News Link Viewer

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1,364 Comments on “News Link Viewer”

  1. Ciccio Says:

    It was in the Washington examiner and I have lost it. An editorial on same sex marriage in California. The writer raised a point I have never heard mentioned before, the very best I have ever heard. She states that same sex marriage is impossible ( I think that was the heading) because the law, as it stands today states that a marriage can be annulled if it is not consumated.Can you just see the argument in court? He was supposed to do it! No ! He was !

  2. Gonzo Says:

    How much do you know about what is happening in Syria?
    Probably not much, as the media is on a gag order not to report about it. Are you aware that the Muslim Brotherhood has been in Syria since 1930, and is the main source of terrorism in that country? Did you know that they are slaughtering civilians left and right in Syria- including the beheading of children?

    I know people there. I read a recent post by a camera-man who states that Syria is not undergoing a war. It is undergoing a slaughter – and chiefly of innocents at the hands of radicals.

    This is the true face of jihad.
    This is the historical face of jihad.
    This is the real way that the political system of islam spreads. Not by peace and acceptance, but by bloody violence, turning streets in to rivers of crimson islamic glory.

    May those who behead children be damned to hell, forever.

  3. Gonzo Says:

    It would appear that the Whitehouse Ready Room had full knowledge of the planned terrorist attack of the consulate in Lybia, and offered the American personnel there NOTHING by way of support. Obama/the Whitehouse knew that American soil in Lybia was under attack and did nothing, opting instead to further his, and the UN’s, agenda to make illegal criticism of islam. Obama is not POTUS, he is POS.

  4. Gonzo Says:

    You know that speculation that all those millions and millions of stacked containers at FEMA sites might be coffins, or containers for emergency supplies? – turns out, coffins:

  5. Gonzo Says:

    purportedly, obama is not only a pacifist to our enemies, he aids them. Which is precisely indictable via the treason Act.

  6. Gonzo Says:

    So much for solar power being a pipe dream that could never be used realistically. (Anyone getting tired of being lied to yet? – by both sides)

  7. Gonzo Says:

    James Carville, democrat propagandist extraordinaire, admits in his book that 80% of democrats are clueless and easily exploited.

  8. tgusa Says:

    Colorado Springs bans Salvation Army panhandlers from public areas.
    Gateway Pundit.

    An unnamed ufficial was overheard saying, there’s only room for one group of panhandlers in our city, and that’s us.

  9. tgusa Says:

    A real hicken-looper going down in Colorado. In the recent election Colorado citizens voted to legalize pot but democrat pols are not having any of it. Therefore they have announced the formation of Task force MaryJane.
    The people have spoken, this is an outrage! An outrage I tell ya!

  10. Gonzo Says:

    Conservatives need to believe in themselves.

  11. Gonzo Says:

    Yes, I do get it.
    Autozone does not want customers coming in and seeing their workers with guns hangin outta their pants. (Although personally I would feel safer myself, but the liberal mantra is effective against most sheeple). But clearly the policy is not about trained-in-the-military employees saving their fellow human beings from scum of the earth. Gee Autozone, have you considered how having your businesses constantly encroached by armed thugs might effect potential business?

  12. Gonzo Says:

    Helps make sense of it all

  13. A interesting article about how atheists are treated…

    Atheists around world suffer persecution, discrimination: report
    By Robert Evans | Reuters – 3 hrs ago.

    Of course those poor (in)humanists are executed in moslem controled countries. While the rest of us simply ignore em or respond to their skepticism with information and not mere opinions.

  14. Gonzo Says:

    Why is it that Democrats can engage in hate speech, make threats, and even solicit violence, and the same liberals that get the least bit of offended when a Republican even mentions gun rights, suddenly becomes all glarey-eyed and mum?

    Geiss pretty much threatened violence on members of Michigan State Congress.

  15. Gonzo Says:

    Leftist news personality goes off on tirade about wanting to take religion out of Christmas. Apparently, the religious holiday is great for her, but for the religious part. And the communist drum beat continues.

  16. Gonzo Says:

    Like I said, the States are our next battleground against federal tyranny.

  17. Gonzo Says:

    I guess Obama feels that the Nuremberg Code (put in place after the Nazi atrocities were fully exposed) is beneath him too.
    Lets just test Anthrax Vax on kids, for no other reason than to see what happens – just like the Nazi’s did.

  18. Gonzo Says:

    What really happened in Newtown?

    • Big Frank Says:

      Questions, how dare anyone ask questions, we have been given the ‘official’ version by the ‘Ministry Of Truth and Propaganda’ and the MSM (i. e. The Government Media Complex).

  19. Gonzo Says:

    and the world is silent (Warning: exceptionally graphic)

    • Big Frank Says:

      Just another ordinary day in the 1400+ yr. pogrom to eliminate Christians and other Infidels. Where may I ask is the outcry from the pompous blowhards in the useless UN and the International Criminal (kangaroo) Court in the Hague for ‘crimes against humanity’. As usual the ‘followers of the teachings of the prophet’ get a pass.

    • Gonzo Says:

      sorry. this one may be a hoax. I usually vet these better but was w/o caffeine yet. 🙂

  20. Gonzo Says:

    Remember the first Arab Spring in Egypt?
    Remember how the media spoke of it often?
    Remember how conservatives warned against the Muslim Brotherhood and how the Left criticized that warning as being fear mongering?
    Remember the coverage in the media for the new Arab Spring, Part II going on in Egypt right now? – no? What, no concession from the Left that we were right to link the Muslim Brotherhood to terrorism? No coverage for all the raping and beatings of the new protestors?

  21. More news from the muzzies:

    Islamist rebels torch Timbuktu manuscript library: mayor
    Reuters – 5 hrs ago.

    McDonalds settles Mich suit over Islamic diet
    By JEFF KAROUB | Associated Press – 2 hrs 25 mins ago.

  22. tgusa Says:

    Hanoi Juan’s comprehensive destabilization of America bill here at Free Republic.

    We would all be better off today if John had made the ultimate sacrifice back in Vietnam.

    More than anything I just want to go somewhere where I can understand my neighbors and we share a similar philosophy. If I wanted to live in Mexico Juan, I’d move there!!!

  23. tgusa Says:

    Bloomberg gang stalks Jason Mattera.

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