Archive for 9 June, 2008

Shocking Claim: Pakistan Helped Taliban Insurgents

9 June, 2008

No shocker here folks, pakistan is playing both sides. The shame here is it took an organization with a reputation like the RAND Corporation this long to figure it out. Both Doc and I have been hammering at the paki’s for years now. I expect a call and a generous offer of employment from the RAND Corporation. I dunno if they have an opening but I can see they need help.

9 June, 2008, CBS
KABUL, Afghanistan — Pakistani intelligence agents and paramilitary forces have helped train Taliban insurgents and have given them information about American troop movements in Afghanistan, said a report published Monday by a U.S. think tank.

The study by the RAND Corp. also warned that the U.S. will face “crippling, long-term consequences” in Afghanistan if Taliban sanctuaries in Pakistan are not eliminated.
-The danger here is we gloss over and ignore iran to eliminate a few al qaida/taliban holdouts. After we turn iran into a large spot of burned glass we can worry about pakistan.

It echoes recent statements by American generals, who have increased their warnings that militant safe havens in Pakistan are threatening efforts in Afghanistan. The study was funded by the U.S. Defense Department.

“Every successful insurgency in Afghanistan since 1979 enjoyed safe haven in neighboring countries, and the current insurgency is no different,” said the report’s author, Seth Jones. “Right now, the Taliban and other groups are getting help from individuals within Pakistan’s government, and until that ends, the region’s long-term security is in jeopardy.”

Pakistan’s top military spokesman rejected the findings.
-Wow, another shocker (not). Why do we care what a minion says anyway?

The study, “Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan,” found some active and former officials in Pakistan’s intelligence service and the Frontier Corps _ a Pakistani paramilitary force deployed along the Afghan border _ provided direct assistance to Taliban militants and helped secure medical care for wounded fighters.

It said NATO officials have uncovered several instances of Pakistani intelligence agents providing information to Taliban fighters, even “tipping off Taliban forces about the location and movement of Afghan and coalition forces, which undermined several U.S. and NATO anti-Taliban military operations.” No timeframes were given.

The report said Pakistan’s intelligence service and other government agencies provided Taliban and other insurgents with training at camps in Pakistan, as well as intelligence, financial assistance and help crossing the border.
-So cut off aid to pakistan watch the current government collapse, what’s the problem?

When asked in an Associated Press interview last month what the state of the insurgency might be in 2013, the outgoing NATO commander in Afghanistan, U.S. Gen. Dan McNeill, said: “If there are going to be sanctuaries where these terrorists, these extremists, these insurgents can train, can recruit, can regenerate, there’s still going to be a challenge there.”

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has pleaded with the world community to address the issue of militant sanctuaries in Pakistan. Afghan intelligence officials say young, uneducated males are recruited in the border tribal areas to become suicide bombers and fighters. After battles or attacks in Afghanistan, militants flow back into Pakistan to rest and rearm, officials say.

Pakistan _ which supported the Taliban regime in Afghanistan before the Sept. 11 attacks denied it is supporting the insurgents, but acknowledged the problem of militant infiltration.
-Uh huh, they are innocent, got it. And mohammed was a role model. Come to think about it that was another muslim lie. (more…)

Condi Shows Once Again that the U.S. Government does not Grasp the Severity of the Situation in the Mid-East

9 June, 2008

You know, I use to like Condi and thought she was Presidential material. But, her constant pressuring of Israel to acquiesce to the demands of a bunch of violent, ungrateful Islamic Squatters has me impatiently waiting for the day she leaves the White House and returns to Stanford…

U.S. urges removal of antiterror barriers
Jews were attacked within hours of previous elimination of roadblocks
By Aaron Klein

JERUSALEM – An Israeli decision today to remove anti-terror roadblocks from near the oldest Jewish community in the world was made under heavy pressure from the U.S., defense sources said.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had requested U.S. security coordinators here monitor Israeli pledges she previously extracted to remove specific roadblocks and checkpoints throughout the West Bank to ease Palestinian travel.

Upon Rice’s visit to the region in April, she reportedly urged the removal of specific West Bank roadblocks. Within hours of the elimination of one of the barriers, a knife-wielding Palestinian attempted to attack two Jews near the area from which the roadblock had been removed. Israeli lawmakers then charged Rice’s demands were responsible for that attempted attack.

Defense officials here strongly opposed the roadblock removals, saying the obstacles impede the mobility of terrorists. Palestinians complain the roadblocks make it more difficult for them to travel throughout the West Bank. The majority of West Bank roadblocks were established in the late 1990s following repeated terrorist attacks from the territory. The barriers have been directly credited with halting scores of attacks.


Al-Qaeda Maghreb Commander Gives up the Jihad…

9 June, 2008

Well…  Here’s something we don’t see every day from the Religion of Peace:

Report: Al-Qaeda Maghreb Commander Turns Self In


Abu Hadhifa, Al-Qaeda Maghreb commander in charge of the forces in eastern Algeria, has turned himself in to authorities.

Hadhifa’s family said that he had become convinced that the jihad in Algeria was not legitimate, and that he was acting to bring his subordinates to do likewise.

[I give him “props” for thinking on his own.]

Abu Hadhifa, also known as “Abu ‘Ammar” and “The Marshal,” begin his jihad career in 1993 with the Armed Islamic Group (GIA), and then joined the Salafi Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC), which eventually became Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.

Newark Public School Forced To Apologize to Muslim Student For Holding Graduation Ceremony at Local Church

9 June, 2008

Yeah, more ass-kissing of Islam brought about via pressure from another legal-jihad…

While I believe in separating Church from State, I DON’T believe in apologizing to a Muslim for some perceived religious “offense.”

When will Americans learn that, when it comes to matters of “religion,” an “apology” to a Muslim is seen as an act of submission to the authority of Islam and only further emboldens them in their attempt to implement Sharia Law:

Newark schools settle religious bias lawsuit
by Kasi Addison/The Star-Ledger –
Monday June 09, 2008

Newark Public Schools has settled a lawsuit filed by a former student who claimed he couldn’t attend his graduation from West Side High School because it was held in the sanctuary of a local Baptist Church.

Bilal Shareef, a Muslim student, said his religious faith prohibited him from entering a building with religious icons, such as pictures of God or images of the cross. He skipped the ceremony held at New Hope Baptist Church in June 2006. Students were also offered two additional tickets to graduation if they attended a Baccalaureate ceremony held at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, a Catholic Church.

The lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of Shareef in March 2007 claimed the district violated the state Constitution by discriminating against students because of religious principles and forcing people to attend a place of worship contrary to their faith. It was settled Thursday.

“There is a reason the Constitution forbids preference of one religion over the other: Government, especially school officials, should not be in the position of making certain people feel favored, while making others feel like outsiders,” said ACLU-NJ Legal Director Ed Barocas, who represented the Shareef and his father Ahmad Shareef.

Terms of the settlement require the district to apologize to the Shareefs and other students who “felt forced to forego or uncomfortable attending the 2005 or 2006 graduations,” Barocas said. The district also agreed not to sponsor or promote religious events, not to hold student events in places of worship and not to hold student events in other religious buildings unless religious images are covered.


Study Shows Over Half of All Marriages in Yemen are with Girls 14 and Younger

9 June, 2008

More remnants from the highly worshiped and overly defended Pedophile prophet:

Yemen: Over half of married women under 15, says report

Sanaa, 9 June (AKI) – Over half of women who marry in Yemen are under 15 years of age, said a field study conducted by Yemen’s Women and Development Study Centre, which is affiliated with the University of Sanaa.

According to the study which was cited in the Yemen Times newspaper, the rate of child marriage among females in Yemen reached 52 percent, compared to less than seven percent among males.

On top of that, in rural parts of Yemen, girls usually get married at an average age of 12 to 13 years old.

The parliament in Yemen is reportedly working to raise the minimum marriageable age, which currently stands at 15 years old and so far there is no punishment for those families who allow their daughters to marry under this age.

“Recently the case of early marriage in Yemen has come to light, especially after the divorce of a little girl last month,” said Amatalrazaq Hummad, Yemen’s Minister of Social Affairs, in an interview with the Qatari daily Al-Watan.

Hummad was referring to the case of ‘Noujoud’, the first eight-year-old child to obtained a divorce from her husband who is in his early 30s, through a court in Sanaa.

UK Government Minister Defends Disproportionate Islamic Attention on the Heels of Damning Report From the Church of England

9 June, 2008

This is a great example of how Islam is able to establish itself with the aid of the government in Western communities.

You see, the governments are so blinded to the evilness of Islam that, even after horrendously bloody attacks from Islamists, the Western governments think Islam is being “hijacked” by radicals and go out of there way to support Islam in hopes of “fixing” the “misunderstanders” of Islam; to the exclusion of all other religions…

Don’t believe me?  Just think about how many mosques have been built in the U.S. since 9/11…  Logic would dictate that the number would have declined, but not so…  Your government is helping them build more mosques in an effort to “educate” the “misunderstanders…”

Hazel Blears, Communities Secretary, says sidelining of Christianity is ‘common sense’

By George Pitcher and Jonathan Wynne-Jones
09/06/2008 –

It is “common sense” for Christianity to be sidelined at the expense of Islam, a Government minister claimed on Sunday.

Hazel Blears, the Communities Secretary, defended Labour’s policy on religion after a report backed by the Church of England claimed that Muslims receive a disproportionate amount of attention.

She said it was right that more money and effort was spent on Islam than Christianity because of the threat from extremism and home-grown terrorism.

Ms Blears told BBC Radio 4’s Sunday programme: “That’s just common sense. If we’ve got an issue where we have to build resilience of young Muslim men and women to withstand an extremist message.”

She added: “We live in a secular democracy. That’s a precious thing. We don’t live in a theocracy, but we’ve always accepted that hundreds of thousands of people are motivated by faith. We live in a secular democracy but we want to recognise the role of faith.”

The Church of England bishop responsible for the report, the Rt Rev Stephen Lowe, Bishop for Urban Life and Faith, said afterwards: “She said we live in a secular democracy. That comes as news to me – we have an established Church, but the Government can’t deal with Christianity.”


“Honor” Killings and Other Incidences of Violence Against Women on the Rise in Pakistan

9 June, 2008

Gee, with all the al-Qaeda and Taliban Jihadists Pakistan has let into their country, is anyone really surprised?

1,321 cases of violence against women recorded in Pakistan
Web posted at: 6/9/2008
Source ::: internews – via The Peninsula Qatar

ISLAMABAD • As many as 1,321 incidents of violence against women occurred in the four provinces of Pakistan and in the capital between January and March.

This was revealed in a report on the ‘Situation of Violence against Women in Pakistan’ issued by the Aurat Foundation, an NGO, working for women rights here.

The report says that violence against women was on the rise. Out of 1,321 reported cases 366 were of murder – 130 in Punjab, 110 in Sindh, 95 in North West Frontier Province (NWFP), 25 in Balochistan and six in Islamabad; 90 cases of honour killing – 11 in Punjab, 35 in Sindh, eight in NWFP and 36 in Islamabad; 119 cases of domestic violence – 34 in Punjab, 30 in Sindh, 46 in NWFP, seven in Balochistan and two in Islamabad; 66 cases of suicide; 11 cases of attempted suicide; 61 cases of rape; 18 cases of gang-rape; 34 cases of sexual assault; 34 cases of custodial violence; 16 cases of burning; three cases of acid throwing; six cases of trafficking; 246 cases of abduction; 25 cases of attempted murder; 179 cases of hurt and body injury; and 57 cases of violence of miscellaneous nature in the four provinces and capital.

The percentage of murder of women among the reported cases was the highest at 27 per cent, followed by abduction 18.6 per cent, hurt or body injury 13.5 per cent, domestic violence nine per cent, honour killing 6.8 per cent, rape/gang-rape six per cent, suicide custodial violence 1.8 per cent and burning/acid throwing 1.4 per cent.

Ninety-nine per cent perpetrators of the incidents of violence were male, many of them relatives. In most of the murder cases, the motives cited were accusations of illicit sexual relations, domestic quarrels, blood feuds, land disputes, lure of property and personal enmity.


Suspected al-Qaida-linked militants abduct 3-person TV team in Philippines

9 June, 2008

The Associated Press
June 9, 2008 – IHT

MANILA, Philippines: Philippine security forces were searching Monday for a Manila television reporter and two cameramen believed to have been abducted by al-Qaida-linked Abu Sayyaf militants while pursuing a story.

ABS-CBN senior reporter Ces Drilon and her two crewmen were intercepted Sunday in volatile Jolo island’s Maimbung township by armed men under Albader Parad, an Abu Sayyaf leader in the area, the regional police chief said.

Police Chief Superintendent Joel Goltiao said the reporter and cameramen arrived Saturday at the invitation of Mindanao State University Professor Octavio Dinampo “to cover a special event.”

On Sunday morning Dinampo picked them up from a university hostel, and armed men identified as being under Parad’s command intercepted them as their vehicle passed through Kulasi village, Goltiao said.

He said he ordered town police chiefs to determine Drilon’s whereabouts.

The Maimbung police chief reported sightings in the Kulasi area of Parad and of people with a video camera inside a vehicle.

“We convened the provincial crisis management committee to send feelers to negotiate with the abductors, but the abductors have not yet said anything,” Goltiao said by telephone.

He said he was not aware of any ransom demand and he was trying to reach ABS-CBN in Manila for more details.


UK Jihadist Possessed Material Showing, “he was dedicated to the pursuit of a violent holy war”

9 June, 2008

‘Terrorist encyclopedia’ found in raid

Yorkshire Evening Post
– 9 June 2008

An “encyclopaedia” of terrorist articles promoting terrorism and the violent deaths of non-Muslims was found during a series of raids on the homes of three men and a 16-year-old schoolboy, a court heard today.
One of them Aabid Khan, who was arrested on his return from Pakistan, was a “committed and active promoter of Islamic extremism,” it was claimed.

The material allegedly in his possession “showed he was dedicated to the pursuit of a violent holy war against anyone, any person or any country which did not believe in his religious faith”.

“The computer, hard drives and the computer discs contained thousands of documents, videos and audio files that held detailed practical information on how to make and use weapons, explosives and poisons, how to carry out acts of murder on potential terrorist targets here in the UK as well as abroad,” said Simon Denison, prosecuting.

The barrister told London’s Blackfriars Crown Court there were also news reports about terrorist activity “that could have been used as information to inform someone intent on committing acts of terrorism.
“He also had documents that provided detailed information on surveillance and counter surveillance.”

He continued: “This information amounted to a terrorist encyclopaedia or library that would have enabled him or others to carry out terrorist attacks here or abroad in a variety of ways, and thereby to further the cause that appeared to be his mission in life – the war on western values and anyone who was a non-believer in the Muslim faith.”


Bush Lied? Not so Fast…

9 June, 2008

Yeah, the whole “Bush Lied, People Died” thing really pisses me off… In one bumper sticker slogan, the entire Liberal community misses the point completely;The failure was not Bush’s failure, it was the “intelligence” community’s failure.

And, that should be of a greater concern to Americans because the next president, be he Republican or Democrat,  will be making decisions based on the same cast of characters…

‘Bush Lied’? If Only It Were That Simple.

By Fred Hiatt – Washington Post
Monday, June 9, 2008; Page A17

Search the Internet for “Bush Lied” products, and you will find sites that offer more than a thousand designs. The basic “Bush Lied, People Died” bumper sticker is only the beginning.

Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV (D-W.Va.), chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence, set out to provide the official foundation for what has become not only a thriving business but, more important, an article of faith among millions of Americans. And in releasing a committee report Thursday, he claimed to have accomplished his mission, though he did not use the L-word.

“In making the case for war, the administration repeatedly presented intelligence as fact when it was unsubstantiated, contradicted or even nonexistent,” he said.

There’s no question that the administration, and particularly Vice President Cheney, spoke with too much certainty at times and failed to anticipate or prepare the American people for the enormous undertaking in Iraq.

But dive into Rockefeller’s report, in search of where exactly President Bush lied about what his intelligence agencies were telling him about the threat posed by Saddam Hussein, and you may be surprised by what you find.

On Iraq’s nuclear weapons program? The president’s statements “were generally substantiated by intelligence community estimates.”

On biological weapons, production capability and those infamous mobile laboratories? The president’s statements “were substantiated by intelligence information.”

On chemical weapons, then? “Substantiated by intelligence information.”

On weapons of mass destruction overall (a separate section of the intelligence committee report)? “Generally substantiated by intelligence information.”
