Archive for 21 October, 2009

Had Not the Farmers Brought their Private Weapons to the Revolutionary War, We Might Not be Standing Here Today

21 October, 2009

A fun read:

Parente: Digging gun rights out of a State House Dumpster

By Marie Parente/ Local columnist
GHS – Milford Daily News
Posted Oct 21, 2009

During my second term in the Massachusetts House of Representatives, I received a call from then Speaker Thomas McGee to meet with him regarding legislative matters. He got to the point quickly. “There is a State House Library Board of Trustees comprised of members from various learning institutions and prestigious libraries. Members include the secretary of state or his designee, governor or his designee, director of JFK Library, state librarian and Haverhill library director and other archivists. Two of the seats on that board have been assigned to the Speaker and the Senate President or their designees. I have noticed that you make extensive use of that library, so I am asking you to serve as my designee to that board.”

As a fairly new legislator, I was stunned but appreciative. I accepted and served from 1982 to 2006 having been appointed and re-appointed by succeeding Speakers. Eventually I was elected library chair and served in that capacity from July 1991 to December 2006.

The board conducted regular meetings regarding state library budgets, acquisitions, personnel, and maintained the security of the second oldest library in the country. Our duties included the preservation of the commonwealth’s one million book collection, special collection of documents, e.g. Mayflower Compact and the Bradford Manuscript.

The Bradford Manuscript is often described as the diary of the Mayflower’s personnel and passengers and is stored in the State House vault whose exact site is shared with very few individuals. Once we allowed the Plymouth Historical Society to “borrow” it for their 350th anniversary. After six months of negotiations to insure its safety, we sent the document to Plymouth escorted by state troopers. It is now ensconced in the State Archives, Dorchester – under 24-hour guard.

Probably the shortest term served was by a library director who “purged the collection” by throwing out leather-bound books because “we have several copies of those books.”

“What a waste,” I thought. So when I spotted the leather-bound books in a State House hallway Dumpster, I climbed in and retrieved them. I donated several to local collectors and libraries. I confess, I kept one for myself. “The Acts and Resolves of 1779.” Occasionally I would thumb through the book to experience the mind set of legislators in 1779. It was there I learned why the Legislature is often referred to as “The Great and General Court.” There was no court system in 1779 and a wide variety of issues were brought before the Legislature for resolution.

Some years later, the recurring argument of gun control surfaced. A new legislator proposed additional controls on gun ownership.

The debate went on for hours. I remembered the old leather-bound “Dumpster” book . I rushed to my office, found the book and rushed back to the Chamber to join the debate.


Father Runs Over his Daughter in Arizona Because She Was Becoming Westernized

21 October, 2009

Here’s a crazy, kooky thought:  If you don’t want your children becoming “Westernized,” then DO NOT HEAD WEST, YOUNG MAN!!!

Police seek Arizona father after daughter run over

(AP) – via Google News

PEORIA, Ariz. — Police in a Phoenix suburb are looking for a father suspected of running down his daughter because she was becoming too “Westernized” and was not living according to their traditional Iraqi values.

Police say 48-year-old Faleh Hassan Almaleki of Glendale allegedly ran his daughter down Tuesday at an Arizona Department of Economic Security parking lot in Peoria.

The victim, 20-year-old Noor Faleh Almaleki of Surprise, remains hospitalized with life-threatening injuries.


Pimp & Prostitute Sting Hits ACORN in the City of Brotherly Love

21 October, 2009

Fox News: “ACORN representatives claim James and Hannah were kicked out of Philadelphia,” Andrew Breitbart said in a statement prior to the 9:30 a.m. ET news conference. “They also said publicly that, unlike Baltimore, Washington D.C., Brooklyn, San Bernardino (Calif.) and San Diego, James and Hannah never even mentioned prostitution before they were told to leave. James and Hannah will be joining me to set the record straight. After Wednesday, everyone will know what really happened in Philly.”

Massachusetts: Muzzy-Headed Man Arrested for Terrorist Plot

21 October, 2009

“Mehanna’s father, Dr. Ahmed Mehanna, is professor of medicinal chemistry at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy in Boston.”

Another nail in the coffin to the “poverty causes terrorism” theory…


Sudbury Man Arrested On Terrorism Charge

BOSTON (WBZ) ―  A man from Sudbury was arrested Wednesday on federal terrorism charges for allegedly planning attacks inside and outside the United States – including a plot to attack people at a mall.


27-year-old Tarek Mehanna was taken into custody at his home in Fairhaven Circle by federal agents and Sudbury police early this morning.

He is charged with conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Boston.

Investigators say Mehanna conspired with others between 2001 and 2008 plotting to “kill, kidnap, maim or injure” people in foreign countries and to kill two members of the Executive Branch of the U.S. government.

He and two others allegedly travelled to the Middle East in 2004 to look for military-type training for attacks on U.S. interests.

But they were rejected from a terrorist training camp because Mehanna was not Pakistani.

“I believe they could not make a contact in Yemen that would accept them into a training camp,” said acting U. S. Attorney Michael Loucks.

They also hoped to attack U.S. troops stationed in Iraq.


Prosecutors say Mehanna had “multiple conversations about obtaining automatic weapons and randomly shooting people at a shopping mall.”

“The conversations went so far as to discuss the logistics of a mall attack including coordination, weapons needed and the possibility of attacking emergency responders,” Loucks said.

“They had discussions regarding how to do it, whether to do it from multiple entrances, what to do when emergency responders arrive,” he added.

The plan was scrapped because the men could only get handguns and not the automatic weapons they wanted.

“They determined it was not feasible to go forward,” Loucks said.

Prosecutors would not say which malls were targeted.


Loucks said Mehanna conspired with two other men: Ahman Abousamra, who authorities say is now in Syria, and an unnamed man, who is cooperating with authorities in the investigation.


Two More Articles From Africa Claim Obama was Kenyan Born

21 October, 2009

By now, you have probably seen the archived version of an article published in 2004 which stated that Obama was Kenyan born.

Well, one could say that that was just an anomaly; however, JusticeSeeker93 posted a link on Free Republic a few hours ago in which an article from 20 August, 2009 mentioned that Obama was Kenyan born (CLICK HERE for that article.  The Kenyan born Obama is mentioned in the 10th paragraph):

You can also click on the following screen capture to read the pertinent section.

—A big tip of my hat goes out to Red Steel for providing the screen captures.


Anyway, while I was there at, I decided to browse their archives.  To my surprise, I discovered that they had also mentioned that Obama was Kenyan born in an article published way back on 16 February, 2008 during the Primaries (CLICK HERE for that article):

[Click on image to enlarge. (see anything hilariously ironic, here?  )]


Now, I would like to be able to tell you all that this is just some sort of odd, psychic delusion brought about by suggestion or hypnosis—after all, I had kind of dismissed all that “Kenyan Born” stuff, since I’m more concerned with Obama’s claim of dual citizenship—-but, since we Americans haven’t actually been able to see Obama’s long form birth certificate, your guess is as good as mine.  It certainly raises enough doubts in my mind to where I’m sitting here asking myself, “Where’s the Birth Certificate?”