Archive for 30 October, 2008

Al Qaeda fighters cry during movie night.

30 October, 2008

What a buncha candyass punks. These are the guys we are spending so much time and money to hunt? If a common propaganda film brings tears to allahs warriors eyes I wonder what a showing of shriek would do?

by Jane Sutton, 30 October, 2008, the Post Chronicle
Al Qaeda recruits in Afghanistan wept and shouted praise as they watched a propaganda video made by a Guantanamo defendant, a training camp dropout told the U.S. war crimes court on Thursday.

Three imprisoned men from Lackawanna, New York, were brought to the courtroom at the U.S. naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to testify in the trial of accused al Qaeda media director Ali Hamza al Bahlul.

The witnesses are part of the “Lackawanna Six,” a group of young American men of Yemeni descent who pleaded guilty to providing material support for terrorism by attending al Qaeda’s al Farouk training camp in Afghanistan in early 2001.
-I remember this story, all the local muslims claimed they were all innocent and had never been extremists.

The curriculum included multiple viewings of a two-hour video that FBI agents said Bahlul has proudly admitted making.

The video is a melange of bloody images of Muslims under attack in Bosnia, Chechnya, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories.
-I wonder why they didn’t show the iraqi families murdered by al qaida in Iraq? (more…)

Obama: If You Are Not Caring for Your Family…

30 October, 2008

Alright, here is our latest video creation for your enjoyment and edification.  If you still have a few neighbors who have the impression that Obama will help out the poor without redistributing most of the wealth amongst his commie thug buddies, show them this one:

Ethnic Albanians injure Five Innocent Children at Serb wedding.

30 October, 2008

Ok, so I had fun with the title but I did use commonly seen muslim propaganda as a model. The Serbs have once again found themselves alone, outgunned and without backup. The muslims are going to keep pushing until they have a an excuse to commit genocide against the remaining Serbs. Much to Americas shame, we helped the wrong side and doomed many innocent Serbs.

Kosovska Mitrovica, 30 Oct. (AKI) – Five Serbs were injured on Thursday in clashes with ethnic Albanians in the divided city of Kosovska Mitrovica, local officials said. Deputy police chief Predrag Vasovic told media that the incident occurred when a group of ethnic Albanians crossed into the Serb-controlled northern part of the city to repair their houses, which were damaged during ethnic fighting in 1999.

“The Serbs gathered to prevent them, and the clashes broke out,” Vasovic said. He said that wooden and metal sticks were used in the fighting, but eyewitnesses said that fire from automatic weapons was heard in the area.

Doctors in Mitrovica hospital said that five Serbs were treated for light injuries, but were later discharged.

Mitrovica has been a divided city ever since the withdrawal in 1999 of Serbian forces from the province, whose majority ethnic Albanians declared independence last February.

The southern part of the city is controlled by ethnic Albanians and the northern part by Serbs. (more…)

Iranians Already Testing Nukes???

30 October, 2008

Note to self:  Rent backhoe; Dig shelter…

H/T – Will the Islamophobe (formerly, “Kaafir”)

Iranian Nuke Scientist: Weekend Quake was a Nuclear Test

by Hillel Fendel

( A weekend 5.0 Richter earthquake in Iran was actually a nuclear bomb test, says an Iranian nuclear scientist claiming to be working on the project.

This past Saturday night, southern Iran experienced what was reported as a significant earthquake – a seismic event measuring 5.0 on the Richter scale. Its epicenter was just north of the strategic Straits of Hormuz, which separates Iran from Abu Dhabi and Oman and which is the gateway to the Persian Gulf.

The report quotes an Iranian nuclear scientist who claims to be working in uranium enrichment for the project, and who said that the “quake” was acutally an undergound nuclear bomb test.

Israel Insider adds that the test/quake was actually the second in a series. Nine days ago, a 4.8 Richter scale event occurred, with its epicenter only five kilometers away from the weekend tremor.

The Israel Insider source reports that two nuclear rockets are currently ready – and are intended for use against Israel in the coming months.


Even Obama’s Wife Admits He “Hasn’t Done Anything Yet”

30 October, 2008

H/T – HillBuzz

9-Year-Old Sign Thief Learns a Shocking Lesson in Life

30 October, 2008

Hehehehe.  Another schadenfreude moment caught on tape.  I can’t wait to see the video!

Well, what do you know?  There’s that video now!

Sign battle starts with a zzzzzzzt!
Jay Price, Staff Writer – NewsObserver

CHAPEL HILL [N. Carolina] – After Shawn Turschak saw two sets of McCain-Palin signs disappear from his yard within hours of being planted, he took steps to protect the latest pair.

On Monday, he ran wires from his house and hooked the signs into a power source for an electric pet fence. Then he mounted a surveillance camera in a nearby tree and wired it to a digital recorder.

Tuesday afternoon, the camera saw this: A neighbor trotting up with an Obama-Biden sign, grabbing a handful of volts as he touched a McCain-Palin sign, then fleeing at top 9-year-old boy speed.

A few minutes later, the boy’s father, Andrew Noble, was at Turschak’s door, demanding an explanation from Turschak’s 13-year-old daughter, who called her parents on the phone to say a man was yelling at her. Both families agree on one aspect of the exchange, that Noble chastised her for “electrocuting” his son, then left.

The Turschaks hurried home and received another visitor: an Orange County sheriff’s deputy.

Campaign signs are vandalized or stolen so often that many people don’t report it, and, when they do, law officers often don’t investigate.

This time was different.

The corner of the Turschak’s yard where the signs are posted is a prominent point in the Oak Crest subdivision just south of Chapel Hill, so the homeowners association maintains it.

It’s far enough from the Turschaks’ home that it’s not obviously part of their yard, and the boy’s mother, Johanna Gisladottir, said she and many neighbors thought it was community property. They were troubled, she said, that someone had apparently claimed the corner on behalf of the Republican Party.

Her son, whom she declined to name, took the Obama sign to the corner on his own, she said, after being inspired by a discussion she had with a neighbor about adding one to the mix.

[Right…  That doesn’t make any sense; sounds more like a fib to me.  She probably had her son do all the dirty work for her, as she obviously knows that she, herself would get into trouble with the law if caught stealing the sign.]


The Manchurian Candidate

30 October, 2008

Mrs. Bulldog and I have had many a discussion concerning Obama wherein the phrase “Manchurian Candidate” has invariably come up.  Robert Spencer, over at JihadWatch, has said on record that he does not believe Obama to be a Manchurian candidate.  As much as I admire and respect Mr. Spencer, I disagree with him on this point.  Even a cursory examination of Obama’s family, associates, and friends throughout his lifetime reveals a manufactured hollow man programmed with anti-American and pro-Communist values.

Yes, Barack Obama really is a Manchurian candidate

“If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.” – Abraham Lincoln

As Election Day rapidly approaches, many Americans are wondering why so many of their countrymen reject a genuine war hero with decades of experience, one whose pro-life, limited-government values pretty much reflect those of Middle America. Instead, these same countrymen are enthralled with a man who not only has no experience or qualifications for the job, but who is, in fact, the most radically left-wing major-party presidential candidate of our lifetime, having been mentored and supported for decades by terrorists (Ayers), communists (Davis), America-hating racists (Wright) and criminals (Rezko).

Doesn’t make much sense, does it?

After all, in past presidential contests, Americans have flatly rejected ultraliberal candidates like McGovern, Mondale and Dukakis – and those guys weren’t nearly as radicalized as Obama, who the nonpartisan National Journal rates as having the most left-wing voting record in the entire U.S. Senate – even more so than socialist Bernie Sanders! Moreover, recently it’s been proven, despite his campaign’s denials, that Obama was indeed a member of the socialist “New Party.” And Obama himself confesses that during his college days he intentionally sought out Marxists as friends.

So, how do we explain all this? Why are so many of us eager to turn our nation, the greatest and noblest on earth, over to an angry-at-America, hardcore left-wing “change agent” who will – with the help of a like-minded, Democrat-dominated Congress and a liberal-activist federal judiciary – bring about radical “change” to every area of our lives? (more…)

The Politics of Crowds

30 October, 2008

Just some food for thought while sipping down that morning cup of coffee:

Obama and the Politics of Crowds
The masses greeting the candidate on the trail are a sign of great unease.

By FOUAD AJAMI – Wall Street Journal

There is something odd — and dare I say novel — in American politics about the crowds that have been greeting Barack Obama on his campaign trail. Hitherto, crowds have not been a prominent feature of American politics. We associate them with the temper of Third World societies. We think of places like Argentina and Egypt and Iran, of multitudes brought together by their zeal for a Peron or a Nasser or a Khomeini. In these kinds of societies, the crowd comes forth to affirm its faith in a redeemer: a man who would set the world right.

As the late Nobel laureate Elias Canetti observes in his great book, “Crowds and Power” (first published in 1960), the crowd is based on an illusion of equality: Its quest is for that moment when “distinctions are thrown off and all become equal. It is for the sake of this blessed moment, when no one is greater or better than another, that people become a crowd.” These crowds, in the tens of thousands, who have been turning out for the Democratic standard-bearer in St. Louis and Denver and Portland, are a measure of American distress.

On the face of it, there is nothing overwhelmingly stirring about Sen. Obama. There is a cerebral quality to him, and an air of detachment. He has eloquence, but within bounds. After nearly two years on the trail, the audience can pretty much anticipate and recite his lines. The political genius of the man is that he is a blank slate. The devotees can project onto him what they wish. The coalition that has propelled his quest — African-Americans and affluent white liberals — has no economic coherence. But for the moment, there is the illusion of a common undertaking — Canetti’s feeling of equality within the crowd. The day after, the crowd will of course discover its own fissures. The affluent will have to pay for the programs promised the poor. The redistribution agenda that runs through Mr. Obama’s vision is anathema to the Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and the hedge-fund managers now smitten with him. Their ethos is one of competition and the justice of the rewards that come with risk and effort. All this is shelved, as the devotees sustain the candidacy of a man whose public career has been a steady advocacy of reining in the market and organizing those who believe in entitlement and redistribution.


Obama’s Communist Childhood Mentor a Sex-Pervert AND a Drug Dealer?

30 October, 2008

It seems that Jerome Corsi is digging up some VERY interesting information on Frank Marshall Davis while in Hawaii.  However, the really important stuff, like Obama’s vault Birth Certificate, seems to be a bit more elusive :

Frank Marshall Davis

Marxist ‘mentor’ sold drugs with Obama
Alleged Communist Party member published book boasting of sex with minors
October 30, 2008
By Jerome R. Corsi

HONOLULU, Hawaii – The late Marxist activist Frank Marshall Davis, frequently accompanied by young Barack Obama and his grandfather Stanley Armour Dunham, sold marijuana and cocaine from a “Chicago style” hot dog cart Davis operated near his home on Kuhio Avenue in Waikiki in the early 1970s, WND has established.

A credible source, a well-known resident of Honolulu who spoke at length with WND on condition he not be named, disclosed that Davis was the source of drugs consumed by Obama. Davis was also the author of an autobiographical novel boasting of “swinging” and sex with minors, a copy of which WND obtained from Andrew Walden, a resident of the Hawaiian island of Hilo and publisher of the Hawaii Free Press.

Obama, in his autobiographical book “Dreams from My Father,” discloses that he used both marijuana and cocaine as a high school student living with his grandparents in their Honolulu apartment.

The source said that on more than a dozen occasions he purchased “8-balls” consisting of approximately 3.6 grams of cocaine from Davis at the hot dog stand when Obama was present.

“Obama was a young kid, about 14 or 15 years old,” the source told WND. “I was told his name was Barry, and there was no doubt Barry knew Davis was selling marijuana and cocaine as well as hot dogs from the stand.”

“Barry was also there with an older white gentleman I’m told was Stanley,” the source said. “I thought Stanley was Barry’s father.”

WND has established that Stanley was Stanley Armour Dunham, Obama’s grandfather.

“I bought cocaine from Davis at the hot dog stand,” the source said. “The first purchase I made was in 1975. In total, I bought 14 purchases of cocaine from Davis. I bought what Davis called an ‘8-ball’ that consisted of about 3.6 grams of cocaine. An ‘8-ball’ cost $300.”


Sarah Palin Effigy Removed After Protests and Thousands of Calls and E-Mails from Outraged Citizens

30 October, 2008

NotAllDum, who has been calling and hounding city officials in California almost nonstop since this story broke, has just emailed us with the following good news:

WeHo Homeowners Pull Down Sarah Palin Effigy

An effigy of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has been taken down from a West Hollywood home, after the homeowner discussed the situation with the city’s mayor.

The mannequin hanging by a noose was part of a larger Halloween display that included an effigy of John McCain coming out of the chimney surrounded by fake flames. The display has drawn national attention and a visit from the Secret Service, which decided there was no threat.

Earlier in the afternoon, neighbors covered up the Palin mannequin with sheets, in what was described as a friendly protest.

Later a handful of protesters were joined by an SUV with an effigy labeled “Chad,” after the display’s creator, Chad Morrisette.

Local politicians and city officials, including Supervisor Mike Antonovich, called the images offensive and urged their removal.

Creator Chad Morrissette decided to remove the figures after discussing the situation with West Hollywood Mayor Jeffrey Prang, Los Angeles County sheriff’s spokesman Steve Whitmore said.

“My understanding is that the mayor had a long talk with the man and convinced him to bring it down. The homeowner began to realize what they had done caused a little more of a reaction than they had hoped for,” Whitmore said.

Just earlier Wednesday, the homeowners still maintained it was a harmless Halloween work of art and vowed the effigy would stay up “until Saturday.”

Whitmore says the rest of the scene — with John McCain popping out of the chimney surrounded by fake flames — is still on display.

[Better than nothing!  We’ll take it.]