Archive for 18 October, 2009

Anita Dunn Boasts of Controlling the Lame Stream Media

18 October, 2009

Can’t ever say Obama and his psychophants aren’t cocky:

White House boasts: We ‘control’ news media
Communications chief offers shocking confession to foreign government
By Aaron Klein – WorldNetDaily

TEL AVIV – President Obama’s presidential campaign focused on “making” the news media cover certain issues while rarely communicating anything to the press unless it was “controlled,” White House Communications Director Anita Dunn disclosed to the Dominican government at a videotaped conference.

“Very rarely did we communicate through the press anything that we didn’t absolutely control,” said Dunn.

“One of the reasons we did so many of the David Plouffe videos was not just for our supporters, but also because it was a way for us to get our message out without having to actually talk to reporters,” said Dunn, referring to Plouffe, who was Obama’s chief campaign manager.

“We just put that out there and made them write what Plouffe had said as opposed to Plouffe doing an interview with a reporter. So it was very much we controlled it as opposed to the press controlled it,” Dunn said.

Continued Dunn: “Whether it was a David Plouffe video or an Obama speech, a huge part of our press strategy was focused on making the media cover what Obama was actually saying as opposed to why the campaign was saying it, what the tactic was. … Making the press cover what we were saying.”

Video of Dunn’s remarks at the conference can be seen below:

Dunn was speaking at a Jan. 12, 2009, event focusing on Obama’s media tactics and hosted by the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development, which seeks to promote collaboration between the U.S. and the Dominican Republic. The event was held in Santo Domingo and was attended by the country’s president.


What Did Our Founding Fathers Think of “Equality”

18 October, 2009

An interesting read:

What is Equality?
By Larrey Anderson – American Thinker

President Obama recently spoke to the Human Rights Campaign about “equality.”  Here is how he began his speech:

Thank you so much, all of you. It is a privilege to be here tonight to open for Lady GaGa. I’ve made it.  (Laughter.) I want to thank the Human Rights Campaign for inviting me to speak and for the work you do every day in pursuit of equality on behalf of the millions of people in this country who work hard in their jobs and care deeply about their families — and who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender. [Emphasis added.]

I don’t know much about the singer Lady GaGa. But I do know a little about equality: there is no such thing.

The myth of equality started in the late 18th century. The successful American Revolution (which had nothing to do with equality) guaranteed “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” The failed French Revolution promised “Liberté, égalité, fraternité,” (liberty, equality, fraternity). It disintegrated into the Reign of Terror.

The French discovered (long before the Soviets and the Communist Chinese) that equality among human beings is impossible. Utopians on the left continue to ignore those lessons.

Our Founding Fathers were fully aware of the dangers of the state trying to impose “equality” on its citizens. The specific word “equality” does not appear, anywhere, in either the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution. Variations of the word “equal” (“equal” and “equally”) appear twice in the Declaration of Independence and eight times in the Constitution. Let’s take a look at the appropriate appearances of the word “equal” in our founding documents.

The two appearances of the word “equal” in the Declaration of Independence both refer to a “starting point” for human beings under the law. The first line of the Declaration of Independence reads in part:

“… to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them …” [Emphasis added.]

In other words, if people are not treated equally before the law by their government, they may “dissolve the political bands.” Stated differently, if all citizens do not have equal protection under the law, they have a right to overthrow the regime. This has nothing to do with the state making people equal, or forcing them to be equal, or guaranteeing that all citizens are equal – this is a revolutionary statement about overthrowing an unjust regime.

The second use is the famous one:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Our Founding Fathers believed that we have the same rights “coming out of the box,” so to speak. But after that … all bets are off. The government protects only three things: life, liberty and property.[i] It does not make us equal. God takes care of that.

Let’s move to the Constitution […]

CLICK HERE to continue reading this over at the American Thinker.

LiveStream of “Not Evil Just Wrong” at 8:00 PM EDT Today!!!

18 October, 2009

H/T- Gramfan

Stupid Husband Lists Wife’s Name as ‘Guantanamo’ on Cellphone

18 October, 2009

As Jeff Foxworthy Bill Engvall would say:

Here’s your sign:

Saudi woman sees red over Gitmo jibe
Oct 18 10:12 AM US/Eastern – AFP – via Breitbart

A Saudi woman is suing for divorce after she found out that her husband had branded her “Guantanamo” on his cellphone, a report said on Sunday.

The wife took a look at the phone when her husband of 17 years left it at home, only to discover that his phonebook entry for her came under the name of the notorious US war-on-terror prison in Cuba, the Al-Watan newspaper reported.

Outraged, the woman, who was not identified, demanded divorce or, at the least, substantial damages, Al-Watan said.