Archive for the ‘Norway’ category

The Nobel Committee Has Hung an Albatross Around Obama’s Neck

11 October, 2009

Thought for the day:

If Obama truly believed that he didn’t deserve the Nobel Peace Prize, he would have refused it, wouldn’t he?

O’s albatross
Misguided Nobel will weigh on rest of his presidency

October 11, 2009

Americans were justifiably proud last week of their many Nobel Prize winners. Eight of the nine honorees in physics, chemistry and medicine were US citizens, some native-born, some naturalized, a near total American sweep. And their achievements were glorious: better understanding how DNA works, the basis for enormous medical progress; developing fiber-optic cable, revolutionizing global communications; and advances in cell biology, with enormous implications for treating cancer. In each case, these breakthroughs, some made as long as 20 years ago, have proven themselves beyond the laboratory, and already made enormous real-world differences.

Next to these marvels, how to explain the Nobel Peace Prize, the most prestigious of all, to President Barack Obama, in office less than nine months?

The Nobel Prize web site says the awards recognize “extraordinary achievements,” but the Obama citation refers only to his “extraordinary efforts,” a dramatic contrast. Accordingly, President Obama was gracious and humble in his remarks after the award, but he would have done better to decline the award entirely, and invite consideration only after he fashioned a real record of achievement.

Unfortunately, this year’s Peace Prize follows a decades-long series of politicized decisions by the Norwegian Nobel committee. The committee has repeatedly rewarded its ideological brethren, the common theme being a desire to produce a more modest role for the United States in world affairs, and a larger role for multilateral organizations, or, as some describe it, “global governance.”


Muzzies Try to Ban Alcohol in Norway

19 September, 2008

Yeah, this is how Muzzies integrate into society by forcing everyone to conform to Islam…

Norway: Alcohol as an obstacle for integration
Europe News

The International Health and Social Group (IHSG) is arranging an evening at the Central Jammat-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat mosque in Oslo on Sep. 24th. The theme of the evening is alcohol policy in an inclusive perspective.

“In Norwegian culture is almost provocative not to drink alcohol. Norway is a multicultural society. Are all groups really included? Muslims make up a large part of the population in Norway, but how does society enable social inclusion?”

“What’s so provocative about our drinking?”

“It’s provocative that people aren’t part of the group. When somebody sits there and is completely sober and all others are drinking, there’s pressure to drink. ‘Are you afraid of your parents? Are you a coward who doesn’t dare try it?’ are typical questions,” says Fahim Naeem of IHSG to

Muslims are not allowed to partake of alcohol in any way, and most Norwegian are aware of this, he thinks.

“In the invitation to this evening Norwegian alcohol habits are portrayed as an obstacle for the integration of Muslims. What do you mean by that?”

“For Muslim youth it’s a restriction. We see that it can be hard for them, as most Muslims don’t drink. but if moderate amounts are drunk around them, it’s good. The problem is that many become a little insistent and the Muslim youth will feel a little uneasy,” he says.

It’s not a state secret that many Muslims drink alcohol on par with other Norwegians. Naeem recognizes that, but says it’s completely forbidden.

“They get problems at home, if they’re discovered.”

“But can’t it be part of integration that Muslims go out to town to dance and enjoy themselves – also with a couple of beers?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“Integration takes place also during leisure time, in the city, out on the town and in cafes. How can people solve this problem?

“Muslims want to have alcohol free days in discos. There should be some days when people can go to restaurants and discos where there’s a total ban on alcohol,” says Naeem.

Hege Storhaug of Human Rights Service rejects such a proposal. ”

“All the time they have special rules, and we reject special requirements. We get a split up society and Islam get more place in the public sphere. people force religious opinions on others. In the most extreme consequence it leads to the Islamization of society,” says Storhaug to

“All the time it’s Muslims who come with special requirements. We never hear a peep from Catholics, Jews, Hindus etc.”


Norway, Sweden Arrest 6 on Suspicion of Financing Terrorist Organizations

28 February, 2008

By VOA News
28 February 2008

Swedish and Norwegian police have arrested six people on suspicion of financing terrorist organizations, in coordinated raids in Stockholm and Oslo.

Swedish police detained three suspects in Stockholm. All three men are Swedish citizens.  Norwegian authorities arrested three men in Oslo but did not release any information about them.

Norwegian news media reports say the suspects are of Somali origin.

Norway’s police intelligence agency (PST) said the agency would seek permission to hold at least one of the suspects in custody.

Last month, the agency said violence by Islamic extremists would pose a significant challenge to Norway’s security in the coming years, partly due to the country’s participation in NATO-led peacekeeping operations in Afghanistan.

Norway has about 500 soldiers in Afghanistan.