Archive for 19 February, 2007

“I will not let myself be scared into silence”

19 February, 2007

It looks like the Muslims are going to have a problem fooling this politician. Her mother was a Muslim she knows all the lies and from an insiders perspective. I wish her a long and productive career. If they would let masked American’s vote in Sweden, I vote for her.
19 February, 2007 (AP)
STOCKHOLM, Sweden – Sweden’s new integration minister dismissed allegations of “Islamophobia” by Muslim groups, and vowed Monday to defend the rights of women who are “oppressed in the name of religion.”
Nyamko Sabuni, 37, has irritated Muslim leaders by opposing religious schools and suggesting that all schools ban Islamic headscarves for girls younger than 15.
Nearly 50 Muslim organizations signed a petition opposing her appointment as integration minister, saying her views “breathe of populism and Islamophobia.” (more…)

Three more innocents killed in southern Thailand by murdering Muslims

19 February, 2007

Ok, first these were terror attacks conducted by terrorists and not insurgents. I have always been fascinated by the entire concept of give us what we want or we will destroy everything. This is naturally followed up by demands for aid because of poor living conditions. Here is an idea- you want change? Get an education, run for office and make a change which benefits mankind. Or worship a psychotic pedophile and use that as an excuse to kill people and break things. Oh, I almost forgot-don’t forget to call people who have a problem with it racists. Even though some of your own victims are fellow Muslims.
By Rungrawee C. Pinyorat, AP
19 February 2007
A series of bomb explosions last night rocked insurgency-plagued southern Thailand, killing three people and wounding 53 others, amid power blackouts and telephone cuts, military and police officers said.
In what were apparently coordinated attacks, suspected Muslim separatists struck in four provinces of the deep south, setting off at least 28 bombs at entertainment venues, power grids and commercial sites, said Col. Wichai Thongdaeng, a military spokesman.
Torching of schools, ambushes and other violent incidents were also reported by the military.
Police said that three Thais of Chinese descent – one man and two women – were gunned down in Pattani province in what was believed to be the act of the insurgents. The killings occurred as the Thai-Chinese community was celebrating the advent of the Chinese New Year Sunday.
In the bombings, two people were killed and 33 wounded, four of them seriously, in Yala province, while one person died and 20 were wounded in a tourist-frequented town in Narathiwat province, he said.
Two explosions tore through power stations in Pattani, causing blackouts in several areas of the province while two bombings were reported in Songkhla province. (more…)

66 dead in ‘friendship train’ blasts

19 February, 2007

Once again Muslim’s are working to ensure their world record for killing other Muslims stands firm. Was this a message meant for fellow Muslims, India or both? I do not have enough information to hazard a guess. It could simply be a chance for crazed Muslims to kill each other. I am sure somehow that Allah approved of all this. At least the old boy gets around well for a fictional figure. It is time for the riff raff to come out of the woodwork and claim this attack was carried out by Muslims who misunderstand Islam. Once the guilty are all captured they will claim all had mental problems. I also want to see their neighbors claim they were always good young men and no one knew they where psychotic lunatics. At least Muslim are consistent.

Bruce Loudon, South Asia correspondent
The Australian
February 20, 2007
At least 66 people were killed and many more injured after terror bomb blasts blamed on Islamic militants sent a ball of flame through the crowded passenger coaches of the India-Pakistan “Friendship Express” train.
The bomb attack, just after midnight yesterday morning, came hours before peace talks between the South Asian neighbours were due to resume in the Indian capital.
No one claimed immediate responsibility for the blast but terrorism experts said it bore striking similarities to last year’s co-ordinated bombings on the Mumbai train system, which killed more than 200 people and injured 800. Those blasts were blamed on the al-Qa’ida-linked Lashkar-e-Toiba, which is based in Pakistan.
There were also suggestions that yesterday’s blasts, which ripped through two coaches of the Friendship Express as it travelled through Deewana, 80km north of New Delhi, could be part of a concerted strategy by Islamic militants who, in the past fortnight, have detonated a series of suicide bombs across Pakistan to destabilise the Government.
Peace talks between India and Pakistan are due to reach a crucial stage in New Delhi today when Islamabad’s foreign minister, Khurshid Mahmood Kasuri, begins meetings with his Indian counterpart, Pranab Mukherjee.
High on the agenda is a so-called “joint anti-terrorism mechanism” between the two countries to pool information on terror groups such as Lashkar-e-Toiba. (more…)

Wilders stands by anti-Islam comments

19 February, 2007

I hope this guy has top-notch security. We all know the price of telling the truth.
Monday 19 February 2007
Anti-immigration MP Geert Wilders said on Sunday he had no intention of apologising to Saudi Arabia for recent comments he made about the Koran. A foreign affairs ministry spokesman told ANP there had been informal contacts from the Saudi ambassador to the Netherlands but no official complaint had been made.
‘Are they mad?,’ Wilders told ANP. ‘It is a scandal that a country without freedom of speech tries to teach me a lesson.’
In an interview with newspaper De Pers last week, Wilders said Moslims should tear out half of the Koran if they wanted to stay in the Netherlands. There were ‘enough terrible things’ in the book, Wilders said.
Outgoing foreign minister Ben Bot has said that he regretted Wilder’s statement, which was not good for the Netherlands’ reputation abroad.
On Saturday, Wilders told the Volkskrant that he was ‘not happy’ that there would soon be two Moslims in the cabinet. ‘I would rather there were not,’ he said.