Archive for 29 October, 2009

Commiecrats Trying to Rig Another Election

29 October, 2009

So, what else is new?

Democrats Ask New Jersey Secretary of State to Ignore Mismatched Signatures on Absentee-Ballot Requests
National Review Online

This year, New Jersey’s registered voters can request a mail-in ballot for any reason. (Before 2005, voters needed to provide a reason for why they needed an absentee ballot.) The state received about 150,000 absentee-ballot applications this year.

On about 2,300 of those applications so far, the signature on the request form does not match the signature on the voter’s registration forms with the state.

In a development that is depressingly predictable, the New Jersey Democratic party is asking the state to provide provisional ballots for all these voters. Those ballots could, presumably, be used to overcome any narrow lead by Republican Chris Christie over Democrat Jon Corzine on Election Day.

A mass distribution of provisional ballots, at the request of a political party, would represent a significant change from established law. Currently, when a county clerk rejects an absentee-ballot request, the clerk tries to contact the voter — through mail, by phone, and in some cases, by attempting to contact the voter in person. And a person who has spoken to some of New Jersey’s county clerks says they’re granting wide latitude on signature styles; for them to reject a ballot request because of the signature, it has to be dramatically different from the one on file.

Could some of these cases be an election official misjudging the natural deviation in two handwriting samples from the same person? Certainly, and that’s why the current system has clerks reaching out to rejected voters (presuming they actually exist) to sort out the discrepancy. But Democrats want to short-circuit the established methods of sorting out the problem, and in fact to ban rejections based on signature mismatches entirely.


Detroit Imam Killed in Shootout with FBI Wanted to Implement Sharia Law in the U.S.

29 October, 2009

He was a Dearbornistanian, you say?  Hmmm… I’m sure he was just a little muzzy-headed and will be found to have a history of mental illness, yada, yada…

Detroit imam killed in shootout with FBI
The slain Detroit imam called his followers to violence and wanted to establish a separate Islamic state within the US, according to a federal complaint.
By Ben Hancock
posted October 29, 2009 CMS

The leader of a Detroit mosque was killed Wednesday in a shootout with the FBI, which had charged him and 11 of his followers with arms violations and conspiracy to commit federal crimes. The shootout followed a raid by the FBI on a Dearborn warehouse in which the imam refused to surrender and opened fire on agents.

Authorities say Luqman Ameen Abdullah, the slain imam, espoused violence and wanted to create a separate state within the US under Islamic sharia law. Friends and some who knew the religious leader were in disbelief over the allegations.

The official complaint filed by an FBI counterterrorism squad was unsealed Wednesday after a two-year investigation. It said Mr. Abdullah had, among other things, threatened to stage an attack during Super Bowl XL and to commit a suicide bombing as a final courageous deed, reports the Detroit Free Press.

“If they are coming to get to me, I’ll just strap a bomb on and blow up everybody,” he said in a March 21, 2008, conversation.

Federal officials said Abdullah was the leader of a group that calls itself “Ummah, a group of mostly African-American converts to Islam, which seeks to establish a separate Sharia-law governed state within the United States.”

… Authorities said none of the charges levied today are terrorist-related. Abdullah and 11 suspects were charged with felonies including illegal possession and sale of firearms, mail fraud to obtain the proceeds of arson, theft from interstate shipments and tampering with motor vehicle identification numbers.

The mosque’s members had been evicted from a building in January for not paying property taxes, says The Detroit News. When they were kicked out, Detroit police confiscated “two firearms, about 40 knives and martial arts weapons from Abdullah’s apartment, the complaint alleged.”

People who knew Abdullah were skeptical of and rattled by the FBI’s allegations.

David Nu’man of Detroit, who considered himself a friend of Abdullah, said he is skeptical about the allegations.

“It doesn’t seem to be of his character,” said Nu’man, who had attended the mosque on Joy Road but was not a member.

Ihsan Bagby, the general secretary of the Muslim Alliance of North America, said Abdullah was a member of the Lexington, K.Y.-based group, and his shooting shocked the African American Muslim community nationwide.

“We want to know what happened,” said Bagby. “We had no inkling of any kind of criminal activity. This is a complete shock to all of us.”

FBI raids took place in and around Detroit in the middle of the day. During the arrests suspects were ordered to surrender, reports the Dearborn Press and Guide. “At one location, four suspects surrendered and were arrested without incident … Abdullah, a.k.a. Christopher Thomas, did not surrender and fired his weapon.”

Though his attempted arrest was not tied to terrorism charges, the FBI report paints Abdullah as a man who identified with terrorists, according to the Detroit Free Press.

“America must fall,” Abdullah said, according to the complaint. At another point, he “told followers that they need to be with the Taliban, Hizballah, and with Sheikh Bin Laden.”

“We should be figuring out how to fight the Kuffar,” Abdullah said at another point, the indictment states. Kuffar “is a highly derogatory term” used to describe non-Muslims, the document states.

Our Glorious Dark Overlord’s NewSpeak Math Has Saved and or “Created” Thousands of New Jobs

29 October, 2009

“Reading out the figures in a shrill, rapid voice, he proved to them in detail that they had more oats, more hay, more turnips than they had had in Jones’s day, that they worked shorter hours, that their drinking water was of better quality, that they lived longer, that a larger proportion of their young ones survived infancy, and that they had more straw in their stalls and suffered less from fleas.”
– George Orwell, Animal Farm, Ch. 9

Gee, like we didn’t see that one coming:

Stimulus jobs overstated by thousands
Oct 29, 2009 – via my way news

WASHINGTON (AP) – An early progress report on President Barack Obama’s economic recovery plan overstates by thousands the number of jobs created or saved through the stimulus program, a mistake that White House officials promise will be corrected in future reports.

The government’s first accounting of jobs tied to the $787 billion stimulus program claimed more than 30,000 positions paid for with recovery money. But that figure is overstated by least 5,000 jobs, according to an Associated Press review of a sample of stimulus contracts.

The AP review found some counts were more than 10 times as high as the actual number of jobs; some jobs credited to the stimulus program were counted two and sometimes more than four times; and other jobs were credited to stimulus spending when none was produced.


CLICK HERE to continue reading as they break down Obama’s NewSpeak Math  for you