Archive for 28 February, 2007

Israeli commandos kill senior militant

28 February, 2007

Posting will be light today but should resume tomorrow. I wanted something positive to post and this was it. Killing bad guys is something Israel does well. Fight fire with fire. Using the Muslim play book against them this was sneaky, cunning and apparently effective.

By Seif Dahleh in Jenin (AFP)
February 28, 2007
ISRAELI commandos disguised as Palestinians killed an Islamic Jihad commander and two militants in Jenin today during a crackdown in the north of the occupied West Bank.
Israel also relaunched a massive hunt for militants in Nablus, south of Jenin, sending around 100 jeeps and armoured vehicles in, just 24 hours after withdrawing from the West Bank’s second-largest city after a two-day siege.
The undercover force in Jenin opened fire on the car carrying the militants, killing Ashraf al-Saadi, 25, a senior Jihad leader in the West Bank, and Alaa Breiki, 26, Palestinian security sources said.
A third militant, Mohammad Abu Naasa, 22, was wounded in the shooting, but a soldier finished him off with a bullet to the head, witnesses said.
“The soldiers came to the car, opened the back door, saw that one of the guys was injured in the back. One of the soldiers took out his pistol and shot him in the head,” said one witness, declining to be named.
An Israeli security source said that “the two were instantly killed in a car. The third was wounded, stepped out of the car, opened fire at the soldiers and was shot down.”
After the shooting, around 30 army jeeps moved into Jenin’s refugee camp to carry out house-to-house searches for other militants.
Another Israeli security source said an undercover unit had gone to Jenin to arrest the three men, but “al-Saadi identified them and fired,” lightly wounding one soldier.
“The troops opened fire and killed them,” the source said, adding that the trio was “involved in planning and carrying out attacks against the army and planning suicide bombings.” (more…)