist websites used by al-Qa’eda and its followers.

Mr Buehler said: “We are taking these threats seriously. We are on alert and we are following these jihad forums very closely. It is through these that Osama bin Laden’s agents awaken dormant cells.

“The situation is serious even if it is frustrated people hiding behind these sites.”

According to the official, one site said: “Let’s transform the two most secure countries in Europe into hell, like the hell in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

[Made possible via the Religion of Peace, I might add…]


New Documentary Questions Involving Religion with Freedom of Speech

15 May, 2008

A documentary to put on your watch list:

Going to religious extremes

Leconte provokes with ‘Jerks’ documentary
The Hollywood Reporter

By Charles Masters

May 15, 2008
Do we have the right to caricature God? This and other questions involving religion and freedom of speech raised by the controversial Danish cartoons depicting the prophet Mohammed are examined by “It’s Tough Being Loved by Jerks,” a documentary by Frenchman Daniel Leconte which unspools today as a special screening.

Leconte says his aim is to provoke healthy debate, even if that upsets some people due to their faith. “We have to have this debate, because when we do, we win the argument,” he said. “As soon as you explain that it’s not Muslims that are targeted (in the caricatures), but those who kill in the name of that religion, it’s different. It’s like the difference between the Inquisition and all other Catholics. I wouldn’t put Torquemada in with Francis of Assissi. The extremists know they’ll lose in debate, so they spread terror to widen the gap between East and West, between Islam and democracy.”


Hearsay of Anti-Arab Slur Causes Controversy

15 May, 2008

Muslim Activist, May Saffar, slyly smirks behind her headless daughter

Shen’s handling of anti-Arab slur upsets family
School district defends response to incident involving 15-year-old girl
By MARC PARRY, Staff writer
Thursday, May 15, 2008

CLIFTON PARK — An Iraqi-born local peace activist and teacher has reported to State Police that her teenage daughter was taunted with an ethnic slur in a bathroom at Shenendehowa High School.

[Now, that does give one the impression of an immigrant Muslim engaged in seditious acts against the U.S. government; someone with an agenda… Just saying…]

The phrase a student hurled at 15-year-old Noomi Istarabadi combined “sand” and the n-word, according to her mother, May Saffar.

[Oh me! Oh my! – As if no one has ever had a similar insult hurled at them by the other kids at school…]

But it was Istarabadi who ended up in trouble, Saffar said. The distraught girl left school after the incident, Saffar said, which got her penalized for an unauthorized absence.

[As well she should be punished for leaving school! Imagine what would happen if every child who, upon being insulted, were to leave school… Heck, NO ONE would be left!]

Saffar criticized school officials for not taking the situation seriously enough. It’s the latest in a series of problems her children have encountered, Saffar said, including an assault on her son, who is now 20.

[Here’s that agenda coming out… How many of us never got involved in a fight at school? No one that I know of…]

Saffar teaches English as a second language in the Albany city schools and Arabic at Union College. She also co-founded the local Muslim Solidarity Committee.

[Hmmm… Now, why is it that folks who are involved with such groups seem to be the overwhelming majority of those claiming offense and discrimination… Can you say, “Agenda?”]

“I know I can vent through my activism — but my kids can’t take this anymore,” said Saffar, 43, of Clifton Park.

[Agenda! Agenda! Agenda!]

Kelly DeFeciani, a Shenendehowa spokeswoman, said the school district “made every attempt” to find the girl who allegedly harassed Istarabadi.

An administrator interviewed Istarabadi, but the teen didn’t know the person who insulted her and couldn’t identify them after looking at a yearbook, DeFeciani said.

[See, had she NOT left school, she could have IMMEDIATELY brought the offending student to the attention of the staff… Now, she is only left with her accusation and no proof to back it up…]


U.K. Police Apologize and Pay Restitution for Falsely Accusing Television Station of Faking Mosque Footage

15 May, 2008


Yup, the Bobbies were probably too busy handing out all them tickets to jaywalkers and failed to notice the terrorists setting up shop in their own backyards. Then, when the television station aired the report, they were caught with their pants down. So, they got all PC and whatnot in an attempt to cover up their ignorance – which only succeeded in highlighting it even more…

Of course, it probably didn’t help that Islamists are extremely proficient at pulling the wool over the eyes of law enforcement via Muslim Community outreach propaganda programs…

You can watch the undercover mosque footage HERE.


Police pay Channel 4 £100,000 damages for accusing station of faking undercover mosque footage

Channel 4 has won £100,000 from a police force that falsely accused programme makers of faking television footage.

West Midlands Police will also apologise at the High Court following comments it published about a Dispatches programme entitled Undercover Mosque.

A press release issued by police and the Crown Prosecution Service in August last year claimed the programme misrepresented the views of Muslim preachers and clerics recorded undercover.

Police reported Channel 4 to the TV watchdog Ofcom for “heavily editing” the words of imams to give them a more sinister meaning, citing five instances.

Ofcom rejected the complaints in a decision published in November 2007.

Police spent around £14,000 on the investigation, which first looked at whether three of the individuals shown in the programme could be prosecuted for inciting terrorism or racial hatred.

But they later announced offences may have been committed by Channel 4, specifically in stirring up racial hatred.

Police claimed the programme, broadcast in January 2007, undermined “community cohesion” and “feelings of public reassurance”.

Documentary excerpts from preachers and teachers included “Allah created the woman deficient” and “by the age of ten, it becomes an obligation on us to force her to wear hijab and if she doesn’t wear hijab, we hit her”.

Despite Ofcom’s conclusion that the documentary was a “legitimate investigation, uncovering matters of important public interest”, West Midlands Police failed to take down the original press release, entitled Broadcast Out Of Context, from its website.

The failure prompted Channel 4 to take legal action due to the “seriousness of allegations of fakery for professional journalists and broadcasters”.
