Archive for 11 October, 2008

Al Gore Funding Plan for “A New World Order”

11 October, 2008

An interesting article from Riel World View that Gramfan was gracious enough to dig up for us:

Gore Funding Plan For “A New World Order”

Man1 If your employer began paying you 80 cents on the dollar, but, not to worry, the other 20 cents was going to support “good causes”, thereby giving you value instead of capital, would you be pleased?

If not, you won’t like what Al Gore has been quietly planning along with his Global Warming initiative. He and others are working to achieve that very thing and to bring it about in a manner which doesn’t give you a vote in which values your dollars end up supporting.

Gore is quietly funding an assault on Capitalism as we know it, one that begins but doesn’t end with Global Warming. That’s only the model for what’s coming next.

Sans news conferences and Oscar nods, it’s a well-funded, grand design to re-shape, not just America, but the global economy in such a manner so as to inculcate Liberal values into the world’s system of finance.

Defeated at the ballot box, it seems Gore has figured out that if he can follow, or perhaps even lead the money, he and other liberals can bring about the social and economic change they want, whether the middle class likes it, or not.

Gone unnoticed in the recent controversy over Gore’s Generation Investment Management LLP (GIM) is this blurb below from the European partnership’s web site:

Dedicated to thought leadership on sustainability and capital markets –5% of our profitability is allocated to the Generation Foundation

The Generation Foundation is not your typical foundation involved in giving money to what it views as deserving causes. And the ramifications of its work should be of genuine concern for fiscal and social conservatives, civil libertarians and anyone who supports the free market system and the economics, or laisser-faire capitalism of Milton Friedman.

By their own admission, Gore and his well-heeled, high-minded brand of liberal thinkers believe Capitalism is either dead, or deserves to be.


Obama Says, [ACORN Will] “Shape the Agenda”

11 October, 2008

From December 2007.  listen to what Obama says beginning at 2:00 into the video:
H/T – IsraelMatzav

Berg vs. Obama – The Video

11 October, 2008

We have been covering the case against Barack Obama in which he is fighting desperately to hide his birth certificate and records of Citizenship.  For those who only get their news through the Communist News Network (CNN) and are unaware of what this is all about; Obama was adopted by his step-father, Lolo Soetoro, and so Obama’s U.S. citizenship is in question.

You can read more about this by CLICKING HERE

This was posted today on The American Thinker:

You can read the article from The American Thinker by CLICKING HERE

Obama Supporters Bailing Out Over ACORN Scandals

11 October, 2008

What?  You mean to tell me that his membership in the communist Socialist Party wasn’t enough?  His searching out and allying himself with Communists, Leftists, Islamic radicals, and Terrorists didn’t phase his supporters.  His illegal immigrant status in violation of the Constitution’s rules for the Presidency didn’t budge them one bit.  His 20 year attendance at a Black Supremist Church that hates America and whites didn’t bother them, etc., etc…?

But his support of ACORN does?

Aaaaghhh!   These Libtards make my head spin!!!

Read all about this HERE at Israpundit

Did Terrorist Ayers Write Obama’s Two Books?

11 October, 2008

I had not heard of this before today, but after sifting through the evidence and following the links, there does seem to exist some pretty strong evidence that supports this hypothesis:

More Evidence that Ayers Ghostwrote Obama’s Books

Some may know that there has been strongly evidenced suggestions that Barack Obama may have had his two books ghostwritten by William Ayers, essentially refuting that there is no relationship between the two.

The initial evidence centered around the facts that the writing techniques between Barack Obama’s book Dreams From My Father was eerily similar to those of Fugitive Days, William Ayers autobiography. From Dr. Jack Cashill over at his website:

“Prior to 1990, when Barack Obama contracted to write Dreams From My Father, he had written very close to nothing.

As an undergraduate, Obama had written what he justifiably calls some “very bad poetry.” He published nothing under his own name in The Harvard Law Review, where he served as an editor and as president. And after leaving Harvard, he published nothing in its review or in any law journal.”

Jack Cashill’s analysis focuses on two specific sentences from both books and here is his analysis:

These two sentences are alike in more than their poetry, their length and their gracefully layered structure. They tabulate nearly identically on the Flesch Reading Ease Score (FRES), something of a standard in the field.

The “Fugitive Days” excerpt scores a 54 on reading ease and a 12 th grade reading level. The “Dreams’” excerpt scores a 54.8 on reading ease and a 12 th grade reading level. Scores can range from 0 to 121, so hitting a nearly exact score matters.

Now, with all of that said, one has to look at the time line to see if the ghostwriting is even plausible based on time constraints, mainly because William Ayers is the author of a few other books and may not have had the time to write Obama’s book in between his own. Through a little research, I was able to extract the following data:


School Kids Take a Field Trip to See their Lesbian Teacher Get Married

11 October, 2008

Where else but San Francisco!

You know, I love my gay friends.  They’re cool people.

I love the sinners, but hate the sin.

However, I strongly object to the gay agenda of indoctrinating our society.

Now, I really can’t say much about the following, as the parent’s DID sign the field trip permission slips.  Maybe that says more about the parents than anything else…

Class surprises lesbian teacher on wedding day
Jill Tucker, Chronicle Staff Writer – SFGATE
Saturday, October 11, 2008

A group of San Francisco first-graders took an unusual field trip to City Hall on Friday to toss rose petals on their just-married lesbian teacher – putting the public school children at the center of a fierce election battle over the fate of same-sex marriage.

The 18 Creative Arts Charter School students took a Muni bus and walked a block at noon to toss rose petals and blow bubbles on their just-married teacher Erin Carder and her wife Kerri McCoy, giggling and squealing as they mobbed their teacher with hugs.

Mayor Gavin Newsom, a friend of a friend, officiated.

[Yeah, he’s a real role model for the kids…  Had an affair with his campaign manager’s wife and then divorced his own wife when she found out about it – although Gavin claims the affair happened WHILE he was in the process of getting a divorce – yeah, right…  ]

A parent came up with the idea for the field trip – a surprise for the teacher on her wedding day.

“She’s such a dedicated teacher,” said the school’s interim director Liz Jaroflow.

But there was a question of justifying the field trip academically. Jaroflow decided she could.

“It really is what we call a teachable moment,” Jaroflow said, noting the historic significance of same-sex marriage and related civil rights issues. “I think I’m well within the parameters.”

Nonetheless, the excursion offers Proposition 8 proponents fresh ammunition for their efforts to outlaw gay marriage in California, offering a real-life incident that echoes their recent television and radio ads.

“It’s just utterly unreasonable that a public school field trip would be to a same-sex wedding,” said Chip White, press secretary for the Yes on 8 campaign. “This is overt indoctrination of children who are too young to have an understanding of its purpose.”


The trip illustrates the message promoted by the campaign in recent days, namely that unless Prop. 8 passes on Nov. 4, children will learn about same-sex marriage in school.

“It shows that not only can it happen, but it has already happened,” White said.

California Education Code permits school districts to offer comprehensive sex education, but if they do, they have to “teach respect for marriage and committed relationships.”


Google it!!!

11 October, 2008

From the creator of “Burning Down the House” comes this video that tells us:

How We Win This Debate:  Tell America to Google the Facts

Note:  Running time is about 11 minutes