Archive for the ‘Zimbabwe’ category

Zimbabwe Farmer Begs Obama to Stop Mugabe Land Grab

11 October, 2009

Fat chance of that, bucko!  Or, have you forgotten how Obama helped to put Mugabe and his thugs in power?   And, even after destroying Zimbabwe, Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize…

Zimbabwe farmer Ben Freeth begs Barack Obama to stop Robert Mugabe land grab
Times Online – 11 October, 2009

A British farmer who stood up to Robert Mugabe and was beaten, abducted and finally had his house burnt down has travelled to Washington to ask the Obama administration to put pressure on the Zimbabwe government before it seizes the last remaining white farms.

Ben Freeth, who moved to Zimbabwe from Kent, joined his father-in-law Mike Campbell in taking Mugabe to an international court to stop the farm seizures. Their secret footage of the campaign of intimidation launched against them will form part of a film to be released in London this month.

A Southern African Development Community (SADC) tribunal in Namibia ruled last November that the farm seizures were illegal and ordered Zimbabwe’s government to pay costs. Within a month President Robert Mugabe’s regime had sent thugs to set fire to both men’s farms while they were at church, destroying everything they owned as well as the homes of their workers.

In June the tribunal ruled that Zimbabwe was in contempt of court. Far from respecting the decision, a leaked document published in The Zimbabwe Times last week revealed that Mugabe plans to expel all the remaining white farmers and seize their land.

The land seizures were expected to stop when the former opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai became prime minister last year after agreeing a peace deal with Mugabe. Tsvangirai, originally backed by white farmers, was even considered a candidate for this year’s Nobel peace prize.

Freeth said he had written four times to Tsvangirai but his letters were never acknowledged. Although the main levers of power such as the army, police and justice ministry have remained in Mugabe’s hands, Freeth insists that “Tsvangirai could at least be calling for action. He doesn’t seem interested in doing anything to get the rule of law respected”.

In desperation he decided to take his case to Washington. He spent Friday on Capitol Hill telling his story to legislators and hopes to meet Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, this week.

“The United States is the biggest bilateral donor to Zimbabwe and it’s really important that they put pressure on the government to ensure the court judgment is respected,” he said.

Last year the United States provided $900m in humanitarian assistance to Zimbabwe, but Barack Obama has made clear his frustration at Mugabe remaining in power.

[LOL!  Yeah, r-i-i-i-ght!  As if we are all stupid enough to actually believe that line of political BS.]


Zimbabwe cancels Christmas

23 December, 2008

This article is not just a sad story about another African nation with a failed infrastructure ruled by a ruthless thug. Its main purpose is to discredit Christianity. The implication here is God himself has abandoned his flock. Keep reading and ask yourself if God abandoned them or of this is the result of evil men willing to ruin everything and everyone for personal profit and gain.

IRIN, 23 December, 2008, Spero News
Max Mnkandla, a political commentator, said the priorities of Zimbabweans were the basics of survival
“Christmas is cancelled this year in Zimbabwe,” Thabiso Nxumalo, 44, said. His wry remark reflected the almost complete absence of any festive season preparations in the predominately Christian country.

Surviving disease, hunger and the world’s highest ever recorded hyperinflation rate has eclipsed any celebration of one of Christianity’s most important calendar events.

“This year’s Christmas will be recorded as the worst in living memory for Zimbabweans; it will be the worst ever since independence [from Britain in 1980]” said Bulawayo resident Buhlebenkosi Sibanda, 46.

“There is no Christmas to talk of this year – there are no goods in the shops, cash is not available at the banks and people are dying of cholera in their hundreds, and while this is happening President [Robert] Mugabe and MDC [Movement for Democratic Change] leader Morgan Tsvangirai are failing to reach an agreement in forming a government. What they are doing to us is a crime against humanity,” she said.
-No mention of just who “they” refers to but I am sure it is not humanity creator. History has been one endless struggle of good vs evil. Men need to learn freedom comes from fighting for it not from submitting to the will of evil men.

About 5.5 million people require emergency food aid, a cholera outbreak – yet to be contained – has killed more than 1,000 people, and independent economists estimate annual inflation is in the trillions of percent.

A Z$10 billion (US$20) note was issued on 19 December, although the goods that are available are now generally sold in foreign currency.

“The government has cancelled this year’s Christmas. How do you celebrate this day when you have nothing to eat? This year’s Christmas is for the rich, who can afford to buy from the many foreign currency shops in the country,” Nxumalo said. (more…)

Mugabe’s Thugs Chop of the hand of Opponent’s wife, and then Burn Her Alive!

12 June, 2008

See!  I told you Mugabe is preparing for a genocide.  This is just another check-mark on the pre-genocide list.  Also, today’s issue of Josheph Farah’s G2 bulletin has uncovered Mugabe’s links to al-Qaeda:

Robert Mugabe’s militia burn opponent’s wife alive

June 12, 2008
Times Online
Jan Raath in Mhondoro

The men who pulled up in three white pickup trucks were looking for Patson Chipiro, head of the Zimbabwean opposition party in Mhondoro district. His wife, Dadirai, told them he was in Harare but would be back later in the day, and the men departed.

An hour later they were back. They grabbed Mrs Chipiro and chopped off one of her hands and both her feet. Then they threw her into her hut, locked the door and threw a petrol bomb through the window.

The killing last Friday – one of the most grotesque atrocities committed by Robert Mugabe’s regime since independence in 1980 – was carried out on a wave of worsening brutality before the run-off presidential elections in just over two weeks. It echoed the activities of Foday Sankoh, the rebel leader in the Sierra Leone civil war that ended in 2002, whose trade-mark was to chop off hands and feet.

Mrs Chipiro, 45, a former pre-school teacher, was the second wife of a junior official of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) burnt alive last Friday by Zanu (PF) militiamen. Pamela Pasvani, the 21-year-old pregnant wife of a local councillor in Harare, did not suffer mutilation but died later of her burns; his six-year-old son perished in the flames.

Yesterday about 70 local MDC supporters gathered in Mr Chipiro’s small yard in Mhondoro, 90 miles south of Harare, to protect him. Inside the hut where his wife of 29 years died, women sang softly to a subdued drum beat next to the cheap wooden coffin. The thatched roof had been destroyed in the fire so they sat under the open sky. The lid could not be closed because Mrs Chipiro’s outstretched arm had burnt rigid. Her charred hand was found as women swept the hut.

Mr Chipiro, 51, a small, determined man, arrived from Harare on Friday afternoon to find his three brick huts ablaze. “I was trying to put the fire out,” he said. “I thought my wife was hiding in the bushes.”

His four-year-old nephew, Admire, heard him calling her. “He ran to me. He said, ‘Auntie has been beaten and they threw her in the fire’.”

Bright Matonga, the Deputy Information Minister and the MP for the area, lives just over a mile away. There is also a Zanu (PF) youth militia camp near by. Mr Matonga routinely blames the violence – in which nearly 70 people have died and 25,000 have been left homeless since the elections on March 29 – on Britain and the United States. He claims that they pay the MDC to put on Zanu party regalia and attack Mr Mugabe’s opponents.

When Mr Chipiro went to the police, they refused to give him an official crime incident report. They fetched the body at about 10pm, he said. A post-mortem examination was carried out at St Michael’s Catholic mission hospital. At first police gave Mr Chipiro a report that left out the causes of death. An officer intervened and produced an authentic report.

The report said that seven men assaulted Mrs Chipiro “before dragging her in one of the houses and set all three houses on fire”. It said that the body showed “signs of assault since all hands and legs were broken”. The doctor who carried out the post-mortem described the cause of death as haemorrhaging and severe burns. “These youths are taught cruelty,” Mr Chipiro said. “They get used to murdering. They enjoy murdering. They are doing it for money.”

He said that thugs returned for him two nights ago but fled when they saw his supporters. “I am very frightened,” he said. “They want to kill me. But I have no alternative. My presence here as a leader is very important. If I leave, everyone else will leave. I intend to fight the battle, from here.”

Mugabe’s Muslim Thugs Raid Christian Offices

11 June, 2008

Well, let’s see; Zimbabwe’s Muslim President, Robert Mugabe, has expelled ALL gays and now is cracking down on Christians… I smell genocide in the air…

Zimbabwe Police Raid Christian Offices
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
By Michelle A. Vu, Christian Post Reporter

Police raided Zimbabwe Christian Alliance offices on Monday and arrested five staff members for interrogation, the group reported.

Morgan Tsvangirai, leader of the main opposition party in Zimbabwe is questioned by police, during his ‘meet the people’ campaign in Nkayi near Bulawayo, Saturday, June, 7, 2008. Tsvangirai faces President Robert Mugabe in a crucial presidential run off set for June 27.

The raid was performed by Zimbabwe’s riot police, which are well-known loyalist to President Robert Mugabe. ZCA claims that at least one of its staffs was assaulted before its workers were taken to the Harare Central Police station for questioning.

“This is pure harassment of church organizations,” Useni Sibanda, national coordinator for ZCA, declared in a statement. “We are just doing our usual work and we don’t understand why we should be attacked by riot police like this.”

During the raid police confiscated papers including the March edition of the ZCA newsletter.

There is no charge against the ZCA staff members as of Monday afternoon, but a lawyer from Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights is in Harare ready to represent those detained.

In March, the Zimbabwe church group had mobilized Christians to turn out to vote in the March 29 presidential election.

Although ZCA had said it did not promote a specific candidate, it is understood that the group was challenging Mugabe’s intimidation tactics that was aimed at keeping the supporters of his opponents at home.

“We have been seeing more and more intimidation, much of it aggressive, against our church partner organizations,” says Karyn Beattie, Tearfund’s Zimbabwe disaster management advisor. “However, church leaders and volunteers will continue to help the poorest in society.”
