Archive for 3 February, 2007

Pakistani girl wants her rapists hanged

3 February, 2007

There is no “allegedly” or justice here. This is common in the Ummah. You ever wonder why all the Muslim women dress like they do and are scarred to leave? They have been hurt and badly, they are slaves to dominant men. These arrests are for show, these animals will walk off with a wink and a nod.

2/3/2007 Ummah News links.
HABIB LABANO, Pakistan – A 16-year-old Pakistani girl who was allegedly raped and forced to walk naked through a village in southern Sindh province wants her attackers to be hanged.
“I have little hope of getting justice. But I want to see those who defiled me hanged,” said the girl (name withheld) as she lay on her charpoy, a rope bed at her one-room home in Habib Labano village, 550km northeast of Karachi.
“I haven’t been able to move from my bed out of shame and pain. I want to see these people pay,” she said, tugging a frayed brown head scarf to half cover her face.
The men accused of raping the girl were allegedly exacting retribution because one of her relatives had eloped with a woman from their family.
The Governor of the Sindh province has ordered an inquiry into the alleged rape and police have arrested six of the 11 accused.
The National Assembly’s committee on human rights and law has also ordered an inquiry.
The father of the victim said he was being harrassed by influential people to drop the case and reach a settlement through the village council.
“I want justice for my poor girl. If I don’t get that I will go to the Supreme Court and set myself on fire,” said the man, a poor labourer, weeping in the courtyard of his mud-walled home.
Honour crimes are prevalent in rural Pakistan where families still enforce age-old feudal customs and forcibly marry, rape, kill and dishonour women in revenge for a perceived slur on their family’s honour.

New Islamic University Opens in Minneapolis

3 February, 2007

Just in case any of you are up for higher education. I’d bet you could get a cushy Government job translating things from Arabic to English.

Hiiraan Online 2/3/2007
MINNEAPOLIS, MN – So, you want to learn Islam and Arabic without leaving the Twin Cities?
That might be possible with the newly launched Islamic University of Minnesota. So far, about 160 students have registered this spring for courses at $150 each. They will learn everything from the basics of Islam to the Quran to the Arabic language.
The campus, at 2534 Central Ave. N.E., is in the heart of a sprawling Muslim community, where shops with Arabic signs dot the neighborhood.
Founders say the timing couldn’t be better. The state has recently been a flashpoint for cultural conflict involving Muslims, whose faith remains a mystery to most.
Sitting in his highly decorated office on the third floor of an aging building the university shares with a mosque, co-founder and president Dr. Farok Hamod Samara’i explains the mission. “We strive to teach moderation and objectivity in Islam through an academic setting,” he said, as he sipped a leafy Arabic tea.
Why Minnesota? (more…)

British Muslims criticize media for anti-terror reporting (Again)

3 February, 2007

3 February, 2007 (AFP)
Muslim leaders in the British city of Birmingham rounded on the media after nine men were arrested in anti-terror raids on suspicion of an “Iraq-style” plot to kidnap and behead a Muslim soldier.
-Which upset them the target was a Muslim or that it failed?
Speakers at the meeting at Birmingham Central Mosque called for fairness in the way the arrests were reported and for gagging orders to be placed on the names of those detained.
-Yeah just like everyone else, at least that is what they meant to say-treat us like every one else, yeppers that’s what they meant.
Strict British contempt of court laws theoretically prevent the publication of anything that could seriously prejudice any future trial and police do not routinely disclose the names of people detained.
-well I get that-head chopping is sort of a routine for some Muslims.
But in common with other high-profile cases, a number of individuals have been identified in the media as well as details of the alleged plot from unnamed security sources.
-I would think the source could be a Muslim police officer but that’s just silly Islamophobia talk.
Businessman Tariq Mahmood, from the predominantly Muslim Alum Rock area of the city where several of the raids took place, said: “There is no evidence that we know of, but pure speculation, statements from the home secretary, houses raided and the media frenzy.
-naturally the police always release all evidence. They do that right?
“The media will go away, the police will move on but we will feel the effects of this farce for years to come.”
-Ok, he is right about that. They do have your number buddy boy and they really are watching you.
Imran Waheed, from the Islamist Hizb ut-Tahrir party, added: “The brothers who have been arrested are innocent until such event a just conviction is secured. At the moment, we have sensationalist reporting and trial by media.”
-mindless we are victims speak.
Moazzam Begg, a British former Guantanamo Bay detainee, was also angry at the media coverage.
“I hope that when the truth manifests itself that, metaphorically, heads will roll with the people who put out these stories in the first place,” he told the audience.
-looks like this time it will be Muslim heads
Detectives, who have denied the leaks came from them, continue to question the nine suspects at a high-security police station in Coventry, about 25 miles (40 kilometres) south of Birmingham, in west central England.
-nice way to tell them where they are
The men, all Britons of Pakistani origin, can be held up to 28 days without charge, subject to regular court extensions.
-What and I thought they were always “Asians”

Arizona Representative considers patriots as “domestic terrorists”

3 February, 2007

How do idiots like this get into office? America was founded by rugged individualists capable of self-defense when it was required. Early American’s could not wait for Police protection to arrive and I would argue most of us can not wait now. Let me work this out for our misguided Representative. Terrorists work outside the law. These organized citizen groups work within legal restraints. The Minutemen do not ambush the police, they go to places the police can not go or that they are scared to go. They do not kill innocents, terrorists do. They do not work outside the law they follow legal guidelines and carry licensed and registered weapons. This woman is a traitor to her nation and the people she was elected to serve. Patrolling private property and calling the police when you see a suspicious act is no different than seeing a crime being committed on public property and calling the police. Is this idiot going to outlaw calling the police if you see a rapist attack some one in a city park? I think she is hopeful she can pass this and a member of a citizen group will resist Police efforts to arrest him or her. She wants a Police officer injured to prove her theory that concerned citizens are a bigger threat than a wide-open unprotected border. You people in Arizona had best pull your heads out of your fourth point of contact. You put her into office and you can vote her outstrong>

By Douglas J. Hagmann Northeast Intelligence Network
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Arizona House of Representative Kyrsten Sinema (District 15, Phoenix) is proposing legislation that would revise an Arizona criminal statute that would make felons out of patriots, and classify groups such as the Minutemen, Guardian Angels or anyone daring to voluntarily identify and report illegal activity in her state as “domestic terrorists” and worthy of a 6-month minimum stint in prison.
Sinema, who has failed to return my calls for comments about her proposed legislation, is sponsoring HB 2286 that would amend Arizona Title13, Chapter 23, section 13-2301 and adding section 13-2320 that states, in part:
“An individual or group of individuals commits domestic terrorism if the individual or group of individuals are not affiliated with a local, state or federal law enforcement entity and associate with another individual or group of individuals as an organization, group, corporation or company for the purpose of patrolling to detect alleged illegal activity or to individually patrol for the purpose of detecting alleged illegal activity and if the individual or group of individuals is armed with a firearm or other weapon.” (more…)

Pakistan refuses to hand over Terror suspect to Britain

3 February, 2007

Looks like Pakistan is worried that he will implicate them.

3 February, 2007 IRNA
Pakistan has refused to hand over to British authorities a suspect of the alleged plot to bomb UK aircraft in August 2006, a senior official said on Wednesday.
Rashid Rauf, a dual citizen of Britain and Pakistan, was arrested in Pakistan in August last year a day before the arrests were made in Britain.
Pakistan has turned down a request from the British authorities to hand over Rashid Rauf, Geo television quoted Interior Secretary Syed Kamal Shah as saying.
Shah has reportedly said that Rashid Rauf is under trial in Pakistan and cannot be handed over to Britain unless the
investigations are completed.
In December 2006 the anti-terrorism court in Rawalpindi found no evidence that he had been involved in terrorist activities, and his charges were downgraded to forgery and possession of explosives.
Rauf has denied all terror charges in court.
One of Rauf’s brothers, Tayib Rauf, was among those arrested in Britain, although he was later released without charges.
U.S. and British officials have claimed Rashid Rauf had a key operational role in the alleged plot.
In Pakistan, law enforcement authorities continued to interrogate Rashid Rauf over his alleged key role in the plot.