Archive for 24 February, 2007

Liberals think ‘24 ’ foments anti-Arab hatred

24 February, 2007

Ok, first I do watch 24. I do so with the full realization the world just doesn’t work that way. It is entertainment’s version of the way the world should work. After six seasons’ even Muslim terrorists would have learned to say clear of LA and Jack Bauer. What I think the show does right is point out that you do not always have years to watch and work up a legal case against known or suspected terrorists. This is one reason the Military does not do law enforcement. In some cases it is simpler to hunt them down and kill them than to worry about a legal case. That said, our military holds itself to impossible standards and that has and will continue to cause us casualties. To be frank there are very few militaries in the world that would give medical treatment to a terrorist especially one that has just killed some of our own troops. The enemy has no rules we do and we are better for it. Our policy of strict Rules of Engagements both saves civilian casualties and causes our own. That few seconds of hesitation it takes to determine if the person in front of you is really a civilian or a terrorist attempting to mimic one can allow the terrorist the first shot. This happens to our troops daily, luckily for us most Muslims despite their highly touted training suck. They are not warriors they are thugs, hiding and cowering in dark corners to attack only from ambush. I have been to war and I can honestly say I have yet to meet one single Muslim warrior. The bottom line is we have never lost a single force on force engagement with Allah’s dogs and we probably never will.

By Jack G. Shaheen
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Fox-TV’s show “24” is giving a new twist to its old standby: anti-Arab and anti-Muslim themes. This time around, dark-complexioned Americans are the villains. Even the U.S. military is criticizing the show’s producers for the dangerous message it is sending to our troops.
–Notice the spin-anti Arab and anti Muslim. Most Muslims are not Arabs and I have yet to ever see anyone on 24 single out either group.

Now in its sixth season, “24” has super agent Jack Bauer yet again bringing down Arab-American and Muslim-American bad guys and, in effect, justifying the torture and killing of scores of them.
–So far this season his own brother and father are the key bad guys. Who knew jack Bauer was both a Muslim and an Arab? (more…)

Powerful Shiite Cleric Detained

24 February, 2007

As the article pointed out he was later released. He has since whined non-stop about how badly he was mistreated and they showed him no respect. I never did like cry babies. Anyway, this was clearly a message/warning the old rules are out the window. They can and will take him out of play if he continues his evil ways. If I had been there the young cleric might have tripped a few times up and down a flight of stairs but lucky for him our troops are better trained and more professional than I am.

February 23, 2007 (AP)
The young black-turbaned cleric detained for nearly 12 hours Friday by U.S. troops comes from one of Iraq’s most influential Shiite families and is being groomed for a major leadership role by his powerful father.
Amar al-Hakim, 35, was arrested along with his bodyguards about 9 a.m. shortly after he returned to Iraq from neighboring Iran. They were taken to a U.S. military facility in Kut, and the cleric was released about 8 p.m. The guards remained in custody, Shiite officials said.
Al-Hakim is being groomed by his father, Abdul-Aziz al-Hakim, as his successor at the helm of the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, or SCIRI, the country’s largest Shiite political party and a main coalition partner in the Shiite-led government.
Like his father, the younger al-Hakim has close ties to Shiite-led Iran, where he and his family spent many years in exile before they returned home after the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime in 2003.
SCIRI is believed to have the closest ties to Iran of any major Shiite political movement _ and ironically works closely with the Americans in Iraq. SCIRI was founded in Iran in 1982 by Iraqi Shiite exiles, and its armed wing fought alongside Iranian forces in the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq War.
Amar al-Hakim, the eldest of four children, studied at a Shiite seminary in the Iranian holy city of Qom. Since his return to Iraq, he often travels through the Shiite south and speaks at Shiite religious ceremonies.
He established a charity organization, the Foundation of the Martyr of the Altar, in memory of his uncle and father-in-law, Grand Ayatollah Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim, who was assassinated in a massive bombing in Najaf in August 2003.
An accomplished public speaker, Amar al-Hakim spends much of his time visiting economic development projects which his charity funds and speaking to Shiite social activists.
The 2003 assassination propelled Amar al-Hakim’s father into the leadership of SCIRI, continuing a long family tradition of leadership in the majority Shiite community.