Archive for 27 October, 2009

Our Dark Overlord’s Children Received the H1N1 Shot Last Week…Really???

27 October, 2009

And, he really expects us to believe him, too!

Here’s the deal:  If Obama’s daughters really received the h1n1 vaccine last week, then why did it take so long for this information to be made public?  After all, Obama was under heavy criticism all last week, into the weekend, and all day yesterday, because he had said that his children had yet to receive the vaccination.  Obviously, if his children had actually received the vaccination last week, the White House would have made every effort to let that be known to counter any criticism.  But, they didn’t, did they?

Nope.  Instead, the White House did exactly what MeMaw and I had figured they would do—lie and say that his daughters had got vaccinated.  Obama is getting so predictable, it’s scary!

You see, to them, we are just stupid cattle for the slaughter who will believe anything they tell us.

Furthermore, we are now even expected to believe that Obama hasn’t received the h1n1 vaccine because he, “will stand in line like everybody else…”

Are you so stupid as to really believe that THE Looter-in-Chief of these here United States of America must wait in line like everybody else to get vaccinated against a deadly pandemic disease which has prompted him to declare a National Health Emergency?  Give me a freakin’ break!  Pardon my French, but that’s a load of BULLSHIT!  There, I said it!

Do you remember when Anthrax was being sent via the mail in 2001?  Who got that anthrax vaccine first, the postal workers or the President of the United States?  That’s right, the President got vaccinated…immediately!

So, don’t play us for fools, Obama.  Just fess up and admit it;  The cocktail mix in the H1N1 vaccine makes it even more dangerous than the actual virus that it is suppose to protect us from.

H/T – MeMaw

Obama’s Daughters Get the H1N1 Vaccine

October 27, 2009

ABC News‘ Sunlen Miller reports:

The White House announced today that the president’s daughters received the H1N1 vaccine after it became available to Washington, D.C. schoolchildren.

The vaccine was administered last week to Malia, 11, and Sasha, 8, by a White House physician, who applied for and received the vaccine from the D.C. Department of Health, “using the same process as every other vaccination site in the District,” according to the first lady’s Press Secretary Katie McCormick-Lelyveld.

The president and first lady have not yet received the vaccination. The White House said they will wait until the needs of priority target groups — young people under 24, pregnant women, and people with underlying conditions — receive theirs first.

“I suspect that I may come fairly far down the line,” The president told CNN last month. “We want to get vaccinated. We think it’s the right thing to do. We will stand in line like everybody else. And when folks say it’s our turn, that’s when we’ll get it.

On Friday President Obama signed a proclamation declaring H1N1 a national emergency.

All four members of the first family received the seasonal flu shot last week.

— Sunlen Miller

Pravda: Only One Person in the 20th Century had the Charisma of Obama—Hitler!

27 October, 2009

Interesting observations from Pravda; however, I think they intentionally forgot to mention the other guy that Obama reminds us of—Lenin.


The article starts of a little slow, but give it some time, it gets on a roll:

Barack Obama and the Flying Circus
Source: Pravda.Ru
By Ivan Simic

Barack Obama and the Flying Circus is a perfect term to describe current President of the United States and his prominent Cabinet.

For the past year and a half every single day was and still is about Barack Obama and his extravaganza. Day just does not go by without Obama: What did Obama say? What did Obama do? What will Obama say? What will Obama do? In addition, we have witnessed media madness for Obama’s dog, Obama’s family, Obama’s citizenship, Obama’s religion, Obama’s cabinet, Obama’s associates, among others.

There is no way to avoid Obama and his flying circus, no matter where we live, they are everywhere not just in the US, they are in Europe, Asia, Pacific, Africa, Middle East and even the North Pole. They are filling front pages of the world newspapers and making breaking news around the world, and that entire not ones a day, but several times a day. It appears there is just no room for other country leaders, Presidents, novelists, scientist, and artist. It is like they do not exist, like Obama is the only important one in this contemporary world. It looks like the world will stop spinning if Obama is not there to spin it up.

However, this ongoing entertainment and late night shows by Obama and his sidekick’s are not fascinating anymore, they became more like harassment. No matter if we read the news papers, watch TV, listen to the radio or go online, Obama and his circus-men are there 24/7 to remind us that they exist, in case we forgot.

[Here in America, we call that,”Obamaboarding.”]

And, in addition to all “amusement” by Obama and his extravaganza, on October 9, 2009, for his extraordinary global entertainment, Barack Obama got a present from his circus-men: his first Nobel Peace Prize.

Yet, what Obama’s circus-man did not know is that for the extraordinary entertainment one does not receive Nobel Peace Prize, one receives Academy Award-the Oscar or the Emmy, among other movie awards. It appears circus-men were late for the Oscar, as the Oscar was played on February 22, 2009; therefore they went to present him with the Nobel Prize instead.

[Don’t worry, Our Glorious Dark Overlord will surely get an  Academy Award—Nope, can’t have Al Gore besting him on that front!]

The award came as a surprise even to the President Obama himself, he said: “To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many transformative figures”.

Maybe President Obama was thinking about these transformative figures: Martti Ahtisaari (got the prize as a reward for his contribution in illegal 2008 Kosovo independence. No need to talk too much about Mr. Ahtisaari because his picture tells a thousand words), Al Gore (got the prize as a compensation for all of his failures in the US politics), (more…)

Two Chicago Men Charged in Plot to Kill Muhammad Cartoonist

27 October, 2009

No mention of why they felt it was their duty to kill a cartoonist.  Obviously, they were a little muzzy headed:

2 Chicago men accused of plotting terror attacks
Oct 27 2009
By MIKE ROBINSON– Via Breitbart

CHICAGO (AP) – Two Chicago men are charged with plotting terrorist attacks against overseas targets, including at a Danish newspaper that sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world by publishing cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad, prosecutors announced Tuesday.

David Coleman Headley, 49, and Tahawwur Hussain Rana, 48, were charged in separate complaints filed Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Chicago. Headley told FBI agents that the initial plan called for an attack against the newspaper building in Copenhagen, but he later proposed just killing the paper’s cartoonist and former cultural editor, according to an FBI affidavit released Tuesday.

CLICK HERE to continue reading.

Microsoft Pulls Out of Family Guy Special

27 October, 2009

One does wonder if these “geniuses” in Microsoft’s advertising department ever actually watched Family Guy.  Perhaps they saw some Family Guy episodes slamming the Christians and thought that was what they were getting:

Microsoft pulls out of ‘Family Guy’ special after it turns out to be not politically correct
Reuters – Tuesday, October 27th 2009
via NY Daily News

LOS ANGELES – Fox has lost Microsoft as the exclusive sponsor of its upcoming “Family Guy” variety special after the software company’s executives watched the show’s taping.

Earlier this month, the companies announced they were teaming for an unprecedented collaboration on “Family Guy Presents: Seth & Alex’s Almost Live Comedy Show,” a special set to air November 8 during Fox’s popular Sunday animated block. Instead of traditional commercials, the special was to feature creative promotion of Microsoft’s latest operating system, Windows 7, woven into the show’s content.

Then executives watched the animated show in a live taping before a studio audience. Here’s a statement from Microsoft:

“We initially chose to participate in the Seth and Alex variety show based on the audience composition and creative humor of ‘Family Guy,’ but after reviewing an early version of the variety show it became clear that the content was not a fit with the Windows brand. We continue to have a good partnership with Fox, (series creator and writer) Seth MacFarlane and (co-star and writer) Alex Borstein and are working with them in other areas. We continue to believe in the value of brand integrations and partnerships between brands, media companies and talent.”

The special reportedly contained jokes about deaf people, the Holocaust, feminine hygiene and incest. In other words, it was just like a regular “Family Guy” episode.


Here is a synopsis of just one of the many episodes of Family Guy which attacks Christianity:

“I Dream of Jesus,” takes on religion from a totally different angle. Title character Peter Griffin finds Jesus working at a record store (he wanted to get away from God, who had just quit smoking), and the two quickly develop a blasphemous friendship, with Jesus turning miracles as a form of entertainment. Jesus also takes the time to tell off George Bush, noting that the president has failed at following his example.

Family Guy Jesus & George Bush

Later, at the encouragement of Peter, Mr. Christ goes on a sacrilegious publicity tour. During an appearance at the MTV Movie Awards, Jesus comes armed with the Pussy Cat Dolls, and jokes “Hey, it a pleasure to be here with you six interchangeable women. The last time I was down here on Earth, I only hung around with one whore.” Take that, Catholic League!

Family Guy Jesus & Pussycat Dolls

Jesus then gets out of control with his partying and overdoses and dies. Luckily for him, he has the superpower of resurrection. Jesus decides to return to heaven, and not come back to Earth until he has matured.

Woman Forced to Act Like a Dog

27 October, 2009

Here’s how the Libtards expect you to protect yourself once they have taken away all of your guns:

H/T – MeMaw

Woman Acts Like Dog, Scares Off Burglar
CBS Atlanta

Police Did Not Say Whether Woman Barked

ATHENS, Ga. — An Athens woman scared off a would-be burglar by acting like a dog, police said.

The Athens Banner-Herald reported Monday that the woman scared off the suspect around 11 p.m. Saturday.

The woman got on the floor, police said, and began scratching at the door and acting like a large dog when the man tried turning the woman’s door knob.

The police report did not say what the woman did that mimicked a dog, such as barking.

The woman said the man, who appeared to be homeless, quickly ran away.

Police searched the neighborhood for the man, but did not find him.