Archive for 12 February, 2007

Not over ’til it’s over.

12 February, 2007

Like the cockroaches jihadi will never die out. Another one is always hiding somewhere dark ready to come out and spread more Islamic disease.

Hundreds flee Mogadishu
February 13, 2007
HUNDREDS of people fled the Somali capital today after two people were killed in a barrage of rocket attacks and guerrilla-style raids, which authorities blamed on Islamists who were driven from power last December.
Heavy shelling, which began in the early morning, resumed in the late evening in several Mogadishu neighbourhoods, including near the Villa Somalia residence of President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed in the south of the city, an AFP reporter said.

At least two people were killed in the early attacks that demolished residential houses, while at least one person was injured in the latest onslaught, according to witnesses.

“Artillery shells have landed in a house that is close to mine. One person was wounded in the attack,” Mohamed Dahir, a resident of Hamarbile in southern Mogadishu told AFP.

He said other residents had left their homes fearing further attacks.

Somali Trade Minister Afrah Mohamed meanwhile said his home had been targeted.

“Some gunmen have attacked my house. They fired grenades and opened fire, but luckily nobody was injured at my place and the gunmen fled,” he said. (more…)

Only nuclear bomb can stop Israeli digging, Egypt MP says

12 February, 2007

Now things like this make me want to ask our politicians just why we give aid to these peace-loving Egyptians. A temple to a demon loving pedophile means more to you than millions of Jewish citizens. Nice, going NDP show us your real side. We are watching you.
12 February, 2007
“That cursed Israel is trying to destroy al-Aqsa mosque…Nothing will work with Israel except for a nuclear bomb that wipes it out of existence.” Mohamed el-Katatny of President Hosni Mubarak’s National Democratic Party (NDP) told the Egyptian Parliament.
During the special parliamentary meeting, which was convened to discuss controversial renovations near the Mugrabi Gate in East Jerusalem, other members of el-Katatny’s party called to revoke Egypt’s 1979 peace treaty with Israel.
“The war with Israel is still ongoing whether we like it or not,” NDP legislator Khalifa Radwan said.
Mohamed Amer, another ruling party member, said: “What this (Israeli) gang is doing makes me demand that we trample over all the agreements we signed.”
The parliament has little say in national security issues or foreign policy, ultimately dictated by Mubarak who has rejected similar calls in the past.
Israeli leaders have stated that the works, meant to fortify an existing structure outside of the Temple Mount, are causing no damage to Al-Aqsa mosque and that Arab claims to the contrary are nothing more than incitement by extremists.
Last week, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said “There are irresponsible people, who know perfectly well that there is no damage being done to any holy site, who are abusing the Israeli democracy to incite religious sentiments for political gains.”
Nonetheless, Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupolianski suspended construction late Sunday night in response to recent Arab-Israeli protests and Israeli authorities said on Monday they would reconsider the planned construction work near the mosque.

Blogs are CentCom’s new target

12 February, 2007

I picked a good day to return, btw, I am back. I saw this and my only reaction was “it is about (CENSORED) time. I have posted many times on many different blogs the simple truth. The media and some bloggers are not unbiased. I say good for ol CENTCOM, it is about time someone tells your story. I still have friends in the box so I am careful as to what I say and when. The one constant is I want you to bring down the big hammer, no more MR nice Army, kick um, knock um down and kick um again. Godspeed and Charlie Mike.
By WILLIAM R. LEVESQUE, Times Staff Writer
Published February 12, 2007
TAMPA – It begins almost imperceptibly, one lonely posting on a blog. It says that U.S. soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan use candy to lure children so they can be used as human shields.
Patently untrue.
But in an age when the lines between traditional media and the blogosphere are blurred, a dark rumor can spread like a kindergarten virus, unchecked and unchallenged.
U.S. Central Command at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa is taking notice.
Since 2005, CentCom officials have jumped into the blogging fray, facing the realities of a new electronic age in hopes of combating misinformation on the Web, or just getting its own news out.
A three-person team monitors blogs – Internet journals with commentary from ordinary citizens and, often, links to news articles – that concentrate on CentCom’s area of responsibility, which includes Iraq and Afghanistan.
Team members contact blogs when inaccuracies or incomplete information is posted. They also ask bloggers if they can post a link to CentCom’s Web site, or they offer access to CentCom information and news releases.
In the case of the story about children being used as human shields, CentCom posted a comment to the blog pointing out the mistake.
“It lets CentCom get information about soldiers directly to the American people,” said Lt. Col. Matthew McLaughlin, a CentCom spokesman. “It allows us to bypass those traditional media business models that dictate what gets covered and what doesn’t. It’s not a story when a soldier does something that helps 50 people in Afghanistan.”
He said it isn’t about the media being biased. Instead, he said, CentCom recognizes that the media often has neither the time nor space to tell a complete story. (more…)