Archive for 9 October, 2009

Right to Bear Arms

9 October, 2009

AZ_Conservative send us a plethora of motivational posters.  I decided to highlight a few:


Poor Life Choices


Free People

Obama’s Safe School’s Czar Wrote Foreward in Pedophile Book

9 October, 2009

Since I don’t get FOX News on my local cable lineup, I didn’t see Hannity’s show last night, until this afternoon.  However, everyone needs to be made aware of this story:

These are the type of people Obama is surrounding himself with to help make policy decisions…

Al-Qaeda Linked Nuclear Engineer Arrested

9 October, 2009

Move along, nothing to see here, folks:

Nuclear engineer from Cern lab arrested for al-Qaeda links

Adam Sage – Times Online

French agents have arrested a researcher from Europe’s top atomic lab on suspicion of links to al-Qaeda, fuelling fears that terrorists could be targeting the nuclear industry.

The 32-year-old man, who was detained along with his brother, works for the prestigious European Organisation for Nuclear Research (Cern) in Geneva, Switzerland, according to French police sources.

”The inquiry will doubtless say what were the objectives in France or elsewhere and indicate perhaps that we have avoided the worst possible scenario,” said Brice Hortefeux, the French Interior Minister.

An intelligence source told Le Figaro that ”this is a very high level” case.

The suspect is believed to have been in contact with members of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), an Algerian-based terrorist organisation which joined Osama bin Laden’s network in 2007.

A source said French intelligence officers had intercepted messages in which the man had suggested targets in France.

”He had expressed a wish or a desire to commit terrorist actions, but had not materially prepared them,” said the source.

The suspect had been under surveillance for about 18 months after he was identified during an investigation into a French network which sent Islamic radicals to Afghanistan.


Our Glorious Dark Overlord Wins the Nobel Peace Prize

9 October, 2009

Okay, I get it now:  The more one destroys and belittles America, the more favored one is by the Nobel Peace Prize Committee.   Had the terrorists on 9/11 not committed suicide, they probably would have been a shoe-in for 2002.  I’m sure if they had been full-blown Commies, they would have been awarded their prize posthumously…

The guy who nukes the U.S; they’ll probably give him a lifetime supply of  Nobel Peace Prizes…

And, as Erick Erickson of RedState noted, “He’s become Jimmy Carter faster than Jimmy Carter Did.”

H/T – Gramfan

Obama’s Nobel: the Left rewards its own
Andrew Bolt – Herald Sun
Saturday, October 10, 2009 at 12:02am

So who decided to give Barack Obama the Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing but talk? Who gave it to a man with no concrete achievements, and who’d been just 11 days in office when nominations closed?

Here they are, the five Peace Prize judges appointed by the Norwegian Storting (parliament) under the terms of Alfred Nobel’s bequest:

  • Thorbjørn Jagland (Chairman) – President of the Storting, former Labor Prime Minister, vice president of the Socialist International, named by the KGB as a ”confidential contact”.
  • Kaci Kullmann Five – public affairs advisor and former Conservative politican.
  • Sissel Rønbeck – former minister of Left-wing Labour Party.
  • Inger-Marie Ytterhorn – political adviser to the centre-Right Progress Party
  • Ågot Valle – Socialist Left member of Parliament.

I think the numbers tell the tale, given three of the five are either Socialists or of the Labour Party, orginally formed as a Marxist group.. Wouldn’t hurt Obama, either, that four of the five judges are women.

But Jagland seems confused about whether Obama was given the prize as a reward for deeds done or for deeds merely promised:

  • “We are not awarding the prize for what may happen in the future, but for what he has done in the previous year,” Mr. Jagland said. ”We would hope this will enhance what he is trying to do.”