Archive for 18 February, 2009

Pakistan: Muslims Kill Christian Slave

18 February, 2009

How dare a Christian slave ask for a paycheck!  Being in the presence of Muzzies should have been payment enough!!!  (Sarcasm, of course).

Christian milkman murdered by Muslim employers
by Daniel Blake –
Posted: Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Christian milkman has been murdered in Pakistan after demanding his pay cheque from his Muslim employers, according to International Christian Concern.

Ashraf Masih, 30, from the village of Shajwal was hired two months ago by three Muslim men to collect milk from neighbouring farms and houses.

In January, after working for one month Ashraf came to collect his wages. However his employers, brothers Muhammad Arfan, Muhammad Nadeem and their nephew Muhammad Imran, said that they would pay him two months wages after one more month.

With the need to support his family becoming more urgent, Ashraf returned on 1 February and again demanded his wages.

The three Muslims reportedly responded angrily to Ashraf’s request, saying, “You are Esai [a derogatory term for Christians] and you demanded your pay from Muslims, what courage you have. We will finish you right now. Then go to your Esa [Christ], He will give you everything.”

The three men then killed Ashraf and fled the scene.

Babu Victor, a Catechist of the Catholic Church in Pakistan, told International Christian Concern (ICC) that a formal request had been made for the police to investigate the case. The police have begun an investigation but have not yet found the killers.

[Yeah, right…  The police know where these killers live, because the deceased Mr. Masih went to them to collect his money from them.  No doubt the police don’t see it as a crime to kill a Christian:

“Sahih of Muslim” interpreted by Nawawi (Part 4, p. 244):

“A Muslim is not to be sentenced to death for one of the people of the covenant nor for a free man or a slave.”]

Blasphemous Obama Sign Vandalized

18 February, 2009

Being a blasphemous idiot is legal in the United Sates, vandalism is not. Whoever modified the sign could have handled this in a more adult manner. I would have loved to have seen area Christians and real Patriots picket his business and cost this clown a few bucks but I draw the line on vandalism.

What disturbs me more than the crime is the man doesn’t understand what is wrong with the sign. He also doesn’t understand the difference between a hate crime and an act of defiance.

by: Don Germaise, WFTS, 18 February 2009
PINELLAS PARK, FL — A Pinellas Park businessman, who says he’s just trying to support his President, says he’s the victim of a hate crime.
The so called “hate crime” claim is bogus. The sign was vandalized not out of hatred of our President or for a strange hatred of large signs. The modification was made by someone who was insulted by Mr. Heine’s placing a mortal man on the same level as a deity or by someone that thinks modification of national symbols is unpatriotic. I found the original version offensive and another sign of the growing personality cult built around Obama the symbol and not Obama the president.

Randy Heine told ABC Action he’s being targeted by vandals because he has signs at his store supporting Obama.
-Christians should be outraged as should all Americans that do not think our national symbols should be misused just to get someone his 10 minutes of fame.

The signs, which stand eight feet tall, read “ONE NATION UNDER OBAMA.”
-Unless he makes a new sign every time we elect a new president he is a hypocrite. Reality is we owe no allegiance to the office of the president; Americans owe allegiance to our constitution not to an individual office or a single man. (more…)

Libtards Going Ape Over Monkey Cartoon

18 February, 2009

Give me a break!  This supposed controversy is all the buzz today on the Liberal blogs.

The cartoon makes its point by using the recent incident in which a woman was attacked by a chimpanzee and the police had to shoot it.  Of course, the artist depicts the dead chimpanzee as the crazy author of the Stinkulus Package.  Nothing offensive there—unless you are a chimpanzee and don’t appreciate being compared to Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in Congress.


So, what has all the Libtards in such a tizzy?  They are so stupid that they actually think the chimpanzee is a representation of Our Dark Overlord.  Never mind that Obama didn’t write the Stickulus Package, but, because it’s a chimpanzee in a political setting, their racist little minds immediately connect the chimp with a black stereotype, and ultimately, with Obama.

Funny, even though this cartoon has nothing to do with Obama, I don’t recall any outrage from the Libtards whenever our previous Presidents were actually portrayed as monkeys.  Most recently, the Libtards have turned this time honored tradition into an art form with Bush:


NY Post cartoon seems to link Obama to dead chimp
Feb 18 12:42 PM US/Eastern

NEW YORK (AP) – The New York Post is standing behind a cartoon that some have interpreted as comparing President Barack Obama to a violent chimpanzee gunned down by police.

The cartoon in Wednesday’s Post by Sean Delonas shows two police officers standing over the body of a bullet-riddled chimp. One of the officers says the other, “They’ll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill.”

Civil rights activist Al Sharpton called the cartoon “troubling at best given the historic racist attacks of African-Americans as being synonymous with monkeys.”

But Sharpton said the Post should clarify the point it was trying to make with the cartoon, which was playing off Monday’s rampage by a pet chimpanzee in Stamford, Conn., that left a woman severely mauled. Police ended up killing the chimp.

In a statement, Post Editor-in-Chief Col Allan said: “The cartoon is a clear parody of a current news event, to wit the shooting of a violent chimpanzee in Connecticut. It broadly mocks Washington’s efforts to revive the economy. Again, Al Sharpton reveals himself as nothing more than a publicity opportunist.”

A story about the cartoon on the liberal-leaning Huffington Post Web site drew hundreds of reader responses, many calling the cartoon racist and insensitive.

Sam Stein, a columnist for the site, wrote that “at its most benign, the cartoon suggests that the stimulus bill was so bad, monkeys may as well have written it. Most provocatively, it compares the president to a rabid chimp. Either way, the incorporation of violence and (on a darker level) race into politics is bound to be controversial.”

Gee, given the historic precedence of portraying the  Man in the White House as a monkey, wouldn’t it be even more racist  NOT to continue that tradition just because he happens to be *GASP* Black?  Of course it is!  Racism is typically defined as discrimination based upon skin color.  We wouldn’t want to omit Obama from these monkey caricatures based on his skin color, now would we?  Of course not.  That would be racist.

So, in the spirit of a time-honored tradition of artfully representing Presidents as monkeys, I submit the following for all you racist Libtards to freak out over:


UK: Radical Cleric Thumbs his Nose at Deportation Order

18 February, 2009

And, why not?  After all, Sharia Law takes precedence over Western Laws, so to obey a Western Court Order for deportation (signed by a *gasp* lowly infidel woman, I might add) would be considered offensive to his religion…  (I’m being sarcastic, of course, to illustrate Muzzie thinking).

abu-qatada1Radical preacher Abu Qatada will ‘stay in country’ despite deportation order

Radical cleric Abu Qatada will stay in Britain for months despite a House of Lords ruling that he should be deported to Jordan where he faces terror charges.

By Tom Whitehead, Home Affairs Editor –
Last Updated: 6:26PM GMT 18 Feb 2009

The Law Lords said Qatada, dubbed “Osama Bin Laden’s right hand man in Europe”, could be sent back to Jordan where he faces terror charges after overturning a Court of Appeal decision.

But the extremist could still remain in the country for many months if he takes his case to the European Court of Human Rights.

The judgment is a victory for the Home Office in its long-running campaign to remove Qatada from Britain, which has cost the taxpayer hundreds of thousands of pounds already.

The Law Lords also ruled in favour of the Government over its attempts to deport two other men to Algeria.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said a deportation order will be served on Qatada immediately.

However any attempts to remove him would be put on hold if the case goes to Europe.

Ms Smith said: “I’m delighted with the Lords’ decision today in the cases of Abu Qatada and the two Algerians ‘RB’ and ‘U’.

“It highlights the threat these individuals pose to our nation’s security and vindicates our efforts to remove them.

“My top priority is to protect public safety and ensure national security and I have signed Abu Qatada’s deportation order which will be served on him today.

“I am keen to deport this dangerous individual as soon as I can.”

In a statement, Qatada’s lawyer confirmed his intention to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights.

The move is likely to delay any moves to deport him for months and even years.


The Wraith Meets the Pope – Stories Differ Considerably

18 February, 2009

It seems that Nancy “the Wraith” Pelosi doesn’t even bat an eye when lying about her meeting with His Holiness.

P.S. – Accepting captions for the following photograph of the Pope and the Wraith:


[Note:  This photo was taken at a previous meeting of the Pope and Pelosi last April, but it was just too good to pass up.]

Were They At The Same Meeting?
George Weigel – NRO

From the office of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi:

  • It is with great joy that my husband, Paul, and I met with His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, today. In our conversation, I had the opportunity to praise the Church’s leadership in fighting poverty, hunger, and global warming, as well as the Holy Father’s dedication to religious freedom and his upcoming trip and message to Israel. I was proud to show His Holiness a photograph of my family’s papal visit in the 1950s, as well as a recent picture of our children and grandchildren.

From the Press Office of the Holy See:

  • Following the General Audience, the Holy Father briefly greeted Mrs. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, together with her entourage. His Holiness took the opportunity to speak of the requirements of the natural moral law and the Church’s consistent teaching on the dignity of human life from conception until natural death, which enjoin all Catholics, and especially legislators, jurists, and those responsible for the common good of society, to work in cooperation with all men and women of good will in creating a just system of laws capable of protecting human life at all stages of development.

Were Benedict XVI and Nancy Pelosi in the same meeting, or even in the same city, this morning?

Charity requires that one concede the possibility that genuine piety was a part of Pelosi’s (rather boorish, and certainly irregular) insistence on being given a private moment with the pope during her current taxpayer-funded junket to Rome. But her office’s statement on today’s meeting makes it clear something else was afoot: that Pelosi, who shamelessly trumpets her “ardent” Catholicism while leading congressional Democrats in a continuing assault on what the Catholic Church regards as the inalienable human rights of the unborn, was trying to recruit Benedict XVI (“Joseph Ratzinger, D., Bavaria”?) to Team Nancy.

His Holiness wasn’t buying it.


UK: Libraries Dispense with the Dewey Decimal System in Bid to Appease Muzzies

18 February, 2009

Libraries put Bible on top shelf in a sop to Muslims

By Steve Doughty –
Last updated at 7:54 AM on 18th February 2009

Librarians are being told to move the Bible to the top shelf to avoid giving offence to followers of Islam.

[Uh, way to start off your article, Mr. Doughty.   Don’t you really mean to say that the followers of Islam wanted the Qur’an moved to the top shelf, and then the Bible was moved to the top shelf in a preemptive bid to silence the Christians who would undoubtedly start complaining?]

Muslims have complained of finding the Koran on lower shelves, saying it should be put above commonplace things.

[As a general rule, Borders places the Qur’an on the top shelf in submission to Islam and whiny Muzzies.  Whenever I’m in a Borders, I get a kick out of  removing the Qur’ans from the top shelf and putting them on the bottom-most shelf – inserting them amongst Satanic and Pagan books.   Then, I put all the Bibles at eye-level – which is usually the top shelf.   Once, I even managed to move the books on Muhammad over to the Crime section;  that took awhile and a lot of trips because the Crime section was located way across the store.  Yup, you can have a lot of dry-humor-anarchistic fun at your local bookstore if you really think about it…]

So officials have responded with guidance, backed by ministers, that all holy books should be treated equally and go on the top shelf together.

This means that Christian works, which also have immense historical and literary value, will be kept out of the reach and sight of many readers.

The guidance was published by the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council, a quango answering to Culture Secretary Andy Burnham.

It said Muslims in Leicester had moved copies of the Koran to the top shelves of libraries, in keeping with the belief that the Koran is the all-important word of God.

The report said the city’s librarians consulted the Federation of Muslim Organisations and were advised that all religious texts should be kept on the top shelf.

[News flash – Muzzies don’t consider the Bible to be a religious text because they are under the false assumption that it is corrupted.  Therefore, if you really pinned them down about it, only Islamic texts are really considered religious by Muzzies.    So, in their eyes, the Bible cannot be on the top shelf with the Qur’an – a fact that they will make clear in the future to the Librarians who have just now submitted to Islam by throwing out the Dewey Decimal System…

Besides, if you really follow this logic (about ALL religious texts being kept on the top shelf) out to its natural conclusion,  you will wind up with one frickin’ long top shelf and NOTHING underneath!  Think about it for a while – almost every religion claims it is the one, true religion – even Satanists and Pagans – therefore, they all would go on the top shelf…]


A Moment of Pause:

18 February, 2009


H/T – MusketBalls