News Link Viewer

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1,364 Comments on “News Link Viewer”

  1. Gonzo Says:

    What do you get when you mix a white killer of an apparent Mexican pedo rapist caught in the act?
    A liberal whiner bitchin about criminal rights.
    (BTW, Mexico suffers immeasurably from pedos. It seems to be as much a cultural issue there as it is in islam).

    • Another lovely example of Muzzies putting Islam above personal safety while forcing their employers to submit to Sharia law. Yup, that pretty much sums it up.


  2. tgusa Says:

    Lefturd civil war. (Occutards vs. Oakland city council/other lefties)
    @The Jawa Report.

    The Swarm.

    From the link: America don’t stand for squat and by the way I have my second amendment rights!
    This is what idiocracy looks like.

  3. Saw these stories over the last 2 days thought you might be interested Dr B.

    Up to 27 million people living in slavery: US
    By Jo Biddle | AFP – 8 hrs ago

    And many of the countries are islamic… Gee so much for no slavery there….


    Military instructor suspended over Islam course
    Reuters – 10 hrs ago


    Saudi man executed for witchcraft
    Reuters – 3 hrs ago

    Wiccans & ‘traditionalists’ beware your next if sharia is the law in the USA

    And lastly…

    Here is a story that should have an award with a label like… “We’re not gonna take it ….anymore”

    Settlers suspected in West Bank mosque arson
    AFP – 1 hr 22 mins ago

  4. Gonzo Says:

    msnbc edits Romney video to completely alter content for the purpose of slandering Romney.

  5. Another victory for gay marriage…

    Former foe of gay marriage in California now favors unions
    Reuters – Sat, Jun 23, 2012


    Op-Ed Contributor A Reconciliation on Gay Marriage Twitter
    Published: February 21, 2009


    Op-Ed Contributor
    How My View on Gay Marriage Changed
    Published: June 22, 2012

  6. Gonzo Says:

    Forbes magazine is a well respect financial advising publication. Certainly not a haven for conspiracy theory type articles.
    So, when they say that your 2nd Amendment rights are in serious peril, it is high time to start listening quite intently.

  7. Gonzo Says:

    War on religion continues. Jail time for Constitutionally agreeable assembly simply to read the bible.

  8. Saw this in one of my emails. Thought you guys and gals might want to see how more desperate and perverted islam has become.

    Sodomy For the Sake of Islam
    by Raymond Ibrahim
    July 12, 2012 at 4:30 am



  9. Gonzo Says:

    Sharia law displayed in a fashion that any moron should now be able to understand.

  10. Gonzo Says:

    This is what happens to a moderate Imam that speaks, and works, against the radical islamists:

  11. Gonzo Says:

    Allen West defends himself, and us, against this CAIR pos, trying to blow sunshine up our butts. Good job Congressman.

  12. Gonzo Says:

    Obama trying to reverse injunction against his abomination that allows the feds to hold citizens indefinately for “supporting” terrorist in any way. Of course, since he has declared supporters of 3rd party candidates, pro-lifers, and those who wish to uphold the Constitution as potential terrorists, one wonders if his statement, “just trust me on this”, is the biggest oxymoron ever.

  13. Gonzo Says:

    Why does the national weather service need to buy bullets?
    And why hollow points?

    • From what I can tell, it looks to be a clerical error. The paperwork was suppose to say that the ammo was going to the NOAA Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement. They use them for target training and qualification about twice a year. Of course, why they would want to shoot fish is beyond me. 😉


  14. tgusa Says:

    Question; Why does the WWII extermination of large numbers of European jews through gassings in supposed showers offend muslims? Wasn’t WWII enough of a lesson?

    At some point I have to believe that the sane in Britain will begin to come forward and say, not in my name you don’t you Hitler glorifying rats.

  15. tgusa Says:

    The war at home, it’s not your fathers war.
    DC goes muslim.

    Do not disagree with us or we’ll keel you!

    Meanwhile. “Muslim groups have a prominent role at the upcoming Democratic National Convention in Charlotte.”

    Having failed at suppressing the tailban its time to turn attention to American taxpayers. I guess the question is, are Americans as capable as the taliban?

  16. Why Christians can’t stay in muzzie countries…

    Christian Girl 11yo Could Face Death in Pakistan for ‘Blasphemy’
    By MUHAMMAD LILA | ABC News – 18 hrs ago..


    Pakistan girl jailed, accused of blasphemy
    By REBECCA SANTANA | Associated Press – 20 hrs ago..


    Islamabad Christians afraid after blasphemy arrest
    By Guillaume Lavallee and Khurram Shahzad | AFP – 10 hrs ago..


    Christian group to hold conference on Pakistan blasphemy law
    By Robert Evans | Reuters – 20 hrs ago..


    Pakistani girl accused of blasphemy traumatised: activist
    By Aisha Chowdhry | Reuters – 1 hr 6 mins ago..

  17. Gonzo Says:

    Bulldog, et all, you simply HAVE to read this:

    Why the Obamas are no longer licensed lawyers:

    • Thanks, Gonzo. It’s a very compelling article.

      Of course, it’s extremely hard to separate the truth from the fiction as Obama’s sycophants routinely cover up for him. We probably won’t know the complete story until long after Obama is out of office.

      So, in doing some research on your linked article, I take it with a grain of salt when James Grogan, deputy administrator and chief counsel for the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission (the organization linked to in the article), denies the allegations by saying Michelle and Barack were “never the subject of any public disciplinary proceedings.”

      If you really analyze what James Grogan said, he said that they weren’t the “subject of any PUBLIC disciplinary proceedings.” I find that to be somewhat odd. Why use the word “public” when “never the subject of disciplinary proceedings” is the correct answer one would give if one were not trying to hide something with lawyer-speak?

      In parsing Mr. Grogan’s statement, it seems to me that the Obamas were, in fact, the subject of *private* disciplinary proceedings…

      Yup, another Obama sycophant covering up for Our Dark Overlord.


      P.S. – Sorry for the late reply, I’ve been awfully busy lately and am way behind on my blog duties.

  18. “And theres good news tonight!”

    Pakistan police arrest Christian girls accuser
    Associated Press – 39 mins ago

  19. tgusa Says:

    Black democrat; Republicans (aka white guys) will bring back segregation. Democrats are already segregated, every one of their groups living separate lives, calling for their own country. I’m confused.
    Black democrats think they are better judges of whites than whites are of other whites but whites have been spotting and segregating the rats among them for generations. Whitey wants segregation and if you are on their side you are an uncle Tom, acting white, etc. John Lewis knows white people better than white people understand each other, he’s majorly wise, well, perhaps just generally stupid.

    John Judas Lewis; I remember when I walked through a sea of racist Tea Partiers, and survived! Lewis is just like a white klansman, only black. Before you begin playing the moral compass for me, police up your own neighborhoods John.

  20. Gonzo Says:

    Orwell rolls over in his grave.
    Next up, RFID injection at birth.

  21. Gonzo Says:

    Holder upholds obummers “property seizure for no reason” law.

  22. Pete Says:

    Obama can’t be serious – can he? Transfer the person responsible for the first WTC bombing back to freedom in Egypt. Didn’t he see what happened when the English sent the Lockerbie bomber back to Libya? This has not just been reported here but in numerous other places.

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